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Jun 15, 12 tweets

How To Playfully TEASE a Woman 😈

(Without Making Her Uncomfortable)

~ Female Psychology Explained ~

Check Thread 👇🏻

1. One of the easiest techniques is to Playfully Disagree/Disapprove


Smiling, laughing, playful, fun, light-hearted, a little silly / goofy

This is a great way to provoke more emotion into the interaction

2. Treat her like a child by hugging her and saying stuff similar to:

• "Aww that is just so cute!"

• "Aww, you're so cute when you do things like that, you are simply adorable!"

• "I think you need a timeout! Don't make me spank you, young lady!"

3. Stereotype her in a humorous and exaggerated way:

For example, if she works in a bank, tell her that you don't trust her with your money.

If she is a singer, tell her to sing a love song about you, and so on.

4. Mock or mimic her voice or actions in a funny and playful way:

If she says something to you, playfully exaggerate her voice or accent and say it back to her,

or exaggerate her mannerisms and expressions by showing them back to her in a silly way.

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5. Stop being so thirsty, stop over pursuing, stop putting her on a pedestal... INSTEAD

Be the guy who isn't so easily won over..

Tease her, disagree with her.. Challenge Her!

6. Playfully point out some of her more apparent flaws:

If she's nervous, nerdy, ditzy, clumsy, and air-headed or whatever else you can notice about her - point it out playfully!

Just don't make fun of her specifically for having those flaws, make fun of the flaws themselves!

7. Do the opposite of what she asks you to do but funnily:

For example, if she tells you to pass the bread or the sauce while you're eating, put it further out of her reach,

followed by something like "Oooh, look, it's running away from you, better catch it before it's gone!"

8. Give her a silly and fun nickname:

If she laughs a lot, tell her you're going to call her giggles!

If she blinks a lot, call her blinky! It's not that hard!

9. Role-play with her! This is an amazing one:

Just think of a fun and silly situation where you can insert the both of you and then act it out.

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