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Without Pain, Without Sacrifice, We Would Have Nothing.
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Mar 2 12 tweets 4 min read
How to make a girl crazy h0rny & sexually obsessed with you:

- thread -

1. Start talking flirty with her Image Compliment her about something to start with.

Be very subtle or she’ll move away from you.

- You smell great

- You have really nice eyes, did I ever say that before? From this close, it sparkles”

Few lines that’ll charm her and yet make her blush without moving away from you.
Feb 28 21 tweets 6 min read
How to make a woman crazy about you?


Why High Value Men IGNORE Women: Image 1. Free attention.

When a woman turns on her phone, she gets countless notifications of men wanting to get her attention.

This inflates her ego before she has even brushed her teeth yet.

A high value man does not give her attention for free.
Feb 21 25 tweets 7 min read
Men run on logic. Women run on emotions.

If you want to be successful with women, master these 8 ways to evoke emotions:

1. Make her jealous. Image Women are innately jealous of each other.

Observe how a ‘7’ looks at a ‘9’. She looks at her with disgust, but truthfully, she’s looking at her like that because she’s jealous that she doesn’t look as ‘pretty’ as her.
Feb 21 17 tweets 6 min read
Most men fail at texting because they don’t understand one simple truth:

Women don’t want logic. They want feelings.

Here are 10 rules of seductive texting to dominate the game and turn her on effortlessly:

- Thread - Image 1. Women Are Wired for Emotions, Not Logic.

Texting facts won’t seduce her.

She craves texts that spark curiosity and trigger emotions.

Bad: "How’s your day?"
Good: "What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you today?"

A little intrigue goes a long way.
Feb 19 16 tweets 4 min read
12 Brutal Truths About Relationships & Women You Need to Know

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1. She is not special Image
She is not special.

Never stress over a girl.

Beautiful women are everywhere.

Have an abundance mindset.
Feb 16 20 tweets 7 min read
Pablo Picasso was short, ugly, and far from physically impressive.

Yet women worshipped him.


Because he understood the truths most men ignore

Here’s his formula: Image 1. He Made Women Fight for His Attention

Picasso didn’t shower women with endless compliments or try to win them over with gifts.

He created scarcity by making himself the prize.
Feb 12 16 tweets 5 min read
The DARK Side:


(Men Don't Be Fooled)

Thread 🧵 Image 1. Love Bombing

In the first few weeks of dating, women make you feel like a king.

Giving you the best s*x, gifts, buying you meals, and complimenting you.

She will become everything you want her to be.

You'll think she's the one.
Feb 10 22 tweets 6 min read
All women are dramatic, but not all women are damaged.

A damaged woman will give you nothing but disrespect.

Flee from her. Don't give misery a chance.

If She Tells You These 8 Things (Leave Her) Image 1. Anything about size.

If a woman talks about the size of ur wood, there's a special place waiting for her. It's called the streets.

Her talking about your size or even shaming u for it is a clear indication she had many sexual partners before you.
Feb 4 14 tweets 4 min read
DARK truths about all women...

(men must know this)

1. Girls like toxic men more than nice guys. Image 2. Girls sleep with men they respect.

A girl can hate you with all of her soul,

If she respects you, she'll still come over.
Feb 1 13 tweets 4 min read
Women LOVE sex more than men

But men NEED sex more than women

Let us discuss the dynamics of sexual behaviours of both gender: Image When I say men NEED sex more than women, it doesn't mean men can't do without sex.

It's simply a comparison to show which gender is more desperate for sex & can lie/deceive to get it.
Jan 31 13 tweets 5 min read
How To Playfully TEASE a Woman 😈

(Without Making Her Uncomfortable)

~ Female Psychology Explained ~

Thread 🧵 Image 1. One of the easiest techniques is to Playfully Disagree/Disapprove


Smiling, laughing, playful, fun, light-hearted, a little silly / goofy

This is a great way to provoke more emotion into the interaction
Jan 29 22 tweets 6 min read
God can't save you from women nature.

If you don't learn GAME, not even GOD can save you from the doom awaiting you.

Throughout history, there's only a handful of consistent truths about women nature & here’s a few of them: Image
1. Women's sexual desire is significantly higher than men's

As Chanakya said

Women are twice as hungry (2x),

shyness fourfold (4x),

audacity sixfold (6x)

and LUST eight times (8x)

compared to men.
Jan 24 15 tweets 5 min read
How To Be Seductive With Women

(Without Appearing Too Try Hard)

- Thread - Image 1. Maintain a positive and light-hearted attitude

Flirting is about creating sexual attraction and excitement in a light and playful way.

If you put too much pressure on yourself or if you take the interaction too seriously,

It’ll be much harder to achieve this kind of vibe.
Jan 23 12 tweets 4 min read
How to be more DOMINANT than 90% of men in Bed: 👿

(And why women love it so much)
Check Thread 👇🏻 Image Even the women who are interested in being the ‘dom' over a guy, or just being dominant all serve a submissive side.

When women are asked to abandon that submissive side and take a more traditionally masculine role,

It's not exactly a big turn-on for them.
Jan 20 23 tweets 6 min read
How To Last Longer In Bed

Lasting longer is a skill any man can master.

Here are 15 hacks to outlast any woman in bed: Image 1. Master Your Breathing (This Is a Game-Changer)

Your breath controls your arousal.

When you’re shallow breathing, you lose control FAST.
Jan 13 20 tweets 5 min read
Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on their wedding anniversary is a reminder that —

“A damaged girl is a damaged girl. No amount of kindness from you can change that. Damaged girl can push you into oblivion.”

Check full story & lessons from it👇🏻 Image
Their relationship began after they met while working on the set of a movie in 2003.

They had originally planned to marry that year, but called off their relationship early in 2004.

Almost two decades later they rekindled their relationship. Image
Dec 31, 2024 21 tweets 5 min read
How To Last Longer In Bed

Lasting longer is a skill any man can master.

Here are 15 hacks to outlast any woman in bed:

1. Master Your Breathing (This Is a Game-Changer) Image
Your breath controls your arousal.

When you’re shallow breathing, you lose control FAST.


Inhale deeply for 4 seconds.

Hold for 4 seconds.

Exhale for 4 seconds.

Do this when you feel close. It’s like hitting the brakes on your arousal.
Dec 30, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Most men fail at texting because they don’t understand one simple truth:

Women don’t want logic. They want feelings.

Here are 10 rules of seductive texting to dominate the game and turn her on effortlessly:

- Thread - Image 1. Women Are Wired for Emotions, Not Logic.

Texting facts won’t seduce her.

She craves texts that spark curiosity and trigger emotions.

Bad: "How’s your day?"
Good: "What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you today?"

A little intrigue goes a long way.
Dec 25, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
Former Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's Wife Files For Divorce, Wants To Return To UK is a reminder that —

“A woman cannot love you in the same way that you love her. Women love conditionally and opportunistically”

Check full story & lessons from it👇🏻 Image Asma, wife of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, has filed for divorce and expressed her desire to return to the United Kingdom.

Asma is dissatisfied with her life in Moscow, where the Assad have resided in exile.

But here are some things to take from all this:
Dec 7, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
Darkest Secrets that NO successful MAN wants you to know:

- Dark Psychology thread - Image 1. Your mindset is everything

No matter where you live or who you are,

If you have a weak mindset you will never be able to compete against the top 1% of people…

To defeat 99% people,

You need to do something that history has never seen before.
Dec 2, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
Prince Harry who abandoned his crown, family & country for a woman is now facing divorce is a reminder that—

“A woman are only loyal to their feelings not your sacrifices or status”

He left everything for a divorcee, now she is leaving him.

Check full story & lessons from it👇🏻 Image Simps always perish, the foolish Prince Harry who abandoned his crown, family & country for a woman, is now facing divorce.

The woman, a divorcee B list actress Meghan Markle manipulated this foolish prince to abandon everything now she's leaving him.