Liz Harrington Profile picture

Jun 15, 5 tweets

There are over 20K unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that “do not exist” according to the Rossi/@KevinMoncla complaint.

Fulton County provided “proof” they exist.

Except their proof showed they used serial numbers for DIFFERENT machines.

There’s a word for this... Oh yes, fraud.

They claimed there was an ICP3 at the East Point Library during early voting.

Only problem: there were only two scanners there, according to Fulton County’s own checklist.

They did the same thing for a tabulator they claimed was at the South Fulton Service Center polling location.

They said there was a third tabulator, when there were only two.

Same thing for Wolf Creek Library.

They invented a fourth tabulator using the serial number of the third tabulator.

No wonder the Secretary of State’s office didn’t release their investigation’s findings to the public. It’s all bogus.

Fulton County’s proof that the 10 missing tabulators existed actually proves they didn’t, and that the results for early voting were tampered with.

Heck of a job, guys.

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