Roger Parloff Profile picture
Senior editor, Lawfare. Journalist published in Yahoo Finance, Air Mail, ProPublica, NYT, New York, New Yorker, Fortune, etc. Also rparloff on Threads.

Jun 22, 9 tweets

Govt's reply last night, asking Judge Cannon to stop Trump from claiming that FBI wanted to kill Trump & his family, gives details about Ricky Shiffer’s 2022 attack on an FBI hdqtrs & a more recent threat to an agent working on the Hunter Biden case...

... On 8/11/22, three days after the Mar-a-Lago search, Shiffer attacked an Ohio FBI office with an AR-15 & a nail gun. When FBI pursued him, he fired on agents & then engaged in a 6-hr standoff, per search warrant application appended to the reply.

... Addressing Trump’s claim that Shiffer’s attack can't be linked to Trump, govt cites 8/8/22 Truth Social post, calling the search “political persecution,” & Shiffer’s Truth Social posts later same day, saying “this is it,” “I am proposing war,” & “Kill the FBI on sight.”

... Shiffer then posts 29 more Truth Social posts the next day; 4 more on 8/10/22; and finally one last one during the shootout & standoff on 8/11/22, before he is killed. All sound the same themes: “Be ready for war tomorrow”; “Kill FBI on sight”; “call to arms.”

... The govt reply also cites a TX man’s phone and text threats earlier this month to an FBI agent in the Hunter Biden inquiry. The man called the agent on the agent’s FBI-issued phone: “we’ll hunt you cock-suckers down & slaughter you” & “your whole f-ing family.” ...

... Responding to Trump argument that the agents involved in the M-a-L search haven’t been ID'd, govt says they will be when they testify. Further, two agents have been, in fact, doxxed by a former Trump aide on Breitbart News, including names, DOBs, emails, etc.

... The govt reply does not explain why it seeks modification in the terms of Trump’s release rather than a gag order fashioned more like those already upheld by the DC Circuit & NY appellate courts. This is just my speculation, but it might have something to do with ...

... the fact that here the govt seeks mainly to protect the security of law enforcement agents rather than, mainly, the administration of justice (jurors, witnesses, court & prosecutorial personnel), though govt says the latter is also at stake. ...

... Full USA reply motion is here:
Shiffer search warrant here:
Shiffer’s Truth Social posts here:
Fed criminal complaint against TX man is here:

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