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Jun 23, 42 tweets

Hello from scorching hot LA. @Katerqburns here, today I'll be covering a settlement land sale event at Adas Torah hosted by "My home in Israel" The event has drawn out protestors from code pink, PYM and others. Already heated

If you want to support my work and keeping a roof over my head you can here


Protestors have walked to the front of Adas Torah - it's hectic out here

LAPD just rolled in- so far everyone is cramed onto the same side of the sidewalk

Cops move on crowd - pushing everyone back- agressive AF

A hugeix of folks here for the protest- cops have moved the crowd from the entrance. Huge amounts of agression from cops, security and people here for the land sales

* huge mix
Cops have closed down the portion of Pico down outside the event. Choppers overhead

Spilling out onto the streets

Girl in the middle here is putting the JDL flag up in protestors faces. Cars pulling up with Israel flags and folks jumping out of cars. Wild scenes

IDK man this is pretty hectic

Someone threw an egg at a Palestinian protestor, fights start, pepper spray deployed- I copped it

Cops putting their riot gear on. Israeli protestors can be seen behind the police line with flags and dancing

Another fight breaks out

Cops move on Palestinian protestors again

Israeli protestors celebrating the police action

It's like a street party for the pro Israeli folks

Apparently I'm a terrorist amongst other things

Israeli protestors getting closer to the Palestinian protest- it's loud, hot, angry and hideous

unlawful called more cops rolling in

Cops forming a riot line on Pico

Another fight

Pico fully shut down

Another scuffle- tbh this all pretty terrifying it's VERY hostile

Apparently I'm going to be raped and beheaded - nice folks out today

there is a particular hatred of female press, I've been singled out and surrounded several times. Other journo's will share their story's but yeah fuck misogynists

And then this happened

More attack's on press @TinaDesireeBerg has been trageted a couple of times today

I was just surrounded again, very thankful for fellow journalist's on the ground today

These guys called me a dirty Cunt then said they want my address so they can come visit me

Assults everywhere you turn this is pure insanity

Palestinian protestors are tryinc to leave but are being followed by the Israeli protestors

Palestinian protestors- pushed on a back street while also been told to get out of the neighborhood

Juda fire screaming though a megaphone into people's ears

Another scuffle in the back streets- Palestine protest returning to Pico

Juda stopped by for a chat 😅

Palestinian protestor cops pepper spray straight in the face.. pro Israel crowd surrounds him getting med treatment and start cheering and clapping

Basically doing laps around pico and doheny stopping every once and a while for stuff like this

so Palestinian protest is trying to leave but are been followed around street after street... Another scuffle.. a few cars filled with masked guys cruising around

The Israeli crowd is singling out protestors leaving for their cars, throwing stones and water bottles. And here another attack, I got pushed luckily kept my footing this time

A Palestinian woman was assulted and is being treated by 4 folks behind me in the alley and then the crowd breaks through. Including the guy on the suit who I thought said was the "mayor of Pico" ??

So a whole lot of journalist's got attacked at the end including me, I don't even know what to say y'all, this is not normal.. im out safely. I'll have more to say later

This is the last of my footage @ACatWithNews being assulted other journo's trying to break it up then a guy in the white shirt steals my phone, someone see else steals my hat and mask, trips me, then when he sees the cops he throws my phone

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