Donbas Samizdat (Донбасс Самиздат) Profile picture
●Justice for Peace in Donbas Coalition ●Former analyst SOVA Center-Moscow ●Researcher/Investigator of Far Right-Nationalism/Extremism

Jun 26, 2024, 8 tweets

Remember when RT did a "documentary" about the heroes of Novorossiya? They featured a girl sniper named Veselina Cherdantsev who moved to Luhansk to fight against the “fascist horde” from Kyiv. They should of probably done a bit of vetting before releasing the doc 🧵1/

Vaselina or Sniper Vasya of the Vympel unit was the main character of Miguel Francis Santiago’s 2014 project “Donetsk through the eyes of an American” on RT. But her name wasnt Vaselina at all, and the story only got weirder from there

Turns out her real name is Ksenia Shikalova, a Neo Nazi involved in over a dozen murders, many unsolved and brutal attacks in St. Petersburg & Yekaterinburg, who got caught murdering her own deputy during a drunken all nighter & while bragging about committing war crimes

1000s missing in Donbas, everything usually got blamed on Ukraine Banderites & written off. This time the sister of her missing deputy Alexey Mayorov came out from Russia & found out in fact that he was not missing, but was shot 3 times in the head & buried in a shallow grave. 4/

in St Petersburg in the 2000s she was involved with a gang of Neo Nazi serial killers responsible for at least 14 murders. She actually got caught posting a selfie on VK with her friend & fellow gang member who was an internationally wanted terrorist fugitive

Luhansk officials accused her in many other disappearances but never charged her with anything. She escaped back to Russia in 2015 & now has a blog & posts on Instagram while competing in dog shows.…

Not joking, this maniac is living a normal life winning prizes for her dog breeds. #RusskiMir in a nutshell

For more stories & details, check out our pretty detailed write up on how the criminality unfolded in 2014 & Russias own use of far right & criminal thugs of the Novorossiya Donbandits…

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