Catherine Rampell Profile picture
Syndicated op-ed columnist @washingtonpost, commentator @cnn, special correspondent @newshour. More active at the cerulean place these days.

Jun 28, 2024, 6 tweets

The kind of polling we need more of: @YouGov asked respondents about major policies proposed by Biden and Trump...without specifying which candidate proposed them.
Turns out, in a blind test, Biden's agenda is way more popular. A short 🧵…

27 of 28 Biden proposals are supported by more people than oppose them. 24 get outright majority support.
Most popular: criminal/mental health background checks for all gun purchases (82% approve). Least popular (the only one underwater, 30%): 10-yr military support for Ukraine

Trump's agenda doesn't fare so well.
9 of 28 proposals are above water (more support than oppose). Just 6 get majority support
Even most most popular (phase out Chinese imports of essential goods) gets meager 59%. Least pop (prez controls independent regulatory agencies): 19%

Here are all the policies sorted by net popularity (share support minus share oppose), the far-right column in table. The blue entries are Biden's policies. Red are Trump's.
Notice a pattern?

Under half (47%) of Americans say Biden has given a very/somewhat clear idea of policies he'd enact if re-elected. More (62%) say this of Trump
Based on above stats, vs broader views of which candidate is trusted more on various issues, I'm skeptical voters are clear on either.

This is a failure of media coverage.
We need less horserace, more information on what candidates would do if granted a 2nd term -- and how those policy intentions do (or don't) align with voters' preferences.

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