If you are wondering who UK's new PM @Keir_Starmer is, wait no further.
This will be an interesting thread.
He grew up working class. Unfortunately, any working class consciousness was erased when he went to the exclusive Reigate Grammar School on Scholarship.
He graduated from Oxford Law School in 1986.
He was a barrister working in criminal defense and "human rights law" for nearly 20 years.
Then he went over to the dark side and became the crown prosecutor in 2009.
In the aftermath of the 2011, London riots, @Keir_Starmer set up these kangaroo night courts where he ended up prosecuting mostly children while ignoring all due process rights.
@Keir_Starmer These night courts meant that prisoners were held in appalling conditions
@Keir_Starmer But child predators...on the other hand, were not prosecuted. At least 300 credible claims have been made against Jimmy Savile. Keir Starmer claims "he didn't know the prosecutors dropped the case against Savile"
Unfortunately, we will never know to the extent in which Starmer knew, should have known ... Because those files were destroyed.
This is a common theme for him as crown prosecutor. He claims he wasn't aware....
In 2015, he became labour MP. Shortly, thereafter Corbyn became the leader's
From early, one he worked to undermine Corbyn
He went behind Corbyn's back and joined a secret CIA-linked organisation: The Trilateral Commission
He became leader of labour in 2020.
Despite this bombshell, where Labour party leaders threatened to burn mentally disabled people in their communiques , he didn't further the investigation
The Labour Leaks were vicious
Instead, they responded with settings up a bogus investigation on "anti-Semitism" and went to purge all leftist members
This included Corbyn
Corbyn was reinstated but that was short-lived.
Keir Starmer did what BBC lied Corbyn would do.
Corbyn was deselected.
I forgot to mention, Keir Starmer was deeply involved in one witch hunt against Julian Assange
He made trips to the US, but those records have been destroyed
This was a 2014 House of Commons Testimony for Keir Starmer
Some of the policies... He endorsed 10 year sentences for vandalism
Immunity for police
This is outrageous
This is scary
It has been going on for a while.
He has been deeply involved with the intelligence community
He will continue the privatization of the nhs
Here are my comments regarding the community notes
@phantomskeptic @Keir_Starmer *very well.
That was an autocorrect error.
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