Aja Raden Profile picture
NYT Bestselling author of Stoned (2016) & The Truth About Lies (2021). Nothing Lasts Forever - on SHO/Netflix (2023). Infamous grower of poisonous plants.

Jul 8, 21 tweets

Inspired by Marine Le Pen meltdown upon losing the French election, please enjoy this thread of SAD FASCISTS CRYING. 🧵

Ivanka Trump in tears as she watched her douche bag father have to get on a helicopter and finally leave the White House.

Mitch McConnell, upon hearing that poor children were going to get some food.

Clarence Thomas, just thinkin about the IRS…

Samuel “witch hunter“ Alito, after hearing that we will not in fact, be burning people at the stake.

Paul Ryan is sad that you all still get Social Security and disability. He tried so hard. It’s just not fair.

Don’t cry Don’t cry Don’t cry! All this hideous makeup I put on with a trowel will run!

Well, begging, didn’t work maybe I should try tears?

Shit, I’ve got like less than a decade left on this fossil fuels thing and when the money dries up they’re gonna Gaddafi me.

Marjorie, Taylor, Greene, wondering how good the prison gym is…

And her BFF Bobert, contemplating whether she hast to go back to hooking after the next election.

Matt Gates, also wondering about prison gyms and hooking.

Jesus Christ, even I can’t stand me.

Stephen Miller, crying like a little bitch because he’s not allowed to set up concentration camps anymore.

Wondering if maybe there was no point to any of this…

Not enough box wine in the world.

Dead inside

Dead outside

I’m so incredibly fucked.

WE are so incredibly fucked.

Well, I’m glad I’ve made you all laugh. But I have no SoundCloud or podcast to promote.
Please -if you don’t already know what it is- Google #Project2025, and be afraid, be very afraid.
And remember to vote.

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