Aja Raden Profile picture
NYT Bestselling author of Stoned (2016) & The Truth About Lies (2021). Nothing Lasts Forever - on SHO/Netflix (2023). Infamous grower of poisonous plants.
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Jul 8, 2024 21 tweets 6 min read
Inspired by Marine Le Pen meltdown upon losing the French election, please enjoy this thread of SAD FASCISTS CRYING. 🧵 Image Ivanka Trump in tears as she watched her douche bag father have to get on a helicopter and finally leave the White House. Image
Mar 22, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Sure. I can explain it.
This is pretty basic $ laundering. They invent a valuation& go public. The majority of the 💵 that will be funneled to Trump et al won’t be from random hickshit buyers (they’re just cover) it’ll be from bil foreign nationals, who’ve been instructed to buy. Instructed to buy millions of shares for hundreds of millions of dollars. And this way, Trump gets a payoff/bail out, while maintaining the pretense that he’s a businessman and has money, not a broke ass, loser, and also hiding the money, shuffling the smaller trades.
May 4, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Ignore the gold rush. 🧵

Any/everybody freaking about the hockey sticking price of gold and thinking they should invest, understand:

•The surge is tied to the GOP taking the debt ceiling hostage

•The whole point of which is not to extract political concessions, but to crash the US and global economy,

•exponentially strengthening the hand of a few thousand individuals with massive holdings in gold, silver, crypto, etc.

Apr 16, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@Angry_Staffer @RestlessNotions Belgium is a NATO & they got a carve out for diamonds.
(RUs other big export besides oil/gas)
But Antwerp’s still buying Ru 💎
They’ve bought over €1 billion since the start & have don’t intend to stop.
Worse: once they buy the rough 💎 from Ru, they belong to EU. 1/3 @Angry_Staffer @RestlessNotions they cut/polish the 💎 and then legally sell them to 💎dealers in any country (US,EU,AU,CA,etc) in the 🌎, as products of their own country.
(By lesser degrees: India UAE & Israel do this as well.) 2/3
Jan 26, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Get out your magnifying glass: it’s a lot. And it would’ve been fucking fantastic if *Passed Voting Rights* was on there too, but it’s not.
Though not for nothing, that’s Congress’s job, & it got cock-blocked by 50 Republican senators & 2 “Democrats.”
So it didn’t happen this January.
Jan 18, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The #CDC says it’s “encouraging” that 75% of #COVID19 deaths are people with underlying conditions.
Basically it’s OK that we’re gonna die, because we are defective. We’re either old or fat, or have diabetes or asthma - in my case, lupus. 1/ It’s cool; as long as you perfect specimens aren’t inconvenienced by like getting a #vaccine or wearing mask.
The rest of us can literally *drop dead.*
Why do I mention this, other than to make you uncomfortable?
Because I think we toss the word #Nazi around around lot lately. 2/
Jan 6, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Lincoln insisted on building the Capitol dome during the Civil War -for us- so that we would know that there was a future, that American democracy would endure.
And there it is.
Still pretty resplendent. 1/ It’s was brag.
It was a taunt.
Mostly it was a promise.
A promise to us, a promise for us to keep.
And we’re in for some rough road.
In fact, we’re already 5 years down it, with miles to go before before we sleep.
Jan 1, 2022 26 tweets 6 min read
I don’t know what everyone’s complaining about. 2021 was a really good year.
First the coup failed. It could’ve succeeded. It almost did. Democracy could’ve crumbled. America could have ended. But it FAILED - on live TV & we all got to watch.
Was it scary? Yes.
But like all great American action movies cowardly villains were defeated by braver better women and men like him:
Sep 4, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
The reason people are addicted to FB isn’t the social networking. There are lots of platforms for that. It’s because before there were others, we put our whole lives on it. Our conversations, photos, relationships, major life events - for 15 years our whole fucking 1/ lives became digitized. They’re holding our memories hostage. That’s why people keep going back. That’s why people say delete Facebook but they don’t really delete their accounts. They keep them active but just check in on them occasionally. They can’t give them up 2/
Sep 2, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
You’re mistaken.
I think the problem is you were a Republican for so much of your life, that we all look the same to you.
Some of us can not only draw blood, we’re very good at it, & we enjoy doing it.
Some of us are highly skilled & credentialed in the dark arts ourselves. 1/ The problem isn’t that we couldn’t draw blood in a butcher shop, or that we don’t know how to say fuck you, I say frequently.
The problem with the Democrats is the same thing that makes them so incredibly good at governing (the GOP, btw, is absolute shit governing, no matter 2/
Aug 2, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
No. They’re not morons. But they’re desperate & evil.
The GOP’s not a political party anymore, they’re a cult of personality & they can’t count on their voters to show up for a midterm election in which their cult leader‘s not on the ticket.
So they’re looking into ways to 1/ keep Democrats from showing up in large numbers either.
Voter suppression laws, (ancient but perennial with Republicans) mass evictions before fall 2022 (can’t vote without a street address, just ask folks on a reservation) & most shocking & difficult to believe: ways to kill 2/
Sep 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
@Drea_got_rage This information is already really easy to find:Justice Kennedy‘s son was Trump’s personal loan officer at Deutsche Bank when no other bank would touch him. That’s why Kennedy resigned from the SCOTUS as soon as Trump came into office. Deutsche Bank mostly launders $ for Putin.1/ @Drea_got_rage and a few hundred other oligarchs & also a lot of Saudi money...
The reason Trumps businesses all look like they’re failing is because when you launder money you lose money. It’s like exchanging currency: you can’t exchange an = amount of dollars for pounds of pesos, when you 2/
Aug 6, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Get excited Stoned fans, it’s finally here! Well the cover art is here anyway, and it’s really good.

Have a peek at the cover of The Truth About Lies: The Illusion of Honesty and the Evolution of Deceit. ✨Why do you believe what you believe?

You’ve been lied to. Probably a lot. Maybe you knew, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you found out later. The thing is, when we realize we’ve been deceived, we’re always stunned.
Mar 6, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Media & social media have been a total love requiem for Liz Warren all day, and it’s such gross hypocrisy.
I never liked Warren.
She had many fine qualities as a candidate, but she lied constantly; often about trivial things. It made her liability in the general election.
But 1/ But watching the media canonize her tonight, as though it was some unexpected tragedy that she ended her campaign the day after everyone demanded she and her campaign, kind of reminds me of the way they wouldn’t mention Kamala Harris, and then as soon as she left the race 2/
Mar 3, 2020 8 tweets 10 min read
@patribotics @riotwomennn @SallyAlbright @ag_due @Selena_Adera He’s beet red. No pun intended. He’s gasping in a very particular way that shows his blood pressures too high, his blood sugar is too high & he’s not exchanging co2 correctly. He can’t breath because his kidneys are damaged. The added stress throws you’re blood pressure up& 1/ @patribotics @riotwomennn @SallyAlbright @ag_due @Selena_Adera In a way that further damages kidney his function, reinforcing and exaggerating the uncontrollable high blood pressure and sugar worsening from both ongoing stress and the handicap of his damaged kidneys. 2/
Oct 5, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Do you know who doesn’t have bleeding eyes, memory problems, a failing heart, a recent major surgery, or birthday cakes with more than 70 candles on them? #KamalaHarris Do you know who was never gop, never voted for Reagan twice, and never fraudulently claimed to be a minority on official paperwork? #KamalaHarris