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Retweets don't always imply agreement, likes sometimes do. עם ישראל חי

Jul 8, 13 tweets

How an egregious lie is born and then spread like a wildfire on @X in 4 steps and with screenshots of all accounts who jumped on this lie to deliberately spread it and make viral. I am talking about “Lancet has published an article proving there are more than 186,000 death in Gaza as a conservative esitmate”. Anyone who spreads a lie like that is a dishonest person who you should never trust on Israel/Palestine ever

Step 1: take something that used to be a respected journal, like @TheLancet
Step 2: find 3 partisan people (like this letter chief signatory Rasha Khatib who already hates Israel and glorifies murder of Israelis) who will send a letter in a correspondence section

Step 3: pretend it’s an article with peer review (it is not) and not a letter from readers
Step 4: use dishonest agents from ultra left and ultra right accounts (including several UK MPs) who do not care about the truth who pretend it is an article and use it as a reliable source to prove their point

That’s it. All the liars in the next tweets will be added to this thread

Send me those whom I missed to add to the listthelancet.com/journals/lance…

First of all, here is the upper part of the Lancet Article that clearly indicated it is a letter from the correspondence section, not a peer-reviewed article, a part that can easily be missed (I missed it when I first opened it and that is what those who spread it want to achieve) and a pure speculations on numbers of casualties (just take what Gaza Ministry of Health reported to the UN and multiple by 4) – screenshots 1&2

Second, here are 2 signatories of this letter who already have anti-Israel bias and should not be considered as a fair and reliable source – screenshots 3&4

h/t @HillelNeuer and @MarkZlochin

Now to accounts who deliberately spread this lie:

Next four accounts who spread this lie:

Four more lying accounts:

Another four lying accounts:

Next four lying accounts:

@shaabiranks @CharlieAngusNDP @Remroum @abierkhatib Adding 4 more accounts who are spreading the lie without any disclaimers:

@shaabiranks @CharlieAngusNDP @Remroum @abierkhatib @sarahleah1 @saadmohseni @QudsNen @MonicaLMarks Another 4 lying accounts:

@shaabiranks @CharlieAngusNDP @Remroum @abierkhatib @sarahleah1 @saadmohseni @QudsNen @MonicaLMarks @OmarBaddar @SaimaMohsin @broseph_stalin @RJacksonterror Adding another group of accounts spreading this lie:

@shaabiranks @CharlieAngusNDP @Remroum @abierkhatib @sarahleah1 @saadmohseni @QudsNen @MonicaLMarks @OmarBaddar @SaimaMohsin @broseph_stalin @RJacksonterror @Jonathan_K_Cook @JenforFL25 @Resist_05 @rulajebreal Got some more accounts who spread these lies sent to me in DM:

honorary mention for retweeting all four of them goes to @shaunking

@shaabiranks @CharlieAngusNDP @Remroum @abierkhatib @sarahleah1 @saadmohseni @QudsNen @MonicaLMarks @OmarBaddar @SaimaMohsin @broseph_stalin @RJacksonterror @Jonathan_K_Cook @JenforFL25 @Resist_05 @rulajebreal @Kahlissee @QasimRashid @ShaykhSulaiman @ousmannoor @shaunking They keep coming. 4 more accounts who spread it 🤷🏻‍♂️
@mehdirhasan (of course, how he could miss that, right?)
@lsarsour (from Instagram though, but still)

@shaabiranks @CharlieAngusNDP @Remroum @abierkhatib @sarahleah1 @saadmohseni @QudsNen @MonicaLMarks @OmarBaddar @SaimaMohsin @broseph_stalin @RJacksonterror @Jonathan_K_Cook @JenforFL25 @Resist_05 @rulajebreal @Kahlissee @QasimRashid @ShaykhSulaiman @ousmannoor @shaunking @mehdirhasan @ByYourLogic @ShibleyTelhami @lsarsour A meticulous analysis of the letter from @TheLancet with multiple flaws, mistakes and omissions… and a cherry on top… the author of the letter says that the figure of 186,000 was “purely illustrative”… 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

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