How to get URL link on X (Twitter) AppАрмия и полиция сообщают о потерях с большой задержкой всегда, такой у нас протокол, так как армия всегда извещает родных и близких после всех согласований, и публикует данные о погибших paid attention to the anti-historical statements of Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, which largely explain the course of the current Israeli government to support the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv. The Israeli minister said literally the following: “The Jews did not destroy 1/ are told they cannot define hate against them, because, you know, modern activists claim modern Jews do not have any empirical experience in surviving antisemitism, xenophobia, or racism since those are matters of the past and today Jews live privileged lives. Ridiculous? 2/, it shows why there is a fallacy in logic (namely, an argument to moderation) of those who say, that Israel and Jews can negotiate with organizations and/or people who support the BDS. It is practically impossible and let me explain you why. If one supports BDS, one 2/