Lisa Logan Profile picture
Wife, mother, patriot. Exposing the sinister agenda behind Social Emotional Learning Programs. Education provided on my YouTube channel: Parents of Patriots

Jul 8, 2024, 13 tweets

🧵What if I were to show you this same Institute(Fetzer)

-who launched THE ENTIRE FIELD of Emotional Intelligence & the org (CASEL) that sets the 5-core competencies for ALL Social Emotional Learning programs-

was CRAZY?

Their purpose?


The intention of the Institute was to “HELP USHER IN THE AGE OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, which would lead to the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.”

Of course they were told NOT to make that part public. (4th pic)

🧵Fair Question: What is Social Emotional Learning (launched at the Fetzer Institute) in schools really about then?

Is it to help students have a worldview that creates in them a “Christ Consciousness” to usher in a Global Spiritual Transformation?
(AKA Age of Archangel Michael)

🧵Read the CRAY coming out of these following pages clipped from their internal documents talking about the channelings they did, etc...

...and tell me you’re not concerned that these people basically conjured up one of their fellows to write the book, that created the field...

🧵...that THEY funded to create the research to support the full embedding of Social Emotional Learning in education.

Like my friend @ConceptualJames says, WTF is SEL‼️

I have serious questions (as should you) about whether or not this is SOCIAL ENGINEERING for "The New Age."

🧵I’d ask CASEL about this, but they already blocked me for asking ?s about the brainwashing into collective critical consciousness they're doing through Transformative Social Emotional Learning.

“Transformative” is now taking on a WHOLE NEW MEANING.

🧵This all gets REAL CONCERNING when you figure out the next step for Fetzer is intentionally weaving “spirituality” (read: occult Theosophical/New Thought RELIGION) into Social Emotional Learning " via their Collaborative for Spirituality in Education.

🧵Required listening, if you haven’t yet:

James reads from Alice Bailey’s Education in the New Age and compares it to the competencies in SEL.

Did you know John Fetzer recited Alice Bailey’s Great Invocation at EVERY ONE of his Monday night meetings?

🧵#utleg #utpol I think it’s way past time for us to review our state’s (or any state, for that matter) participation in CASEL’s Collaborating State Initiative @mschultz_12 @KenIvoryUT @johnforutah @ColbyforUtah @KennedyForUtah @BasedMikeLee

@jordanbpeterson @conservmillen @glennbeck @charliekirk11 @benshapiro @MattWalshBlog @SovMichael @D_B_Harrison @WatchChad @JillSimonian @streitmarissa @SebGorka

You can find supporting documentation on how a one world religion is being created here:…

@lcbrooks31 @NEOregon_parent

@lcbrooks31 @NEOregon_parent

@lcbrooks31 @NEOregon_parent

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