Lisa Logan Profile picture
Wife, mother, patriot. Exposing the sinister agenda behind Social Emotional Learning Programs. Education provided on my YouTube channel: Parents of Patriots
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Aug 19 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Don't miss @HarrisonHSmith & I's powerful discussion on @InfowarsJournal about the REAL CULT IDEOLOGY-


that's actually behind social emotional learning & the critical theories & initiatives we're witnessing in America's culture wars today.

Watch it 👇 🧵COSMOLOGICAL MONISM is anti-American (individualistic values), anti-Christianity (it believes that you can become like God), & pro-communism (believing that individual rights & freedoms must be sacrificed for "the common good").

It's the belief system being fostered thru SEL.
Jul 28 10 tweets 5 min read
🧵LOL, people totally took the bait & called me out for including stuff that IS a social construct (e.g. the concept of nations) in the list of what was being taught to kids.

The comments berated me for not knowing that social constructs aren't based in nature/objective reality.
Image 🧵EXACTLY! Just because SOMEONE SAYS something is a social construct (like the concept of nations) doesn't make it so.

Yet, when something IS based in nature, LIKE SEX (XX vs. XY chromosomes) is said to be a social construct, we're just supposed to go along with the delusion. Image
Jul 26 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵Let's talk about HOW these protestors GOT SO RADICALIZED in the first place.

Since the 90s, Social Emotional Learning programs in K-12 schools have been used to create a RED GUARD in America...

similar to what happened during Mao's Cultural Revolution.

🧵Notice the BLM March in this video from the middle school Second Step Social Emotional Learning program. It says to students:

Your generation is *different* &

You see problems about injustice & suffering that are hard to ignore.

SEL's going to teach them how to "get along"
Jul 21 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵It must be understood that underlying this push we’re witnessing to make everyone accept mind-body disassociation as truth IS THE RELIGION BEHIND TRANSHUMANISM.

It is largely motivated by the belief that humans are suffering, trapped in their *limited* bodies (Gnosticism)…
Image 🧵and in need of SALVATION.

Salvation “comes in the form of escaping our biological limitations…

[like what sex is *assigned* to us]

and will require transforming or even abandoning those limitations to such an extent that we move past the category of the human.”
Jul 11 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵EVERYTHING the Fetzer Institute does "FOR SPIRIT"...

(inc creating Social Emotional Learning & the org CASEL and infiltrating K-12 education w/ it) to spread their Theosophical monistic (ALL IS ONE) beliefs to raise consciousness for “THE 2ND COMING OF MAITREYA.”👂👇
🧵ANYTHING the Fetzer Institute did that influenced public policy (esp. social emotional learning) should be questioned as a 1st amendment violation.

They advised Hillary Clinton on her healthcare program in the 90s, which helped bring their brainwashing agenda into schools.
Jul 8 13 tweets 8 min read
🧵What if I were to show you this same Institute(Fetzer)

-who launched THE ENTIRE FIELD of Emotional Intelligence & the org (CASEL) that sets the 5-core competencies for ALL Social Emotional Learning programs-

was CRAZY?

Their purpose?

The intention of the Institute was to “HELP USHER IN THE AGE OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, which would lead to the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.”

Of course they were told NOT to make that part public. (4th pic)

Jun 27 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵From the pages of the book below: "Abolish Separation of Church & State - Why Not?"

Exactly what Evolutionary Leader Cassandra Vieten says in this vid from 2017.

It's so they can integrate "spirituality" (READ: the New Thought "accept everything" religion) into EVERY sector.
🧵They'll start w/ education (your children) b/c they're the most vulnerable to cult brainwashing.

Watch what's coming from the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education, mentioned 👇 by Xiaoan Li of the Fetzer Institute (in collab w/ Rockefeller and Columbia Teachers College)
Jun 24 9 tweets 4 min read

The goal of initiatives like Gov. Cox’s Disagree Better, Better Angels & tools like Tim Shriver’s Dignity Index is to CREATE THE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR COLLECTING & MEASURING SPEECH to make value judgements on it.

This will be used in a variety of ways...
🧵I’ll start with the more OBVIOUS ONE, which is this data will be incorporated into a social credit score and/both used to silence speech that's deemed by these indexes to be “not civil.”

Apps are being developed to stop you from posting things they decide fits this criteria.👇 Image
Jun 20 15 tweets 9 min read

Screen grab and share this organizational chart I discovered before it gets worm-holed.👀👇

It shows the funders, orgs, people, local hubs, & faiths behind the plan to destroy America.

It connects several things I've already… 🧵Under the arm labeled "Wise Sages," you'll find Evolutionary Leaders...

(the ones I talk about here: )...

--John Steiner, Margo King, Mark Gerzon & Carolyn Lukensmeyer-listed.

Jun 17 16 tweets 8 min read
🧵This contrived narrative about America being a "democracy" which is under threat is ALL ABOUT CHANGING OUR VOTING PRACTICES.

Democracy is mob rule (popular vote v. representative) which those behind this manipulation want to achieve by doing away with the electoral college. 👇
🧵This narrative has been building since the United We Stand Summit in 2022.

Biden invited victims of "hate-fueled violence" to the White House to launch & other "democracy saving" initiatives paid for by a large $1B donation from the org New Pluralists.
May 23 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵“In 1992 was the (United Nations) Earth Summit and Agenda 21 was born.


Paper: “The promotion of sustainable development became ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL OBJECTIVES of the Olympic Movement.” 🧵The Olympics uses the platform of the games to embed sustainability practices in their requirements.

Their host cities & participating businesses have to adopt practices that "offset their carbon footprint" to further the United Nations Net Zero Carbon agenda.
May 13 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵The Gnostic New Thought religion is unknown to most people, though they’ve secretly been exposed to it thru Oprah's show for decades.

Since this powerful group views your religious liberty as a threat to humanity, you may want to know what they believe & where they came from.
🧵New Thought is a hodgepodge of Eastern Hermetic & Gnostic mystical religions that agree about the role thoughts play in our lives.

Specifically, that WE ARE OUR THOUGHTS.

They believe we're divine minds w/ the power of God trapped in physical bodies having a human experience.
Apr 25 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵There is a CULT behind our radical culture shift and their name is THE EVOLUTIONARY LEADERS.

Based upon a world religion called New Thought, they’ve gotten their Gnostic ideas into society through one of THE MOST influential & widely watched people in the media--OPRAH WINFREY. 🧵As the name suggests, this cult’s beliefs have a lot to do with EVOLUTION.

Specifically that global cooperation (communism) is how the next big evolutionary leap into an evolved species being with greater awareness is going to happen.

Individualism/free will is not an option.
Apr 11 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵People are worried (and rightly so) about the WHO's Pandemic Accords and how much power that will give this unelected body in our country.

Meanwhile the WHO's Geneva Charter for Well-Being has ALREADY BEEN SNEAKILY IMPLEMENTED IN THE US to "advance a global agenda."
🧵When the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) says we can't go back to business as usual...

...WHAT HE REALLY MEANS is that all economies must move away from capitalism and measuring success by GDP to instead become deceptively termed "well-being" economies.
Apr 4 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Margaret Mead was a part of the Macy Cybernetics conferences and she advocated that computer systems thinking about feedback loops should be applied to human brains to influence behavior.

Researchers from these conferences went on to be involved with CIA programs like MKULTRA.

🧵Margaret Mead was also a mentor to Jean Houston who went on to be a spiritual advisor to Hillary Clinton.

She facilitated “role playing” (channeled?) exercises where Clinton would engage in discussions w/ Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt. 🤔 Image
Mar 26 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵Fetzer Institute seeks to decolonize/decenter whiteness in Western religion & put equity at the center (more input from BIPOC/LGBTQIA voices) in who gets to redefine religion.

"Spiritual Innovation"=WATERING DOWN ALL RELIGIONS to create a ONE WORLD RELIGION BASED ON GNOSTICISM 🧵The Fetzer Institute is very interested in a new group of seekers they call “spiritual but not religious”-those who believe in a higher power but do not feel established in their familial or cultural religious traditions.

These are potential cult members ripe for the picking.
Mar 22 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵”Sensitivity training”actually has roots in race relations to begin with.

Kurt Lewin and his cohorts were approached in 1946 by the Connecticut State Inter-Racial Commission to create “change experiments” to see how they could change people’s biases toward people of color.
Image 🧵Kurt Lewin & friends then founded the National Training Labs with support from the National Education Association & a grant from Office of Naval Research.

It’s no coincidence that T-Groups found their way into education via SEL, but they got their start in the business world. Image
Mar 20 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵The National Training Laboratories (NTL Institute) where these sensitivity trainings (also called T-Groups or Encounter Groups) were pioneered in the mid-1940s was created by the Office of Naval Research and the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION.
Image 🧵Lewin mentioned 👆was also a part of the New Education Fellowship, founded by a Theosophist & a Quaker.

Their goal was to foster int’l understanding & A WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS through education & SUPPORT FOR THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS.

The NEF was the midwife to the birth of UNESCO👀

Feb 21 9 tweets 5 min read

"Compassionate Systems Awareness" combines social emotional learning mindfulness techniques, physical deprivation and psychological manipulation to get children to become activists for leftist political causes.

Is this school or a POW camp? 🧵Here’s an example of how a systems tool like The Iceberg Theory can be used to indoctrinate students into thinking that the systems/institutions of the US are set up to perpetuate racism, their own white privilege prevents them from seeing it & capitalism needs to be torn down.
Jan 10 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Investors like Blackrock and banks like the ones Jorgen Randers of the Club of Rome is talking to here KNOW that ESG & the new ESG, Nature-related financial disclosures (TNFD), are NOT PROFITABLE.
They don't care because they're in a Climate Cult that believes it's "necessary."
🧵That's why there's division among the "green growth" (those who believe that economic growth-profit-and doing what's "necessary" to save the planet can happen at the same time), and the degrowth (beyond/post growth) movements, which believe in sacrificing economic growth.
Jan 8 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵You have the “right only to have two children.”-Dennis Meadows

50 years ago and today, the Club of Rome wants to dictate to you how you should live your life, only allowing you rights to do things that they deem helpful to the 🌎.
🧵These ideas found in Limits to Growth, Club of Rome's report in 1972, are very much still alive in their recent report Earth for All.

It advocates for what they call “The Giant Leap” (which sounds suspiciously similar to Communist Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” campaign).