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Rebel with a Cause. Born into 1984. Rage against that dystopian night.

Jul 8, 2024, 26 tweets

Why would possess someone to burn the Talmud?

How could somebody do such a thing to the holy jewish text?

Doesn't he know that they survived the holocaust?

He must be some kind of antisemitic monster!

On second thought...
How about we take a closer look.

According to the talmud, Intercourse with a 3 year old boy or girl is permitted by jewish law

According to the talmud, Perverted R@pe is forbidden. But normal R@pe is permitted by jewish law.

According to the talmud, A Goy/Gentile (non jew) is a subhuman beast that is lesser than a jew, and even the best of them deserve to be k¡lled.

In the talmud, there are 8 different genders. Sound familiar?.... yep...that's where it comes from.

According to the talmud, the subhuman Goyim only exist on this earth to serve the jew, and upon the return of their Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah), each jew will be given 2800 gentile slaves.

According to the talmud, Jesus is in hell boiling in a pit of hot excrement and semen.

According to the talmud, Gentile suffering will be equal to that of Christ's. All their churches and crosses will eventually be blown up.

In the talmud, Jesus was conceived through adultery by his mother Mary, who was a whore, and a Roman soldier named Pantera.

It says he practiced sorcery, idolatry, was a fool, and deserved to die.

The talmud says that god gave the jews not only l the power to overcome the ways of the world but the power to overcome god himself.

Adam from the garden of eden was a transgender man who displayed both male and female characteristics and eve had sex with the serpent.

Jews are building their own kingdom to rule the world and enslave the gentiles

Spitting on Christians cleanses the mouth of the jew so he can recite the words from the talmud.

The talmud commands them to not spare any soul in their holy war. Man, woman, or child, none of them are innocent.

According to the talmud, Gentiles should not just worship one jew (Jesus), they should worship all jews.

According to the talmud, Hell has no power over the sinners of Israel.

According to the talmud, If a gentile slaps a jew, it's like slapping god himself.

According to the talmud, A gentile that hits a jew deserves d=ath.

According to the talmud, jews can murd=r gentiles.

According to the talmud, jews can steal from gentiles

According to the talmud, jews can deceive gentiles

According to the talmud, jews can have gay sex with 9 year old boys.

According to the talmud, it is permitted for a man to have sex with a 3 year old girl.



Gender ideology
And lies....
Congratulations.. YOU ARE AN ANTISEMITE.

Welcome to team humanity.
Now... who's ready to burn some books?

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