1984 Profile picture
Rebel with a Cause. Born into 1984. Rage against that dystopian night.
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Jun 29 14 tweets 5 min read

Christianity and judaism are completely antithetical to one another. This diametric has been reflected throughout history over the last 2000 years.

In 85AD, John the apostle writes that Jesus, in reference to the jews, said, "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires."

In 325AD, the church announced at the first Council of Nicaea, "We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the jews. We desire to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the jews"

In 387AD, St. John Chrysostom said, "The jews sacrifice their children to Satan.... They are worse than wild beasts. The synagogue is a brothel, a den of scoundrels, the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults, a criminal assembly of jews, a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ, a house of ill fame, a dwelling of iniquity, a gulf and abyss of perdition"

Sentiments like these have echoed throughout all recorded history and have always remained the same. Over the last 2000 years, we burned their holy books, forbade intermarraige, were prohibited from being seen by their doctors, and made laws against entering their homes or sitting at their tables to eat. We did not let them hold office or any position of authority over us. We did not let them vote. We confiscated their money, property, & possessions and expelled them over 89 times from 109 different countries.

Yet, today, there are 7.5 million jews in the United States and over 30 million "Christian" zionists.

Over the last 2000 years, judaism has not changed, nor have their practices. They pride themselves in this fact.

This means that sometime within the last 100 years, Christianity has changed. Today, people conflate the two religions with terms like "judeo-Christian," implying that they are one in the same, or somehow embrace similar beliefs and values.

The truth is that Christianity has been subverted, infiltrated, manipulated, and bastardized.

The truth is, "judeo-Christianity" is a LIE.Image LIE#1
Jun 23 10 tweets 5 min read
On September 11, 2001, 14 out of the 19 hijackers checked in for their flights at Boston's Logan International Airport and Liberty International Airport in Newark, N.J.

Although multiple hijackers were selected for additional scrutiny under what was then known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), they were all eventually allowed to board their plane and went on to fly them into the twin towers.

The company that was in charge of airport security and screenings, and key defendant in the 9/11 tort litigation, was a company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Dutch-based aviation and transportation security firm that was established in 1982 by former members of Israel’s secret police, the Shin Bet.

ICTS contolling owner and chairman of the Supervisory Board is a man named Menachem Atzmon, who was convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud while co-treasurer of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

Until his 1996 conviction, Atzmon was president of the Israel Development Fund (IDF), a U.S. tax-exempt foundation funneling money illegally to the Likud party of Ariel Sharon and Netanyau.

In Christopher Bollyn's 2014 interview with Gilad Atzemon, Menachem's cousin, he confirmed that Menachem Atzmon was working with Shaul Eisenberg – a senior Israeli Mossad operative who tried to get the security contract for the World Trade Center in 1987 along with veteran Mossadniks Avraham "Shalom" Bendor and Zvi Malkin as his front men. These guys worked closely with the infamous Israeli spy Rafi Eitan and Isser Harel. Harel, of course, was the Mossad chief who predicted in 1979 that Arabs would attack the tallest building in New York City.

While 9/11 might seem like an isolated incident, ICTS also handled security at:
1.) The Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris when “shoe bomber” Richard Reid boarded a US-bound plane on December 22, 2001.
2.) The London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, 'suicide' bomb attacks
3.) The Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport on 25 December 2009, when suicide bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab managed to pass through security (despite only having a one-way ticket, no luggage and no passport.)
4.) The Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack on March 22, 2016

One year after 9/11, in 2002, ICTS launched a technology division and expanded into digital verification. They formed a subsidiary company that was founded by a relative of ICTS owner Menachem Atzmon and former member of Israeli Shin Bet Unit 8200, Ron Atzmon.

They named the company AU10TIX.Image There is no such thing as "ex" israeli intelligence.

Now that we know that AU10TIX has direct ties to Israeli Mossad, who more than likely played a role in 9/11, are these the kind of people that you feel safe giving your data, ID, address and facial biometrics to?
Jun 21 24 tweets 9 min read

Ernst Zündel (1939-2017) was a German-born publisher, author, and civil rights activist.

In 1977, Zündel published a 28-page pamphlet called "Did 6 Million Really Die?" written by Richard Verrall.

As a result of this pamphlet, in 1983, Sabina Citron, founder of the Canadian h0locaust remembrance association, filed a private complaint against Zündel before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

In 1984, the Ontario government joined the criminal proceedings against Zündel based on Citron's complaint.

Zündel underwent two criminal trials in 1985 and 1988 for the charge of "spreading false news."

To wage the legal battle that was forced upon him, he brought together an impressive all-star international team of researchers, scientists, legal specialists, scholars, and many others.

As a result of the two trials, an enormous quantity of evidence and testimony challenging the prevailing narrative was presented to the court under oath and thereby made part of the permanent public record.

This thread will shed light on the evidence, testimony, and explosive revelations from his trials. Prior to the trial, the jewish defense league, now classified as a terrorist organization, protested the trial, made numerous threats on Zündel's life, and planted a pipe bomb at his house.

This was all done in an attempt to silence his testimony from seeing the light of day.
Jun 13 9 tweets 6 min read
So it turns out that Elons trip to Israel wasn't just for kosher theater and an IDF propaganda tour.

A secret meeting took place while he was there that went virtually unreported by any news media outlets.

In attendance was Netanyahu, Musk's tour organizer, investor Omri Casspi, Brigadier General Danny Gold, Head of the Israeli Directorate of Defense Research & Development and one of the developers of Iron Dome, Aleph venture capital funds partner Michael Eisenberg, and Israeli cybersecurity company CHEQ CEO Guy Tytunovich who is ex-israeli intelligence unit 8200.

The six men talked about technology in the service of Israel's defense, dealing with fake content and anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli comments, and the use by non-democratic countries of bots as part of campaigns to change perceptions, including on the X platform.

The solution Musk was presented was the Israeli unicorn CHEQ, a company founded by ex-Israeli intelligence unit 8200 CEO Guy Tytunovich that combats bots and fake users.

Following the meeting, Elon signed an agreement with cheQ, and apparently, the reason for the quick closing of the deal was Elons "direct involvement" with the company.

Now. What they won't tell you.

Israel is primarily responsible for the creation of bots. There currently exists dozens of ex-Israeli intelligence firms whose sole purpose is perception management, social media influencing/manipulation, disinformation campaigns, psychological operations, opposition research, and honey traps.

They create state of art, multi layer, AI avatars that are virtually indistinguishable from a real human online. They infiltrate target audiences with these elaborately crafted social-media personas and spread misleading information through websites meant to mimic news portals. They secretly manipulate public opinion across app social media platforms.

The applications of this technology are endless, and it has been used for character assassination, disruption of activism/protest, creating social upheaval/civil unrest, swaying elections, and toppling governments.

These companies are all founded by ex-Israeli intelligence and members of unit 8200. When they leave their service with the Israeli government, they are backed by hundreds of billions of dollars through Israeli venture capital groups tied to the Israeli government.

These companies utilize the technology and skills learned during their time served with Israeli intelligence and are an extension of the Israeli government that operates in the private sector.

In doing so, they operate with impunity across all geographical borders and outside the bounds of the law. The Israeli government is forbidden by law to spy on US citizens, but "ex" Israeli intelligence has no such limitations, and no laws currently exist to stop them.

Now back to X and Elon Musk.

Elon met with these people in secret to discuss how to use X in service of Israel's defense.

Elon hired an ex-Israeli intelligence firm to combat the bots.... that were created by another ex-israeli intelligence firm.

Elon hired an ex-israeli intelligence firm to verify your identity and collect your facial biometric data.

Do you see the problem yet?

Israel now has end to end control over X. Israel can conduct psychological operations and create social disinfo/influence campaigns on X with impunity. They now have facial biometric data from millions of people that can be used to create and populate these AI generated avatars.

They can manipulate public opinion, influence congressmen and senators, disrupt online movements, manipulate the algorithm to silence dissenting voices against Israel, and they can sway the US elections.

When the company that was hired to combat the bots is also Israeli intelligence...

Who is going to stop them?Image Meet Guy Tytunovich. The founder of cheQ...the company that Elon has tasked to combat bots on X.
May 23 6 tweets 2 min read
At this very moment, there are dozens of ex Israeli intelligence firms who exist only to influence your mind and your thoughts.

They operate outside the bounds of the law and across every geographical border with impunity.

They have the power to cause civil unrest, cause uprisings, sway elections, and topple governments.

And right now, one of them (AU10TIX) holds your identity and all of your data from this platform.

Who controls the data....controls the world. Google psy-group Image
May 5 13 tweets 5 min read

Since 2016, there have been efforts in Congress and U.S. states to pass legislation that is framed as being about fighting antisemitism, yet its goal is to target non-violent protest, activism, and criticism of Israel and/or Zionism. Image A closer look reveals that these legislative efforts do not originate from U.S. politicians.

Instead, they have been conceived, pushed, and funded by Israeli expat billionaires in collusion with Netanyahu and the Israeli government and lobbied through congress by AIPAC. Image