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GP (Ex-Partner/Trainer) - enjoying the extra time & space - Believe in the NHS (Opinions my own) - NHS Facts and Stats Facebook - DAUK GP Spokesperson #BeKind

Jul 15, 2024, 7 tweets

GP Core funding is just £107.57/patient/year
@DAUK_GP has until now been using the average total figure £165 which includes premises payments, prescribing income & payments for QOF, which are not part of the core contract
Either way it’s not enough

There are huge variations in the income receive per practice with even the average £165 hiding differences in dispensing practices vs non-dispensing

So focusing on £107.57 core GP funding reflects more closely what practices get to employ the staff to provide care for patients

The payments received from NHSE are increasingly linked to targeted or non-recurring payments, rather than core contract, making budgeting harder for practices

They’re used to provide all the services provided by a GP practice

An example of an average practice using £165 income

A focus on core funding has shown a significant drop in payments as highlighted by the BMA

£660m since 2018

In reality this is a loss of GPs/Nurses/Staff to provide care for patients

Can’t see a GP then blame NHS England

There has been an even bigger drop in payments since 2016 if compared to inflation (CPI) ~ £2billion

Average payments for everything have gone from £152 to £165

If this has been matched to inflation this would be over £200 - a 20% cut

@DAUK_GP understand why the @BMA_GP has focused on core GP contract payments

But there is a much bigger issue when looking at all payments to General Practice

Either way @wesstreeting @SKinnock @NHSEngland need to fund practices better or lose them

@DAUK_GP @BMA_GP @wesstreeting @SKinnock @NHSEngland @threadreaderapp unroll

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