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Jul 16, 9 tweets

While we are still on the topic of unsafe men who have joined our community we really need to discuss Kevin aka Taylorswifthockeybro on YouTube

I know a lot of people love his streams and appreciate the time he spends bringing each eras tour to all of us - but I’m choosing to believe the young girls that have come forward with frankly disgusting information of what he’s said and sent to them 🧵

Two 13 year old Swifties decided to add him (their favorite streamer) on Snapchat on June 13th and he immediately added them back and began to message them

Immediately he began to speak to them and here are some pictures of him half naked and a description of the inappropriate things he said

I am absolutely repulsed at this

Here is more information about the grotesque hello kitty comment and trying to get a 13 year old to visit him in Chicago

Why is he messaging minors with a half naked picture labeled as “bedroom view”?

Why is this a poll he would send out when he knows a vast majority of Taylor’s audience are young children?

After these allegations started in June, Kevin deleted his Twitter account. However it seems like most people are not aware of this situation and he has been able to maintain his large platform

I do not know this man. I’ve never DMed him. But I couldn’t stay silent after seeing the things he sent to actual children.

There is 0 excuse for what he’s done. These girls should have never received messages like that and I won’t sit back and let harm happen without speaking up

So concerned now for this young girl defending him on TikTok. If she’s graduating high school in 3 years (like her bio says) she’s likely 14 or 15 years old now and claims to have a relationship with him and met up with him several times

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