Bjorn Lomborg Profile picture
Author of 'Best Things First', 'False Alarm', and 'Skeptical Environmentalist', President Copenhagen Consensus: smart solutions through economic prioritization

Jul 17, 7 tweets

Another environmental scare debunked:

Acid rain killing all forests was the main environmental scare in the 1980s

A new half-century study shows acid rain doesn't kill trees

— actually, trees grow more with acid rain!…

Acid rain scare in the 1980s delivered full-on panic

No more so than in Germany, where papers claimed "the forest is dying," called it an "ecological Hiroshima" and claimed ‘‘the dying of the forests will have a greater impact on our country than World War II’’

All false

The 1980s Acid Rain scare we know now was mostly false

New study: acid rain actually makes trees grow faster

Yet, a majority of Germans in 1985 believed "all forests will be dead by 2000" because of acid rain

We were misled……

Environmental scares abound — and most are wrong or exaggerated

We are constantly being told that the world is ending — like the forests were "4 minutes to midnight" in 1980

Except it wasn't

Experts constantly tell us that "we have just 10 years left"

One peer-reviewed study shows 67% of apocalyptic environmental claims are wrong

because they never happened

Like when King Charles in 2019 told us about climate change that "we have 18 months to save the world"……

Here is a good academic overview of the Acid Rain scare

Conclusion: The real forests didn't die. The forests only died in the minds of people…

For a wonderful example of utterly wrong environmental predictions, see Life magazine from January 1970:

By 1980, we'll all have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution

They don't know if CO₂ will cause mass floodings or a new ice age

But they know it will be bad

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