Oliver Alexander Profile picture
Shadow Government Deep State Analyst - Secret WEF Biolab Interior Decorator - FEMA Sniper - Digital Cloud Designer - Sitting CEO of Cambridge Analytica

Jul 19, 2024, 28 tweets

🧵Analysis of footage from the Trump assassination attempt shows that Trump and David Dutch were hit in Crook's initial 3 shot volley. Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver were struck by Crook's follow-up volley a few seconds later. (1/8)

This wide angle recorded by the Right Side Broadcasting Network shows the entire event unfold and shows all 3 bystanders get struck by Crook's bullets. (2/8)

The first round fired by Crook's impacts the railing visible in the video quoted here causing a puff of smoke after grazing Donald Trump. (3/8)

Immediately after this, Crook's fires 2 additional rounds, which narrowly miss Donald Trump and strike David Dutch. He is seen reacting to being hit by turning and falling to the ground. (4/8)

After a short pause, Crook's fires off a second longer more uncontrolled volley of rounds. These rounds are further off target and the first of them strike Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver. (5/8)

Corey Comperatore was struck in the head by the first round of this volley. He can be seen in the video below standing up against the railing prior to being hit. As he is hit, it also appears that the cap he was wearing flies off. (6/8)

Immediately following this James Copenhaver was also hit. He reacts to being shot by grabbing the rear railing and falling to his knees. (7/8)

As a bonus, this angle also shows that there was no one in the water tower during the shooting.

It also shows that "Red Hat Guy" who is instrumental to the second shooter theory peaks up uninjured after the first volley before ducking again once the second volley starts. (8/8)

All shots were taken from the same location consistent with Crook’s known location.

In the video we also hear the first and second counter-sniper shots. The first right at the end of Crook’s second volley bringing it to an end and the second a few seconds after.

Had the counter-snipers not fired when they did, Crook’s second volley would have likely continued for longer potentially injuring and killing even more people.

Original upload of the video. It is a better quality than what ends up happening to it after being uploaded to this platform.


Zoomed in video showing each of the three bystanders get hit by Crooks' rounds.

The water tower can also be further dismissed, as the large screen on the northern grandstand completely blocks the line of sight between the water tower and Donald Trump.

The top railing of the southern bleacher is directly in line with a shot coming from Crooks' location and grazing Trump's ear as he stood on stage.

Slightly more detailed view from the water tower, with the bleacher added in as a visualization.

I have modeled the bleachers and stage now. Here is a view from Crooks' location. It shows that the shots fired at Trump's head in the first volley are in line with Dutch's abdomen and in the second volley Compertore and Copenhaver were in line.

The round that impacted the bleacher and the one that hit David Dutch struck at approx 10' 6" off the ground. Trump on the stage would have his head at around 11' off the ground given the height of the stage.

This matches with the trajectory from Crooks' location.

The roof Crooks was on was 16.5ft tall. The round impacted the railing at approx. 10ft 6in. at a distance of 540ft from Crooks' firing location. That puts the angle at around -0.637 degrees or 1.11% slope. Almost a flat shot, with a very slight downward angle.

Found a higher resolution video that clearly shows David Dutch turn his head after the first round, only to be hit in the lower abdomen immediately after by the second round.

As for the PhD in Neurotoxicology’s audio analysis.

It is heavily flawed as it relies on recordings from moving microphones. The wide angle video shows that all initial gunshots prior to the counter-snipers sound the exact same.

Also what an actual acoustics expert says:

As the water tower theory still somehow exists. It was not possible to fire at Donald Trump while he was on stage from the water tower without having to shoot through the large screen present behind the northern bleacher.

Many people have mentioned this second story window as the potential shooter location in the second shooter theory.

It does not make a lot of sense for any of the rounds. None of the 3 initial shots would be possible from here given their impact location and proximity to Trump

If the shooting happened from this location, it would also require what may be the worst shooter in history, as we are looking at an approximate 350 MOA spread on the rounds fired at Trump.

We know the location of 3 counter-sniper teams and there are reports of a 4th inside the building Crooks was on the roof of.

The two USSS teams behind Trump and a local law enforcement team about 1000ft south of Crooks’ location.

From the sound in this video, it seems highly likely that the 8th shot came from the unsuppressed R700 of the Local LE team and was the shot that reportedly missed.

Several seconds after Crooks stops shooting a single suppressed shot is heard likely from the South USSS team.

This video proves that Comperatore was struck by the 4th round fired by Crooks and not the first 3 rounds.

As others ducked during the initial shots, he stayed standing continuing to film Trump with his phone.

After the 4th shot was fired his hat can be seen flying.

The last sniper team was in the two story building behind Crooks as we thought. All they had to do was look out of the window and to the left and they would have seen him.

Insane levels of complacency.

This might however do something to explain why the counter snipers on the barn behind Trump might have been hesitant about engaging Crooks without getting positive ID.

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