Chris Tigani Profile picture
Proud father. Eternal optimist. Student of the law, so we make progress. Student of history, so we don’t repeat it.

Jul 21, 14 tweets

The following are pages from the current Secret Service Application Manual. Take a look and see if you notice any common themes. Comments are welcome.

A thread🧵1/13.

A thread🧵2/13.

A thread🧵3/13.

A thread🧵4/13.

A thread🧵5/13.

A thread🧵6/13.

A thread🧵7/13.

A thread🧵8/13.

A thread🧵9/13.

A thread🧵10/13.

A thread🧵11/13.

A thread🧵12/13.

A thread🧵13/13.

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