MilkTeaAllianceCalendar Profile picture
Calendar for the #MilkTeaAlliance to try to help highlight events & Campaigns. Google calendar link in 2nd post in pinned thread.

Jul 21, 2024, 10 tweets

Upcoming Weeks events🧵is here #MilkTeaAlliance!

Today is the 5th year since the 7.21 Yuen Long attack in Hong Kong & a few brave souls carried out a flash mob commemoration there.

Moving & amazing to see🖐️🏼☝️🏼again. May those who went stay safe🙏🏼

There are 9 events in the calendar this week, 1 exhibition, 2 community talks, 1 project presentation. 2 webinars, 1 letter submission, 1 film screening & a seminar.

All details can be found in the calendar as usual:


@ThammasatUFTD & @ThumbRights hold seminars "112 the arrogance of state power" & "Justice after the movement: past, present, future"

In Adelaide, Screening of All Static & Noise (@allstatic_noise) followed by panel

Wed & Thurs:
@112watch  & @PavinKyoto advocacy tour community sessions in San Francisco (wed) & Portland (Thurs) to talk about reform of Article 112 and its impact on the human rights situations in Thailand.

@MekongWatch @FoEJapan & @PVamplify host @tunkhin80 for seminar " Rohingya Driven to the Edge: Unending Persecution"
@bloodmoney22222, @MilkTeaTHA & allies submit their recent statement calling for sanctions on MEB & MOGE to the Thai Parliament!

@SEAJunction @asia_ajar in collaboration with
@MizzimaNews hold 43rd #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar Monthly Update w/ @LiaSciortino & Toe Zaw Latt
@SEAJunction also hold "Ek Khaale The Rohingya: A Visual Restoration" an archiving & documenting project. w/@grconstantine

@tosei_sha2022 holding exhibition "Rohingya - What We Can Do" till 27th July.

That's all the events in the calendar for this week. Thanks to @MilkTeaTHA @thinzashunleiyi & @JiPaTaBook for sending us events to highlight. Couldn't do this without y'all.

Few quick highlights before we go.
Interesting piece on @knuhq expanding it's administration in towns where Junta control has collapsed:

@MattersMohinga's weekly summary of #whatshappeninginmyanmar is out:

lastly... We are concerned that Thailand's recent crackdown on undocumented workers will lead to mass refoulment of people who have fled Myanmar.

That's all for us for now #MilkTeaAlliance. Take care & don't give up. Look after each other. In Solidarity…

@threadreaderapp unroll 🙏🏼

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