There are 9 events in the calendar this week, 1 exhibition, 2 community talks, 1 project presentation. 2 webinars, 1 letter submission, 1 film screening & a seminar.
All details can be found in the calendar as usual:
@ThammasatUFTD & @ThumbRights hold seminars "112 the arrogance of state power" & "Justice after the movement: past, present, future"
In Adelaide, Screening of All Static & Noise (@allstatic_noise) followed by panel
Wed & Thurs:
@112watch & @PavinKyoto advocacy tour community sessions in San Francisco (wed) & Portland (Thurs) to talk about reform of Article 112 and its impact on the human rights situations in Thailand.
@MekongWatch @FoEJapan & @PVamplify host @tunkhin80 for seminar " Rohingya Driven to the Edge: Unending Persecution"
@bloodmoney22222, @MilkTeaTHA & allies submit their recent statement calling for sanctions on MEB & MOGE to the Thai Parliament!
@SEAJunction @asia_ajar in collaboration with
@MizzimaNews hold 43rd #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar Monthly Update w/ @LiaSciortino & Toe Zaw Latt
@SEAJunction also hold "Ek Khaale The Rohingya: A Visual Restoration" an archiving & documenting project. w/@grconstantine
@tosei_sha2022 holding exhibition "Rohingya - What We Can Do" till 27th July.
That's all the events in the calendar for this week. Thanks to @MilkTeaTHA @thinzashunleiyi & @JiPaTaBook for sending us events to highlight. Couldn't do this without y'all.
Few quick highlights before we go.
Interesting piece on @knuhq expanding it's administration in towns where Junta control has collapsed:
New week is upon us #MilkTeaAlliance & a good % of the events this week are in Thailand.
So it seems appropriate to open with this letter in @KhaosodEnglish by a Burmese refugee & activist, a heartfelt call for solidarity, friendship &cooperation.
Mon: @MTANeverForget
The 14th of October will mark 51 years since the 1973 Thai popular (เหตุการณ์ 14 ตุลา) uprising in which the Military regime of the time was overthrown by a mass uprising.
Read more:
@PVamplify @Altsean @karenwomenorg @KPSN19 @bloodmoney22222 @TTFR__Myanmar There are 10 events in the calendar for this weekend: 3 exhibitions, 1 film, 1 twitter space, 3 protests, 1 book & craft fair & 1 fundraising event!
Full details can be found in the calendar here:
@PVamplify @Altsean @karenwomenorg @KPSN19 @bloodmoney22222 @TTFR__Myanmar Fri: (Due to time zones)
@hkaaberk hold screening of "Yellowing / 亂世備忘" to mark 10 years since the Umbrella revolution in Hong Kong.
Join @hmicschool for twitter space to mark "2 years since Peng Lifa Sitong Bridge protest".… 3/
A new week dawns & so here is the upcoming events 🧵for the week #MilkTeaAlliance. B4 we begin today is the 48th year since the October 6th Massacre at Thammasat University, Thailand. @ManushyaFdn have produced a good explainer on what happened that day… 1/…
There are 8 events in the calendar for this week: 3 exhibitions, 3 webinars, 1 workshop & 1 fundraiser.
Full details can be found in the google calendar here:
@PVamplify with Karenni National Women’s Organization, Karenni Civil Society Network & Union of Karenni State Youth hold launch of paper “Federalism from the Ground Up: The Karenni Model of Nation-State Building” w/ @khinohmar Banya Khung Aung, Alar & Andrea 3/
Weekend is here #MilkTeaAlliance & here is the🧵of events we know are happening.
B4 we start this article worth a read on impact of conflict between the AA & Junta in Rakhine on minority communities by @hpanja_brang @EmilyFishbein11 & @myothazin_nwe 1/…
@hpanja_brang @EmilyFishbein11 @myothazin_nwe There are only 6 events in the calendar this weekend, nevertheless the ones that are in look good:
1 commemoration date, 3 exhibitions & 2 protests.
@THforPalestine @PSCThailand &
@seriipalestine will hold Solidarity actions for Palestine in Bangkok & Chiang Mai! (see their accounts for March guidelines)
Free Burma action committee - San Francisco hold their weekly solidarity protest for resistance in Burma! 3/
New week is almost here #MilkTeaAlliance & so here is the weeks upcoming events🧵
B4 we start in Thailand there are many cases related to Freedom of expression & assembly in Oct, some of those in court are our friends & allies. They should be free!
There are 13 events in the calendar for this week: 3 exhibitions, last blasts of a heritage month, 2 talks, 6 protest/rallies & 1 simulcast film screening.
Full details of all events can be found in the calendar:
Weekend is almost upon us #MilkTeaAlliance & here is the upcoming events 🧵
B4 we start want to highlight this piece from @krislc which while talking about his experience & Hong Kongers who have had to leave, we think will be relatable for many.
@krislc There are 21 events in the Calendar this weekend: 1 commemoration date, 4 exhibitions, 6 talks, 1 gathering 7 protests & 1 cultural month, 1 environmental week, the latter 2 with their own events.
Exhibition "Behind the Struggle: Hong Kong Civil society" at Open Ealing Arts Centre
@SEAJunction host 2 Panel discussions "Mekong Dams, River Crisis, and Future Solutions: Can Science Help?" & "International Financial Institutions: Investment in Southeast Asia” 3/