I'm seeing some people say they feel sorry for Joe Biden. Just to be clear: I hope every waking moment of his life is filled with suffering, humiliation, degradation, and endless pain. That depraved genocidal senile rapist Zionist scumbag is directly responsible for the mass murder and rape of not just Palestinians, but Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, every single US genocidal war going back decades, millions of lives, babies, children, men and women destroyed by this monstrous ghoulish freak.
If only a tiny bit of that is returned to him through personal suffering, it is not just an expression of the only bit of justice his victims can ever have, but it is what he deserves a million times over.
I hope he passes away soon utterly humiliated, shamed and despised by everyone, from the liberal class that propped up his genocidal rapist corpse, up to his closest friends and relatives. I hope he goes knowing he was hated and despised by everyone the world over, as he is.
after October 7 Genocide Joe's Zionist Israel lobby and regime owners wrote every atrocity propaganda hoax script for him to read, and he dutifully obeyed, even going so far to say he personally saw photos of the non-existent 40 beheaded babies:
at his recent Morehouse speech Genocide Joe once again went full deranged Zionist atrocity propaganda hoaxer, saying he saw non-existent photos of a daughter and mother being tied together and burned alive. And the liberal media class covered for him again
Genocide Joe is a depraved genocidal mass murderer, torturer and serial rapist, whose actual rapes were erased by the very same New York Times and liberal media class that fabricated a "mass rape" hoax to launder and continue the ongoing Gaza genocide
Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, the Israeli regime's official fabricator and disseminator of the "mass rape" hoax, gloats in public about how she has a direct line to Genocide Joe and Kamala Harris, and gets her hoax scripts read by them whenever she wants:
and of course Genocide Kamala Harris obliged, going so far as to promote and launder extensive video footage of rape-tortured Palestinians just so she can continue the Gaza genocide. That is the kind of depraved murderous scumbags she and Genocide Joe are:
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