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Ran for US Senate-UT. America 1st. MAGLA-Make American Government Local Again. Repeal 16th/17th/19th/26th, Reapportionment Act of 1929 & Immigration Act of 1965

Jul 22, 14 tweets


The thesis I have been advocating for several days is that Donald Trump was targeted because he stands in the way of "WW3," which basically consists of all-out war with Iran, and a continuation/escalation of the Ukraine-Russia war--which together would draw China into the larger conflict.

What this thread *IS*: Obviously, this thread assumes a plot beyond 1 crazy gunman. It also assumes it wasn't a staged ploy by Trump. This thread is for beginning the process of documenting & discussing those who might plausibly, possibly, or probably be involved in the Trump assassination plot in order to facilitate this larger war.

What this thread *IS NOT*: A defense of Donald Trump's domestic policies or agendas, or a promotion of other foreign policies he's advocated. Please take special note my (pro) Palestine friends: There are larger issues at hand than Gaza.

So let's get into it. Here is my list. Feel free to add to it, and to provide your commentary for each person. We're crowdsourcing this.

🧵2/ Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime Minister of Israel. He wants to continue the war in Gaza, hide his war crimes in Gaza, and wants to remain in power. An all-out war with Iran helps him do all of that and avoid accountability to the Israeli people who are calling for his removal and arrest. He was disloyal to Trump in 2020, and torpedoed the deal Trump tried to broker with Palestine. All out war with Iran also takes out the last significant opposition to Israeli hegemony in the ME, and paves the way for Greater Israel.

🧵3/ Antony Blinken: jewish US Secretary of State. Head US liaison to Israel aiding the Gaza genocide. Also, a massive supporter of the Ukraine-Russia war. A Trump presidency ends his power arc and frustrates his current warmaking.

🧵4/ Victoria Nuland: jewish Deputy Secretary of State and one of the masterminds of the Ukraine-Russia war. She resigned a few months ago. Was it to escape accountability since the war wasn't going well for Ukraine? Or was it something more sinister? It's reminiscent of when David Ben-Gurion resigned in July 1963 to focus on helping plan & coordinate the JFK assassination. A few weeks/months ago, Nuland was caputured on video smirking and opining that Trump would never become President.

🧵5/ Robert Kagan: Victoria Nuland's jewish husband. He was a founding member of the neocon think-tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which prior to 9/11 advocated for a "New Pearl Harbor" to get America to act pre-emptively to essentially take out Israel's enemies in the Middle East. He was one of the architects/proponents of the Iraq war. A few months ago, he wrote an Op-Ed in the Washington Post calling for the removal of Trump by "legal or illegal means," and included a picture of Trump with his face blown off.

🧵6/ Alejandro Mayorkas: jewish Secretary of the Department of Homelands Security. Mayorkas is responsible for the Secret Service and is known to have denied the Trump Campaign's request for more security for the last 2 years. The majority of the agents who "dropped the ball" on 7/13/24 were from DHS.

Mayorkas was a main participant in covering up the truth of J6 in order to be able to prosecute Donald Trump and keep him out of politics forever.

Mayorkas is also responsible for leaving the US border wide open to facilitate the transfer of displaced people from the war campaigns in the Middles East.

🧵7/ Merrick Garland: jewish Attorney General and head of the DOJ.

Garland is one of the chief architects behind the J6 psyop to keep Trump out of the presidency. One unanswered question is also: who got Trumps sentencing hearinng post-poned the Thursday before the assassination attempt? And now we're already seeing the beginnings of an FBI cover-up in the assassination investigation. Is Garland up to his eyeballs?

🧵8/ Josh Shapiro: jewish Governor or Pennsylvania and its former Attorney General.

It was Shapiro who vigourously blocked investigations into the voting irregularities in Pennsylvania in the 2020 election that helped kick Trump out of the White House.

Then, in 2022, Shapiro made the J6 psyop a main pillar of his gubernatorial campaign.

The assassination attempt on Trump just happened in Shapiro's backyard, where local law enforcement security breakdowns have been identified as enabling the assassination attempt.

Nobody was talking about Shapiro, or even knew who he was until last week, and now all of a sudden, he's being floated as a major contender for the Democrat candidate for President or VP.

🧵9/ Miriam Adelson: jewish Billionaire financier. Adelson was instrumental in getting Netanyahu installed in Israel and is a hard right radical zionist. She originally funded Ron DeSantis against Donald Trump. Was her $100 million pledge to Trump really just a pledge for who they were planning on installing over Trump's dead body?

🧵10/ Gary Gensler: jewish Commissioner of the SEC.

Did Gensler help cover up stock market shenanigans that allegedly bet on a tumble in Trump's Truth Social stock?

🧵11/ Mark Rutte: Brand new Secretary General of NATO. Former Dutch PM.

Rutte is an explicit supporter of Israel and specifically Benjamin Netanyahu. He's already denied that Israel has committed any war crimes in Gaza.

The thoughtful individual might ask, "What does NATO care about Gaza and Israel?"

This is an important intersection between the Russia-Ukraine war and Israel. Did Rutte have Israel's help in securing his leadership over NATO? What is the quid pro quo, if any?

🧵12/ Kimberly Cheatle: Head of the Secret Service.

Cheatle not only presided over the security breakdown on 7/13, she was intimately involved in the J6 cover-up: all Secret Service messages related to J6 were mysteriously & "conveniently" deleted on her watch. This intersects with both Shapiro and Mayorkas (who is her current boss).

She also has direct ties to Dick Cheney, notorious Neocons. Dick Cheney was VP during 9/11 and she was on his protective detail then. Many suspect Cheney of insider involvement in the 9/11 plot.

🧵13/ Yoav Gallant: jewish Minister of Defense and member of Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party in Israel.

Gallant is one of the main prosecutors of the Gaza genocide. He could soon face international arrest warrants for war crimes.

He made two visits to Washington DC this year: one in March and one in June. Was he helping coordinate this assassination plot?

🧵14/ Someone in Trump's campaign.

Who suggested Pennsylvania? Who helped set it up? Who's the "inside man" (or woman)?

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