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Jul 24, 2024, 13 tweets

Republicans: Don't do this.

Don't run to Kamala's left on crime.

The GOP has tried to do this for years. It never works.

Conservatives are supposed to be tough on crime. We should be hitting Kamala from the right—not the left.

We'll show you why. 🧵 (1/12)

A lot of conservative influencers are parroting the line that Kamala "locked up" too many criminals—originally a far-left attack on her in the 2020 Democratic primaries.

This is bad politics and bad policy. And it betrays our own base on one of our strongest issues. (2/12)

First of all, you can't mock left-wing "identity politics" and then complain about Kamala locking up "black men." As D.A., she prosecuted criminals of every race. Exclusively making it about black people plays into all kinds of bogus left-wing narratives about racism. (3/12)

But more to the point, being tough on crime—and specifically, being to the right of Democrats on crime—has long been one of the GOP's strong political issues.

Other than the economy, crime is where the GOP has the largest advantage. (Tied with immigration). (4/12)

What's more, voters are more pro-law and order than they've been in years. Why would Republicans want to sacrifice this issue?

Earlier this month, a @ManhattanInst report found that 57% of voters said the justice system isn't tough enough. Only 11% said it's "too tough." (5/12)

And the American majority is right.

The correct response to left-wing narratives about "mass incarceration" isn't to say the exact same thing with a Republican coat of paint.

It's to tell the truth. @TomCottonAR was right: We aren't locking up enough criminals. (6/12)

The good news is, with Kamala Harris, there's a lot of material for tough-on-crime Republicans to work with.

For example: During the 2020 George Floyd riots, she urged people to donate to the "Minnesota Freedom Fund"—which raises money to bust criminals out of jail. (7/12)

As @FreeBeacon reported this week, Kamala is still raising money for the fund.

"The vice president’s fundraising page for the active and accepted a contribution from this reporter on Monday morning."

And where has that money gone? (8/12)…

Shawn Michael Tillman was in jail for indecent exposure and criminal sexual conduct.

In April 2022, he was released thanks to the help of the MFF.

A few months later, Tillman shot a man 6 times on a light rail platform, killing him at the scene. (9/12)

George Howard was in jail for domestic assault. In August 2021, he was bailed out by MFF.

18 days later, Howard shot and killed a man in a fit of road rage. (10/12)

Christopher Boswell was a twice-convicted rapist. He was in jail for kidnapping and sexually assaulting another woman.

In August 2020, he was freed by MFF.

He promptly strangled another woman—and said he would "shoot her in the back of the head" if she tried to escape. (11/12)

There are many, many more stories like this. But the point is: This is what Kamala Harris supports. This is her actual record on crime.

It's heinous. It's wrong. And the overwhelming majority of law-abiding Americans agree.

Republicans should be siding with them. (12/12)

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