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Our ancestors settled a continent, conquered a wild frontier, built beautiful cities, and sent men to the moon. America deserves a future as great as its past.
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Jun 28 11 tweets 5 min read
"I've seen your swing. I know your swing. Let's not act like children."

Add this to the list of great debate moments in U.S. history.

We're a young country. But we punch way above our weight class when it comes to political dunks.

Let's look back at a few of our best. (1/10) Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas (1858)

The Lincoln-Douglas debates are arguably the most famous debates in U.S. history. Each had to make a one-hour opening statement followed by a 90-minute rebuttal—outside and without microphones!

Lincoln's roasts were legendary: (2/10)Image
Jun 28 10 tweets 4 min read
If there's one takeaway from tonight, it should be this: It's no longer possible to deny that Joe Biden is senile.

This is happening live, on primetime television, for every American to see.

For months, the Left tried to gaslight us about this. Don't let them forget it. (1/9) Interviewer: "Have you ever seen anything that makes you question or concerned about [Biden's] mental faculties?"

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: "No." (2/9)
Jun 18 9 tweets 3 min read
Today, Joe Biden plans to announce his latest executive order: A mass amnesty for illegal aliens.

It's even worse than you think.

Let's take a look. 🧵 (1/8)Image Biden's plan, euphemistically titled "Keeping American Families Together," will provide amnesty to more than half a million illegals.

It provides a path to permanent legal residency for 500,000 illegal aliens who are married to U.S. citizens, and 50,000 of their children. (2/8)Image
Jun 17 6 tweets 3 min read
The Biden campaign is still mouthing the same "free trade" dogmas that hollowed out the American heartland.

Trump wants to tax Americans less, and foreign producers more.

Biden wants to tax Americans more, and foreign producers less. It's that simple.

A quick thread. 🧵 (1/5) Last year, @cpa_tradereform modeled the effects of Trump's proposed 10% universal tariff—the very policy that the Biden campaign is dead-set on opposing. The results:

- Real household incomes increase by $7,000
- 3.3 million new jobs created
- 3.61% real GDP growth

(2/5) Image
Jun 11 15 tweets 7 min read
"It's just two people getting married."
"They're not going to indoctrinate your kids."
"This doesn't affect you personally."

You've heard all these lines before.

But here's the thing: Every single conservative fear about gay marriage came true.

We'll show you. (1/14) 🧵Image 1: Gay marriage is a slippery slope.

For years, when conservatives worried that gay marriage could lead to things like polyamory or polygamy, the Left scoffed.

LGBT outlets like The Advocate regularly "debunked" the claim with stories like this: (2/14)Image
Jun 4 12 tweets 5 min read
Where does the "Q" in "LGBTQ" come from?

Most people know it stands for "queer." But you might not know just how radical the term really is.

To understand the modern "LGBTQ" movement, we have to understand "queer theory"—a revolutionary movement born in the 1990s. (1/11) Image "Queer," of course, was originally used as a pejorative for gays and lesbians. It was "reclaimed" as a positive identity in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the creation of radical groups like Queer Nation.

But its meaning remains somewhat ambiguous to this day. (2/11) Image
May 31 11 tweets 5 min read
It's a familiar dance: The Left abuses its power, and the Right responds by feebly warning that someday, when the roles are reversed, their opponents will come to regret it.

But they rarely do — because Republicans almost never follow through.

A quick thread. 🧵 (1/10) For more than a year now, conservatives have been angrily predicting that this time, the Left had really gone too far.

When the Left first launched its lawfare campaign against Trump last year, that was the Right's response: "This is going to come back to bite them." (2/10)Image
May 22 15 tweets 6 min read
This is a big deal.

Another far-left, Soros-funded prosecutor was just defeated by a tough-on-crime challenger.

This happened in Portland, Oregon — one of the most left-wing cities in the country.

The soft-on-crime era is coming to an end.

Voters have had enough. 🧵(1/14) Mike Schmidt, the hard-left Portland DA, won with 77% of the vote in 2020.

Last night, he lost by double digits — despite receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from Soros groups.

His opponent was a lifelong Republican.

Yes: A lifelong Republican won in Portland. (2/14)Image
May 20 8 tweets 3 min read
"We're going to have to do something dramatic to remove people from this country that are here illegally."

This is now the mainstream position among voters.

For months, the Left has tried to cast the GOP's position on immigration as "extreme."

But it hasn't worked. 🧵 (1/7) The Left's response to these comments from @marcorubio yesterday was predictably hysterical.

But on this issue, Rubio — and Donald Trump — are far closer to the center of gravity in American public opinion than progressives.

Voters have moved right on immigration. (2/7)
May 15 5 tweets 2 min read
Share this far and wide.

NFL star Harrison Butker is being attacked by the Left for telling the truth about feminism in this speech.

Harrison is a devout Catholic, a patriot, and a loving husband and father.

Let's show our support. 🇺🇸

Butker, the star kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, hasn't shied away from his conservative beliefs. This week, his commencement speech at Benedictine College, he criticized gender ideology, feminism, abortion, and COVID tyranny.

The Left reacted exactly as you'd expect.
May 10 10 tweets 5 min read
Radicals understand that symbols matter.

Our traditions, monuments and memorials are part of the story we tell about ourselves.

That's why they're targeting the symbols of the West: To transform a society, you have to transform the way it understands itself.

A quick 🧵 (1/9)
Image Every civilization has a "mythology": We observe holidays and traditions; celebrate great heroes and deeds; and commemorate symbols and stories. It's what shapes our understanding of ourselves.

The Left wants to delegitimize that mythology—and replace it with their own. (2/9) Image
May 6 11 tweets 4 min read
Elon is one of the last representatives of a distinctly American archetype: The eccentric maverick entrepreneur.

So much of American business today is just bureaucracy—what James Burnham famously described as "managerialism."

But @elonmusk built something radically new. (1/11) In the 1940s, the political theorist James Burnham described a "managerial revolution" in advanced developed societies: Old, entrepreneurial capitalist economies were being replaced by a new system of technocrats who coordinated and "managed" the process of production. (2/11) Image
May 3 14 tweets 6 min read
Just remember: This is a policy choice.

America has achieved miraculous things. You think we can't clean up our cities? Of course we can.

It's not a matter of means; it's a matter of will.

We can stop living like this whenever we want.

Don't believe us? Check this out.🧵 It's easy to forget now, but in the 1970s and 1980s, American cities were even worse off than they are today.

Nowhere was that more true than New York City. Things were so bad that the Big Apple was nicknamed "Fear City."

The murder rate was 5 times higher than it is today.Image
Apr 26 10 tweets 6 min read
"Mostly Peaceful Protests" Are Back

When conservatives protest, the media is hysterical.

They attacked anti-lockdown protesters as racists — and fabricated smears about Tea Party patriots.

But when leftists protest, it's always "mostly peaceful."

Some recent examples...🧵Image When the Tea Party protests kicked off in 2009, the media quickly got to work trying to discredit them.

Pundits like Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, and David Shuster regularly attacked the movement in vulgar terms. (So much for "civility"). Even Obama got in on the action.

Apr 2 12 tweets 5 min read
Here's why this is such a big deal:

These McKinsey studies were the gold standard in the DEI industry.

Nearly every major institution in America cited them to justify their DEI programs.

Turns out, it was all a lie. The studies were false.

Let's look at a few examples...🧵 First of all, it's important to note: The paper shared by @realChrisBrunet above isn't the first time that the "DEI is good for business" claim has been debunked.

Researchers have been raising questions about McKinsey's claims for years.

This is an article from July 2021:
Mar 17 8 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, Trump predicted a "bloodbath" for the U.S. auto industry if Biden wins. The Left accused him of threatening violence.

That was a hoax.

In fact, it's actually the opposite: Every election since 2016, the Left has threatened violence if they lose.

A quick thread. 🧵Image First, let’s start with the obvious one: You’ve all seen tweets like this. They’re par for the course for left-wing pundits. "Vote for us, or else you’re going to get a civil war."

Here's a textbook example, courtesy of Kathy Griffin:Image