‼️🚨🇫🇷🇮🇱 The organizer of the 2024 Paris Olympics with all of it’s satanic, masonic & LGBTQ imagery is….
Looks very similar to the ‘mysterious provocateur’ who burned the American flag a few days ago (pretending to be a Pro-Palestinian protestor).
They aren’t very clever are they?
‼️🚨🇮🇱 There is only one religion which manages to directly attack Christ & promote non-traditional values & gender orientations.
Talmudic Judaism.
The Olympic ceremony in Paris was not uplifting French, Parisian, or Catholic culture. It was promoting a different ‘tradition’.
They mock Christ, they promote vile anti-Christian movies (Hollywood), TV Shows (Netflix) and theatre plays.
Nobody asked them to do this. It is willful, intentional and premeditated.
‼️🇫🇷🇮🇱 Some people were saying the Paris Olympics director looks like ‘Frenchie’ from Amazon Prime’s “The Boys”
They would be correct. Because the actor playing ‘Frenchie’ is literally a Jewish Israeli IDF soldier.
‼️🚨🇫🇷🇮🇱 ‘They’ are editing the Wikipedia of the Paris Olympics organizer Thomas Jolly.
Hirschman, Caldwell, & Yates. ‘When Scotland was Jewish’, McFarland, 2015, page 100.
Hirschman, Elizabeth Caldwell, and Donald N. Yates:
‘When Scotland was Jewish: DNA evidence, archeology, analysis of migrations, and public and family records show twelfth century Semitic roots.’
(McFarland), 2015, page 171. 📖
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