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Jul 26, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read Read on X
‼️🚨🇫🇷🇮🇱 The organizer of the 2024 Paris Olympics with all of it’s satanic, masonic & LGBTQ imagery is….

Jewish. Image
Looks very similar to the ‘mysterious provocateur’ who burned the American flag a few days ago (pretending to be a Pro-Palestinian protestor).

They aren’t very clever are they? Image
‼️🚨🇮🇱 There is only one religion which manages to directly attack Christ & promote non-traditional values & gender orientations.

Talmudic Judaism.

The Olympic ceremony in Paris was not uplifting French, Parisian, or Catholic culture. It was promoting a different ‘tradition’.
They mock Christ, they promote vile anti-Christian movies (Hollywood), TV Shows (Netflix) and theatre plays.

Nobody asked them to do this. It is willful, intentional and premeditated. Image
‼️🇫🇷🇮🇱 Some people were saying the Paris Olympics director looks like ‘Frenchie’ from Amazon Prime’s “The Boys”

They would be correct. Because the actor playing ‘Frenchie’ is literally a Jewish Israeli IDF soldier. Image
‼️🚨🇫🇷🇮🇱 ‘They’ are editing the Wikipedia of the Paris Olympics organizer Thomas Jolly.

Hirschman, Caldwell, & Yates. ‘When Scotland was Jewish’, McFarland, 2015, page 100. Image
Hirschman, Elizabeth Caldwell, and Donald N. Yates:
‘When Scotland was Jewish: DNA evidence, archeology, analysis of migrations, and public and family records show twelfth century Semitic roots.’
(McFarland), 2015, page 171. 📖 Image

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Jan 11
‼️🚨🇷🇺🇮🇱 In October 1917 a gang of Talmudic Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.

What crimes did they commit during the first years of their rule?

- Legalization of sodomy (🏳️‍🌈)
- Legalization of Abortions
- Forced vaccinations💉
- ‘Harems’ of Russian maidens for ✡️ Commissars (during Red Terror/Civil War period)
- Ritual murder basements in CHEKA offices (most famous in Yekaterinburg, Kiev, Odessa, Petrograd). Survivors described ‘ankle-deep’ chambers of blood
- Construction of a Talmudic Babylonian Ziggurat on the Red Square
- Murder of 180+ Orthodox Christian bishops☦️
- Murder of thousands of junior clergymen, monks and nuns
- Ritual murders across the county, promotion of cults (New & Old Zion under Lenin’s secretary Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich)
- Construction of a political system in which promotion would only be possible if you married a ✡️ woman
- Extrajudicial murder of thousands of WWI veterans, and their families
- Tax rates increased up to 88% for those who belonged to or were related to ‘families of Orthodox priests and deacons’
- Forced labor camps for anyone who spoke out about, published or promoted antisemitic opinions
- Closing down of thousands of Churches, Monasteries & Cathedrals (Example: by 1941 the entire territory of Belarus had 0 open Orthodox Churches)
- Closing down of all Orthodox Christian schools and seminaries
- Promotion of ‘Atheism lessons’ in all schools for children between the ages of 6 and 18
- Homeschooling was made illegal. All children were forced to attend Communist-run public education institutions with Marxist curricula
- Banning of all conservative, nationalist and pro-Russian newspapers, journals and book printing businesses
- Complete reform of the Justice system according to Marxist principles. Numerous convicted terrorists released from prison by November 1917
- Unjustified promotion of pedophiles into the Soviet bureaucracy, such as Beria, Stalin, the three Kaganovich brothers, etc
- Promotion of Finnish, Ukrainian & Central Asian separatism (primarily by Lenin and Stalin personally)
- Artificial promotion of Ukrainian ‘Mova’ language in the territory of the УССР
- Appointment of terrorist Leon ‘Trotsky’ Bronstein to lead the Red Army (including the introduction of the Masonic Red Star)
- Opening numerous synagogues across Ukraine and mainland Russia
- Promotion of Zionism & the Rothschild creation of the state of Israel (Stalin and his ministers were guilty of this)
- Theft & fraud on an unprecedented historical scale. The savings and monetary deposits of the average Russian citizens in all banks were seized and ‘nationalized’
- A large portion Russian Imperial gold reserves donated to (Dönmeh) Ataturk’s Revolution in Turkey, and the genocide of Greeks and Armenians 🇹🇷
- Signing of the treasonous 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, surrendering Russian citizens and territory to the German Empire (essentially a Bolshevik repayment of Talmudic Ashkenzi-German banker credits) 🇩🇪
- Exporting of left-wing Bolshevik ideological terror-squads to other European countries (Austro-Hungary, Germany, Yugoslavia, China, etc)
- Destruction of over 20 relics of saints, 10+ miracle-working icons & immeasurable other Christian holy objects
- Creation of documentaries and movies aiming to spread atheism among the ‘goyim’ (regular Russian people)
- Murder of countless Islamic elders who remained loyal to the Russian Tsars for centuries
- Complete genocide of the Baltic German nobility, (descendants of Crusaders 60% of which were Orthodox, others Lutheran & Catholic by 1917). Simply because they remained loyal to the Russian Empire & Tsar
- Unique Volga German community members physically erased or sent to gulags in Siberia
- Destruction of almost every facet of Russian culture, namely: Architecture, Music, Dress (traditional clothing), alphabet, suppression of Church Slavonic, Farming techniques, Russian Cuisine, Marriage ceremonies, Traditional medicine
- Idols of Marxism installed all over RussiaImage
One of the most important books of the 20th century, exposing the Bolshevik rise to power (financed by 🇮🇱 bankers).

Written by Anthony Sutton, whom modern Communists absolutely despise: Image
‼️🚨 What do modern American Communists such as @jacksonhinklle & @InfraHaz promote?

The same sacrilege & degeneracy. Slander against Orthodox Christian saints:
Read 5 tweets
Sep 6, 2024
‼️🚨🇷🇺🇮🇱 Historical Fact:
In late 1917, when the Bolshevik leader Lenin arrived in Russia by sealed train carriage with German (Jewish) Gold, 90% of his ‘companions’ were of Talmudic Jewish heritage.

Many belonged to various revolutionary & socialist parties, not just the Bolsheviks. They were brought to Russia as a weapon to begin the mass ritual slaughter of Orthodox Christians, latter named ‘The Red Terror’

Lenin’s carriage:

1. Abramovich Maya Zelikovna
2. Aizenbund Meer Kivovich
3. Armand Inessa Fedorovna
4. Goberman Mikhail Vulfovich
5. Grebel'skaya Fanya
6. Kon Elena Felixovna
7. Konstantinovich Anna Evgen'evna
8. Krupskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna
9. Lenin (Ulyanov-Blank) Vladimir Ilyich
10. Linde Johann-Arnold Johannovich
11. Miringof Elijah Davidovich
12. Miringof Maria Efimovna
13. Mortochkina Valentina Sergeevna (wife of Safarov)
14. Peineson Semen Gershovich
15. Pogosskaya Bunya Khemovna (with her son Ruvim)
16. Ravich Sarra Nakumovna
17. Radek (Sobelson) Karl Bernhardovich
18. Radomyslskaya Zlata Evnovna
19. Radomyslsky-Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) Ovsey-Gershen Aronovich
20. Radomyslsky Stefan Ovseevich
21. Rivkin Zalman-Berk Oserovich
22. Rosenblum David Mordukhovich
23. Safarov (Voldin) Georgy Ivanovich
24. Skovno Abram Anchilovich
25. Slyusareva Nadezhda Mikhailovna
26. Sokolnikov (‘Diamond’) Hirsch Yankelovich
27. Suliashvili David Sokratovich
28. Usievich Grigory Alexandrovich
29. Kharitonov Moses Motkovich
30. Tskhakaya Mikhail Grigoryevich

Members of the RSDRP (Russian Social Democratic Labour Party):

1. Avdeev Ivan Ananevich (with his wife and son)
2. Akselrod Tovia Leizerovich (with his wife)
3. Aptekman Joseph Vasilyevich
4. Asiriani Sosipatr Samsonovich
5. Astrov (Poves) Isaac Sergeevich
6. Baugidze Samuel Grigoryevich
7. Belenky
8. Belenky Zakhary Davidovich (with his wife and child)
9. Bogrova Valentina Leonidovna
10. Bronstein Rosa Abramovna
11. Vanadze Alexander Semenovich
12. Voikov (Weiner) Pinkhus Lazarevich
13. Heronimus Joseph Borisovich
14. Gershten
15. Gishvaliner Petr Iosifovich
16. Gogiashvili Polycarp Davidovich (with his wife and child)
17. Gokhblit Matvey Iosifovich
18. Gudovich
19. Dobrovitsky Zakhary Leibovich
20. Doidze Solomon Yassevich
21. Zhviv (Makar) Simeon Moiseevich
22. Ioffe David Nahumovich (with his wife)
23. Kogan Vladimir Abramovich
24. Kogan Israel Iremievich (with his wife and child)
25. Kopelman
26. Kristi Mikhail Petrovich
27. Lebedev (Polyansky) Pavel Ivanovich (with his wife and child)
28. Levina
29. Levin Iochim Davidovich
30. Levitman Liba Berkovna
31. Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich
32. Lyudninskaya
33. Manevich Abram-Evel Izrailevich (with his wife)
34. Manuilsky Dmitry Zakharovich
35. Martov (‘Tsederbaum’, from the Yiddish ‘Keder’) Julian Osipovich
36. Martynov (Piker) Semen Yulyevich (with his wife and child)
37. Mgeladze Vlasa Djarismanovich
38. Movshovich Moshe Solomonovich (with his wife and child)
39. Muntian Sergey Fedorovich (with wife)
40. Nazaryev Mikhail Fedorovich
41. Orzherovsky Mark (with wife and child)
42. Orlov (Mender) Fedor Ivanovich
43. Ostashkinskaya Rosa Hirsch-Arapovna
44. Pevzaya Viktor Vasilyevich
45. Przhiborovsky Stefan Vladislavovich
46. Plastinin Nikanor Fedorovich (with wife and child)
47. Pozin Vladimir Ivanovich
48. Rabinovich (Skenrer) Pilya Iosifovna
49. Reitman (with wife and child)
50. Rosenblum Herman Khaskelovich
51. Rokhlin Mordkha Vulfovich
52. Ruzer Leonid Isaakovich (with wife)
53. Ryazanov (Goldendach) David Borisovich
54. Sagredo Nicholas Petrovich (with wife)
55. Sadokaya Iosif Bezhanovich
56. Semkovsky (Bronstein) Semen Yulyevich (with wife)

📰📖 Source:
Newspaper of Vladimir L. Burtsev “The Common Cause" from 14.10.1917 and 16.10.1917. Also published in Oleg Platonov’s ‘Destruction of the Russian Tsardom’, 2013 (Book banned in РФ 🇷🇺) pages 41-48.Image
‼️🇷🇺🇮🇱 Continued list of Talmudic Yiddish Revolutionaries, who traveled with Lenin by train into Revolutionary Russia:

57. Sokolinskaya Gitlya Lazarevna (with husband)
58. Sokolnikova (with child)
59. Stroeva
60. Turkin Mikhail Pavlovich
61. Finkel Moses Adolfovich
62. Khaperia Konstantin Alexeyevich
63. Sheikman Aaron Leibovich
64. Shifrin Natan Kalmanovich
65. Ehrenburg Ilya Lazarevich

Members of the ‘Bund’:

66. Abramovich (Reyn) Rafael Abramovich (with wife and two children)
67. Alter Estera Israilevna (with child)
68. Barak
69. Boltina Lazar Khaimovich
70. Weinberg Markus Aronovich
71. Galperin
72. Diment Lazar Nahumovich
73. Drankin Vulf Meerovich (with wife and child)
74. Dreizenstok Anna Meerovna
75. Zanin Mayrom Monashevich
76. Idelson Mark Lipmanovich
77. Ioffe Pinkus Yoselevich
78. Klavir Lev Solomonovich
79. Kontorsky Samuil-Srul Davidovich
80. Levit (Gellert-Levit) Eydel Meerovna (with child)
81. Lerner David
82. Lipnin Judah Leybovich
83. Lyubinsky Mechislav-Abram Osipovich (with wife and child)
84. Luxemburg Moses Solomonovich
85. Makhlina Taiva-Zeylik Zelmanovich
86. Meerovich Movsha Gilelevich
87. Nakhimzon Meer Itskovich
88. Pinlis Meer Bentsianovich
89. Rakov Moses Ilyich
90. Rosen Khaim Yudovich (with wife)
91. Svetitsky A.A.
92. Skeptor Yakov Leybinovich
93. Slobodsky Valentin Osipovich
94. Tusenev Isaak Markovich
95. Hefel Abram Yakovlevich
96. Zukerstein Solomon Srulovich (with two children)
97. Sheinberg
98. Sheinis Iser Khaimovich

Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs):

99. Bezzemelny (Ustinov) Alexey Mikhailovich
100. Belyaeva (Ures) Maria Alexandrovna (with child)
101. Bobrov (Natanson) Mark Andreevich (with wife V.I. Alexandrovna)
102. Vesnshtein Israel Aronovich
103. Vinogradova Elizabeth Ievrovna
104. Gavronsky Dmitry Osipovich
105. Dakhlina David Grigorievich (with wife and child)
106. Kalyan Evgenia Nikolaevna
107. Klyushin Boris Israilevich (with wife)
108. Levinzon Meer Abramovich (with wife and child)
109. Lunkevich Zoe Pavlovna
110. Perel Revekka
111. Proshyan Tron Pershovich
112. Rosenberg Lev Iosifovich (with wife and two children)
113. Ulyanov Grigory Karlovich
114. Tendelevich Leonid Abramovich (with wife and two children)
115. Freifeld Lev Vladimirovich (with wife and child)


115. Butsevich Alexander Stanislavovich
116. Vyugin Yakov (with wife and children)
117. Giterman Abram Moiseevich (with wife and child)
118. Goldstein Abram Borisovich
119. Lipdits Olga (with child)
120. Maximov (Yastrzhembsky) Timofey Fedorovich
121. Miller Abram Lipovich (with wife and two children)
122. Rivkin Abram Yakovlevich
123. Rubinchik Efraim-Abram Aronovich
124. Segalov Abram Vulfovich (with wife)
125. Skutelsky Joseph Isaakovich
126. Toybiseman Vetya Israilevna
127. Shmulevich Ester Isaakovna
128. Yustin David

Social Democrats of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania:

129. Goldblum Rosa Mavrikiyevna
130. Urban Ernst Ivanovich (with wife and child)
131. Shuster Ivan Germanovich

Polish Socialist Party:

132. Kon Felix Yakovlevich (with daughter and son-in-law)
133. Lapinsky (Levinson) Meer Abramovich
134. Shpakovsky Yan-Ignatiy Alexandrovich

Poale Zion (Workers of Zion):
135. Volovnina Alassa Ovseevna
136. Kara

Socialist Zionists:

137. Dines Rivka Khaimovna
138. Rosenberg Lev Iosifovich

Social Democratic Party of Lithuania:

139. Martna Mikhail Yuryevich


140. Averbukh Shmul-Leyba Iosifovich
141. Balabanova Anzhelika Isaakovna
142. Braginsky Monus Osipovich
143. Goniandsky Iosif Abramovich
144. Zifeld Arthur Rudolfovich
145. Karadzai Georgiy Artemyevich (with wife)
146. Kimmel Iogan Voldemarovich
147. Makarova Olga Mikhaylovna
148. Mararam Elia Evelchevna
149. Meisner Ivan (with wife and two children)

To be continued ⬇️Image
‼️🚨🇷🇺🇮🇱 The complete extensive list of Jewish and other Shabbos Goy revolutionaries who were ‘injected’ into the Provisional Government run Russia.

The Tsar, detained, isolated & under arrest is unable to stop these dangerous enemies of Russia from entering the country.

…150. Odoyevsky (Severov) Afanasius Semenovich
151. Okudzhava Vladimir Stepanovich
152. Rashkovsky Khaim Punksovich
153. Slobodsky Solomon Mordkovich
154. Sokolov Pavel Yakovlevich
155. Stuchevsky Pavel Vladimirovich
156. Troyanovsky Konstantin Mikhailovich
157. Shapiro Mark Leopoldovich.

"By helping Lenin travel to Russia," wrote the German military leader Erich Ludendorff later, "our government assumed a special responsibility. From a military point of view, this undertaking was justified. Russia had to be brought down."

Other German statesmen reasoned similarly. The envoy in Copenhagen, Count Brockdorff-Rantzau, advised the government to agree to the passage of Bolshevik functionaries through Germany, as it could be expected that within three months, Russia would undergo a complete collapse and the destruction of its military power. In the end, the German government allowed the Bolsheviks to pass in exchange for a promise to assist in the immediate conclusion of a separate peace.

The German authorities (most likely convinced by International banking capital) provided Lenin and the group of citizens from a hostile state traveling with him - Bolsheviks, Bundists, and other ‘internationalists’ with a special carriage for the journey to Russia.

After Lenin and 29 other passengers boarded, three doors of the carriage were sealed, leaving the fourth, rear door open. Accompanying Lenin were his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya and his mistress Inessa Armand, along with close associates Zinoviev, Radek, Safarov, Sokolnikov, and others.

Shortly afterward, German intelligence services transported an entire poisonous trainload of revolutionaries (90 percent of them Jews) through German territory - resolute enemies of the Russian state, who played a terrible role in the history of Russia, becoming a pillar of the anti-Russian Bolshevik regime for many years.Image
Read 4 tweets
Aug 21, 2024
‼️🚨🇷🇺☪️ President Vladimir Putin, an Orthodox Christian, kissed the Islamic Quran.

This is apostasy.
The Quran, the Talmud, & other blasphemous books are essentially idols.
Christian martyrs & confessors were tortured for not venerating these unholy objects.

This is VERY bad.
Just as the previous Derbent Quran incident last year, which was followed by an earthquake, this event will also be followed by calamity.
I did not mention this initially - but it could be early onset dementia.

Which does not make the situation any better, but could be a mitigating circumstance.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15, 2024
‼️🚨🇮🇱✡️ Candace Owns is right: Stalin was Jewish

1. According to mainstream Soviet & liberal historians Stalin was the son of a ‘shoemaker’ (Schuhmacher) a popular profession amongst Georgian & Mountain Jews in the Russian Empire.

2. Stalin’s mother, the mysterious Ekaterina ‘Keke’ Geladze has a classic post-renaissance Kiddush Cup on her tombstone (not an Orthodox Cross, nor Icon, nor anything Orthodox Christian). The same Kiddush cup can be seen as a sign of symbolic Talmudic heritage on the grave of Brezhnev’s mother, Natalia Mazelova (from the word Mazel - fate, see Mazeltov), & Lenin’s brother Dmitriy Ulyanov (1874 - 1943).

3. Everything that we know about Stalin, after 1917 has been filtered through the collective PSYOP machine of Soviet historiography (which started with Mikhail Pokrovsky). But even the mainstream history of Stalin’s origins did not censor the fact that his first nickname, which he used at the beginning of his career as a criminal & terrorist was ‘Koba’ (In honor of Bar Kokhba, the famous Jewish revolutionary who committed mass terrorism against the Roman Empire in the 130s AD). The other supposed origin of the nickname Koba came from the ‘personal cannibal’ of Imam Shamil (1797 - 1871) a famous Islamic mountain rebel who fought against the Russian Orthodox Empire. This ‘cannibal’ & murderer was named Koba. What’s interesting here is that Imam Shamil’s personal seal of loyalty was a six-sided ‘Star of David’ hexagram ✡️.

4. Throughout his criminal and revolutionary career Stalin’s best friends and colleagues were almost exclusively criminals of Jewish heritage (from the Pale of Settlement). Including various character such as the Kaganovich brothers, Lenin, Sverdlov, Ezhov, and others. This point about can be expanded upon in detail. However, this argument is not exclusive to Stalin and can be applied to every leader of the USSR from Lenin to Gorbachev (including Yeltsin).

5. Stalin’s last name ‘Jughashvili’ points to very clear Jewish roots. The Caucasian & Asian Jews came from the south, from the territory of Persia, when these lands were part of the Persian Empire. In Old Persian, the word for Jew was pronounced as jugut/juhud/juud/jēt/jut (derived from *johūd* and *jahūd*). You can look it up in the Encyclopaedia Iranica. Many peoples who were under Persian rule, among whom the Jews who came from Persia settled, used this Old Persian word "juga" (jugut - plural) to refer to Jews. In modern Ossetian, "Jew" is "dzhuttag," & in Azerbaijani, it's "jugid."

In several Eastern languages, the term for Jews originates from the Hebrew word ‘Yehudi.’ For example, in the Syriac language, the language of the Assyrians—descendants of the ancient Assyrians, whose language is a dialect of Aramaic, closely related to Hebrew—a Jew is referred to as *hudu*. In Arabic, it's *jahudi*, and in Turkic languages, such as Azerbaijani, it's *yagudi* or *jugid*. The first term came from Arabic along with the adoption of Islam, while the second traces back to the Persian *jugid*. The Karaim (Crimean non-Talmudic Jews) word *chufut* is also similar to the Persian term, which is related to the emergence of Karaimism in the 8th century in Babylon, within a Persian-speaking environment.

6. Point 5 is also backed up by the surprising absence of any other members of the ‘Jughashvili’ family. If Stalin was an Ossetian or Georgian Christian, there would definitely be relatives present, perhaps surviving to this day, given that these mountain Christian communities (as modern Georgians, Abkhazians & Ossetians can attest) are extremely tribal in their collective familial lifestyles & conscious of their heritage.

7. Stalin’s mother sending him to an Orthodox Christian seminary, which he was quickly expelled from by Saint Hermogenes Dolganyov, only adds suspicion to his nefarious character. He wouldn’t be the first follower (or alleged follower) of Christ to fall into demonic apostasy, the most obvious example is Judas Iscariot.Image

7. There is a high possibility that as per Bolshevik tradition, the two to three wives of Stalin were Jewish.

His first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, bore him a son, Yakov.
His second wife, Katya Alliluyeva, bore him a son, Vasily, and a daughter, Svetlana. She died under mysterious circumstances, allegedly from suicide.
His third wife was Rosa (Rakhil) Kaganovich, the daughter of Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, a Jewish commissar of Soviet industry and another bloodthirsty executioner of the Russian people.

Stalin's daughter Svetlana emigrated to the U.S. in 1967, where she married Lazar's son Mikhail, her cousin. She had four husbands, three of whom were Jewish.

Stalin's first deputy, Molotov, was also married to a Jewish woman whose brother, Sam Karp, was in the export business in Connecticut 🇺🇸. Matters became even more complicated when Molotov's daughter Svetlana (half-Jewish) became engaged to Stalin's son Vasily (Basil).

Stalin's eldest son, Jacob Stalin, was married to Judith Meltzer, a Jewish stripper and daughter of a porcelain dealer. Yakov Stalin was her fifth(!) husband.

This sexual promiscuity, as we now know, is very common among a certain group of people who push it in their pornography and propaganda. As Christians, we can only assume that being distant from the Son of God - our Lord Jesus Christ, has given these people to various demons, including ancient fallen entities which exploit & promote the sin of lust.

Alexander Burdonsky, Stalin's grandson, submitted a DNA sample, which revealed that his DNA belongs to haplogroup G2.
In general, G2 has purely Eastern and Jewish origins. It arrived in the Caucasus through the Khazars of Middle Eastern origin (Jews), not through Turkic or Iranian-speaking peoples. The highest percentages of G2 are found in the Caucasus (the heart of the Khazar Khaganate) and the Middle East.Image
To claim Stalin is ‘Ossetian’ or ‘Georgian’ absent of any convincing evidence - is an egregious crime against the aforementioned peoples.

In fact, we know that both liberals & Marxists after the 1930s had to ‘hide’ Stalin’s heritage specifically because of the crimes he had committed. Stalin’s investment into the young state of Israel, and the rejuvenation of the Israeli nation on stolen Palestinian land could not be held back by reports that one of the worst anti-Christian tyrants was also from ‘the Tribe’.

The legacy of the second Bar Kokhba was thus hidden away.

If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, eats with other ducks - it is most likely a: 🦆
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4, 2024
‼️🚨🇷🇺☪️ Russian Orthodox Christian boxing champion, Dmitriy Dvali was attacked by Islamic immigrants in the city of Theodosia, Russia.

The gang of foreign criminals ‘took out his eye’ & now the 23-year old’s boxing career is over.

Horrible CCTV footage of the attack below 👇 Image
‼️🚨 The real question is:

Who is letting these monsters in?

They are attacking children, women, men, of all classes.

Nobody is safe. Russia does not have a Second Amendment (Why? due to Talmudic Bolshevik 🇮🇱 occupation laws from 1917+). This is a form of terrorism.
‼️🚨☦️🇷🇺 Russian Community leader Evgeny Chesnokov, recorded a video message calling for Russians to protect one another from foreign criminals:

"The Russian Community urges everyone to arm themselves in accordance with current legislation, and to acquire traumatic (low caliber pistols) and other weapons!

Do not be victims, do not wait for trouble! We must be ready for self-defense, the law is on our side!"
Read 5 tweets
May 20, 2024
‼️🚨🇦🇿🇮🇱 So what do we know about the Aliyev - Agalarov - Netanyahu syndicate? 🤔

Let us begin investigating…
(This 🧵 will be expanded in time ⏳) Image
‼️ President of Azerbaijan Aliyev married his daughter to the ‘talented son’ of an Azeri-Sephardic businessman, the oligarch - Aras Agalarov.

Aliyev’s new son-in-law Emin had an interesting grandfather, who personally contributed a lot of work to the Hasidic Talmudic community… Image
‼️🚨 A completely unexpected tragedy takes place at Agalarov’s Crocus City Hall in Moscow - a terrorist attack, it takes place on Friday evening (see date).

As per the names of the victims, released by the Russian FSB - 95% of them were ethnically Russian & Christian. Image
Read 7 tweets

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