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Former political strategist. Part-time citizen journalist. Based in 🇬🇧. Investigations, reports, research 👇

Aug 4, 26 tweets

There's a lot of horrific footage circulating of riots and protests from last night.

Political hacks are selectively using specific clips to push their narratives.

Here’s an attempted honest summary of events, which they and the mainstream are unlikely to provide. Thread 🧵

1. Stoke-on-Trent

A group of men who looked of middle eastern ancestry assaulted a man who looked of anglo-saxon ancestry reportedly because of his race.

However, we can't be sure of the cause from this video alone.

This was followed by another assault reportedly carried out by the "Muslim Defence League" on two white men.

Apparently, the two men were attacked with hammers. Again, we can't verify exactly what caused it.

Dozens upon dozens of men who looked of middle Eastern ancestry were seen patrolling the streets with weapons.

These same men were seen shouting "allahu akbar" in a nearby park.

So at this point, it became pretty clear they're muslims.

Police were recorded telling them to discard their weapons at the local mosque.

The march that is presumed to have occurred because of the heinous murder of 3 young, beautiful girls or mass immigration (people will have had different reasons for attending) appeared peaceful in Stoke - at least initially.

2. Bristol

A man who looked of anglo-saxon ancestry assaulted a man who looked of African descent reportedly because of his race.

However, we can't be sure of the cause from this video alone.

People protesting the Southport murders/mass immigration (again we cannot be sure) gathered outside of a hotel, which reportedly houses a number of "asylum seekers", "refugees" or "economic migrants".

Outside that same hotel, a fight broke out after both sides launched cans of drink at each other.

It appears some of the counter protestors then assaulted a presumed neutral journalist attempting to film the event.

You can hear shouts of "fascist".

Elsewhere certain counter-protestors, thought to be members of antifa, harassed a reported Christian pastor near a shopping centre.

They can be heard talking about abortion.

People protesting were seen swearing at and goading counter protestors as police formed a line to separate the opposing groups.

3. Liverpool

This was where most of the horrific footage emerged but it appears the protest started off peaceful.

Police charged at the protestors, who then ran away to avoid a conflict.

Counter protestors turned up but skirmishes were reportedly avoided.

Here the protestors cheer as police ushered the counter protestors away.

At some point, they must have been close together as arguments were recorded.

Here you can see counter "anti-racist" protestors goading a protestor who looks like he is trying to talk them.

Some protestors reportedly marching because of the Southport murders/mass immigration (again we can't be sure) can then be seen pushing a policeman off his bike.

Some, now turning more violent, ripped down a stand handing out quarans.

Shouts of "our country, our country" can be heard.

So it's pretty clear some rioters were anti-Islamic.

Later that evening, it seems some of those same protestors started fully rioting.

This included looting.

Here they can be seen in a library, or possibly, a book store.

Then, they set alight to a number of bins.

The rioters can be heard shouting (I think):

"allah, allah, who the f*ck is allah"

Some of those same rioters, now masked, started letting off fireworks in the streets and reportedly aimed some at police.

4. Other notable highlights

Police in Stoke allow men who looked of middle eastern ancestry baring weapons to run past them as they attempt to cordon off a road.

Police in Blackpool set dogs on protestors.

We don't know if this bloke broke any laws or if this was part of an attempt to disperse crowds.

All in all, it's a mess.

It's clear there's violence committed by both sides, which doesn't help anyone but the government and those in favour of hate speech laws.

It also might be that the violent actions of a few have completely tainted the peaceful many. Clarity is needed.

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