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Former political strategist. Part-time citizen journalist. Based in 🇬🇧. Investigations, reports, research 👇
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Aug 21 18 tweets 6 min read
It has been exactly 48 days since Keir Starmer and The Labour Party won the general election by default...

In that timeframe, various plans have come to light, which some call assaults on our civil liberties.

Here is a brief summary of those plans. Thread 🧵 Image 1. Misogyny Extremism

Days ago, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper ordered a review into tackling violence against women and girls in the same way as far right and islamic extremism.

This will focus on the rise of "misogynistic influencers" who are reportedly radicalising young men. Image
Aug 12 24 tweets 9 min read
There has been a lot of outcry about authoritarianism in Britain this last week...

Various commentators have claimed there is a two tier policing standard and that free speech is effectively dead.

Here's a look at some specific cases to help provide some clarity. Thread 🧵 Image 1. Tyler James Kay

On Aug 9th, Northants Police announced that a 26-yr-old, father-of-3 had been sentenced to 3 years and 2 months for "stirring up racial hatred" online.

Some said this was a violation of free speech. Image
Aug 4 26 tweets 8 min read
There's a lot of horrific footage circulating of riots and protests from last night.

Political hacks are selectively using specific clips to push their narratives.

Here’s an attempted honest summary of events, which they and the mainstream are unlikely to provide. Thread 🧵 Image 1. Stoke-on-Trent

A group of men who looked of middle eastern ancestry assaulted a man who looked of anglo-saxon ancestry reportedly because of his race.

However, we can't be sure of the cause from this video alone.
Jun 30 7 tweets 3 min read
There is a lot about Keir Starmer that the wider public does not know.

Over the last few years, various underreported investigations have revealed more about him and his loyalties.

Matt Kennard has provided valuable insights on this topic. Thread 🧵 Image 1. Involvement with Assange Case

There were serious irregularities in how the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) dealt with the Assange's case when Starmer was in charge.

Curiously, the service he was a head of also destroyed a lot of records pertaining to the case.
Jun 24 18 tweets 7 min read
Government advisers too accepted payments from Covid vaccine and treatment manufacturers

It wasn't just our celebrity doctors...

In fact, these conflicts extend to
key figures within government oversight and advisory committees. Thread 🧵 Image 1. Professor Christopher Brightling

Brightling, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, was a member of SAGE, who advised both the govt and members of the House of Lords on Covid and related treatments. Image
May 20 20 tweets 7 min read
It's not been a good month for our "impartial" TV doctors...

Many were caught encouraging vaccination while receiving direct payments from C jab manufacturers.

What you might not know is that others have been paid by companies that made Covid treatments and tests. Thread 🧵 Image 1. Dr Sarah Jarvis is a GP and broadcaster. Sarah has been the resident doctor for the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 for the last 16 years. She has presented on the BBC’s One Show for the last 10 years, and on Good Morning Britain on ITV. Image
Aug 4, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
In 2010, Australian journalist John Pilger released one of the most inspiring yet compromising documentaries about the Iraq War

He exposed the power of the war/state propaganda machine

What's weird is how almost every tactic parallels to the Covid response

Mega Thread 🧵 1. Conceptualisation

In 1917, a man named Edward Bernays met Woodrow Wilson and told him if the US was to enter the war he would have to sell it.

They came up emotional targetting, scaring people into submission so they could fashion a world where facts did not matter...
Jul 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In case you missed it...

Germany's Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has recently been exposed for telling some ridiculous (and I mean truly ridiculous) lies about heat deaths

In short, he claimed there is an avg of 12,500 deaths per yr. In reality, there is an avg of……
Nius de broke down his estimations via…
Jun 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This might just be the coldest takedown of Net Zero policy I've ever seen...

Colchester resident Rachel Mathews systematically dissects local council's "green" policy, exposing the environmental impacts/cost of EVs and renewable energy sources

Clashes followed. Video thread🧵 After Mathews outlines how the council is effectively funding slavery by sourcing materials like lithium abroad...

Councillor Steph Nissan pipes up and tries to shut Mathews down despite reportedly giving a gentlemen who spoke before Mathews time to run over
Feb 15, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
In January, @TexasLindsay_ tweeted out a brutal fact check of Politifact's "fact checker" Jeff Cercone who attempted to twist public opinion on a contentious and complex issue

It would appear Politifact is now hiding Jeff's face as a result of the suspected blowback he received Image In short, Jeff slapped a big fat "false" label on the claim that the FDA found causal links between the vaccine and blood clots.

Despite this, almost laughably, buried lower in the "fact-check", Jeff actually cited the FDA's admission that there is in fact a link ImageImage
Feb 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Meet the Irish Minister of State, Mary Butler, who is currently at the centre of a record altering scandal regarding her promotion of unsafe transgender services for young children... Late last year, Butler attended a meeting with Ireland's National Gender Service (NGS) to discuss concerns over ongoing referrals to the Tavistock Clinic in England...

This is same Tavistock Clinic that is being sued for dangerously mass prescribing puberty blockers to teens.
Feb 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
In 2020, recognising a vast body of scientific evidence had documented Vit D's universal benefits, Eric created a natural remedy (mixing Vit D and zinc) to treat covid infection...

His mistake, according to the FTC, was to have made out this could "stand in" for the vaccines For this, the FTC saw fit to sue him for $40,000 for every instance in which he promoted his product...

And since he promoted it across his own and various social media outlets at an estimated 12 million times, the FTC is suing him for $480 billion. Yes. Billion.
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Meet Dr Eric Neptune, the Missouri-based chiropractor who has had his life steamrolled by heavy-handed beaucrats occupying the offices of The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)...

His crime was to have promoted Vitamin D as a treatment for covid infection Image In 2020, recognising a vast body of scientific evidence had documented Vit D's universal benefits, Eric created a natural remedy (mixing Vit D and zinc) to treat covid infection...

His mistake, according to the FTC, was to have made out this could "stand in" for the vaccines