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Author, The Intertextual Tanakh. Bible Scholarship, Real Estate, Torah. Buy the latest commentary at

Aug 6, 7 tweets

People ask: Why does the UK's Sky News seem to hate Israel, even more than Al Jazeera?

The story begins in 2005, when two things happened:

1. Israel withdrew from Gaza, allowing Hamas, supported by Qatari money, to start a 19 year process of turning the Strip into the most complex battlefield in history.

2. Qatar started sponsoring Sky News, via the hourly weather forecast, to start a 19 year process of capturing the UK news narrative.

Incredibly, Sky News and Hamas are just two Qatar funded operations. No wonder they seem to get along.


While reminding potential tourists about your country in the context of "weather" when you have the most appalling climate on the planet, might seem odd (they need to cool pools otherwise they would be giant hot tubs), Qatar's goal wasn't tourism, but influence.

Sky News is a loss making venture, and by becoming its most consistent and lucrative sponsor, the tiny petro-kleptocracy slave-state of Qatar can buy easy influence for a pittance. (2/6)

It is how, for example, Kay Burley made Eylon Levy very very famous with that "Eyebrows moment."

The hidden premise of her question was basically, "Since, as we know, Juice are evil..."

It took 19 years of Qatari patronage, and new ownership—from Murdoch's News Corp to Comcast—to become Al Jazeera+. (3/6)

The cost for Qatar of Al Jazeera, their Muslim Brotherhood propaganda and soft power operation, has been tens of billions. But they played the long game, and for a tiny fraction of that they purchased the editorial line of a major UK news channel. (4/6)

So now their permanent representative in the Middle East, who covers everything that matters to Qatar and their allies Turkey and Iran, is Alex Crawford, somebody with a deep antipathy towards Jews. She revels in trolling Jews with tropes, knowing she is safe in her job. (5/6)

She can tell her audience that Ismail Haniyeh, a man responsible for the death of 1,000s of Jews, leader of a movement openly bent on their annihilation, was "very moderate."

And of course, even though she is based in Turkey, where 20% of the people are Kurds, persecuted by the despotic Muslim Brotherhood regime, she has had nothing to say about their plight for 5 years.

The plight of other minorities, whose suffering can be leveraged for Muslim Brotherhood propaganda (Palestinians) and inciting violence against has not been ignored... as you might imagine.

So that's what happened to Sky News, and why their Middle East reporting is now somewhere between Al Jazeera and Der Sturmer.

Money Talks, and 19 years of money talks absolutely.


To clarify when I said Crawford has said nothing about the Kurds, I meant based on her very extensive X history that is searchable.

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