Saul Sadka Profile picture
Author, The Intertextual Tanakh, KTAV. Bible Scholarship, Real Estate, Piano. Buy the latest commentary at
Jun 9 6 tweets 3 min read
I read this appalling article in The Times yesterday slack jawed. All decent people should cancel their subscriptions.

It is a masterpiece in modern yellow journalism, with quotes from activists (who have now come out swinging at the writers) woven together with anecdotes and baseless aspersions to present a subtextual "narrative" to the reader that no person could ever say out loud:

Don't believe these hysterical liars, they are just exaggerating and whining as usual so they can justify their slaughtering.

Yes, that is actually the message it wants the reader to take away—in The Times.

While the article itself is sickening just in terms of the Soviet style mendacity (and should end the careers of the journalists and editors involved), the headline and banner image used are simply beyond belief.

To print a headline with a question, "Does the evidence of r*pe add up?" (remember, the writers want you do go away with the message "No, it doesn't") above a photo of Amit Soussana, who bravely and heroically told her story of how she was chained in a dark room for weeks and sexually assaulted her at gunpoint, is so depraved that it should take anyone's breath away.

The Haredi heroes of Zaka and United Hatzalah who risked their lives to save others and identify bodies are cast as primitive, uneducated yokels (they are trained medics) incapable of identifying the female anatomy, since they only know their wives...

In the end, it hardly makes a difference. Would a pogrom (calling it a pogrom is just more Jewish propaganda as the article snidely hints) with 1,200 murders and 250 hostages but only "marginal" sexual violence be much better? Does throwing shade on r*pe victims really make Hamas look better?

Murder is just fine for the far-left and Islamists alike. Both groups have spent centuries advancing their causes by piling up the bodies by the tens of millions, what's another 1,200 on the pile?

But rape? How to argue that rape helps the cause? Just murder the kulak oppressor/colonialist occupier devils and take their land, it shouldn't be fun.

It's awkward, so must be denied, "Believe All Women" be damned.Image And yes, @thetimes, you probably do want to do an "Investigation."
May 23 9 tweets 3 min read
Why is the UN a swamp? A moral abomination where October 7 can't be officially condemned but the death of a genocidal medieval murderer inspires paroxysms of ostentatious mourning? Flags at half mast, minutes of silence?

The UN is a swamp because the world is a swamp: (1/9)Image At the UN, deranged oppressive dictatorships like Eritrea and North Korea are held up as moral equals to Greece or South Korea.

You can hold millions as slaves in concentration camps making toys, as China does, or invade neighbors in wars of conquest, as Russia does, and still hold a veto. (2/9)Image
May 13 4 tweets 2 min read
Watch this timelapse of Rafah carefully and you might notice something that almost nobody, even Middle East experts like Gary Lineker, never knew about.

Rafah straddled the border with Egypt. There was an Egyptian Rafah and a Gazan Rafah.

I say "was" because, between 2015 and 2020 Egypt systematically and totally razed its half of Gaza, destroyed over 8,000 buildings, homes, shops, mosques, shut down all its farms, and sealed what had once been a thriving town behind fences.

But Jews—I mean Zionists—weren't doing it, so nobody cared. Nobody protested in European capitals, as Egypt (which has now ironically joined in the ICC claim for Israel's much less damaging, and much more justified, attack on Gazan Rafah) committed this crime against humanity.

Not one celebrity shed one measly tear for Egyptian Rafah. Why? The timeplace is from Ggl Earth and goes from 1984 to 2023
Apr 11 9 tweets 3 min read
What does the death of Ismail Haniyeh's 3 sons in Gaza City tell us about the state of the war, about Israel's achievements thus far, and what the plan appears to be? (my 1st ever🧵)

While underground infrastructure is found throughout the Strip, it is dense in 2 places: (1/9) Image Two reasons:

Firstly, these areas, under Gaza City and Khan Yunis/Rafah, are the two large urban aeras, it is easiest and most critical to have such infrastructure.

Second, only in those areas is the water table deep enough to make the basic Hamas tunnels sustainable. (2/9) Image
Mar 21 4 tweets 1 min read
The Jews have been much more alone before (in truth, they have never been less alone), but this time, they have tanks, nukes and 600,000 fighters defending them.

This is the sweet fruit of Zionism, which is why bigots hate Israel—they like their Jews, subservient, scared, dead.Image For certain types of Christians it is critical to isolate and pillory Jews because the very existence of Jews reminds them constantly that Jesus' co-religioinsits, rejected his leadership.