I found a guy who goes around the US asking 70 to 100-year-olds their:
• Biggest Regrets
• Biggest Lessons
• Advice to their younger self
Oddly enough, most of their answers are the same…
Here are my top 7 (Part 2):
6. This ones from part 1.
But it was just too good not to include.
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DM me "Passive" and let's chat. 🥤
I know I said this in part 1…
But notice how they all say what's most important/they regret not prioritizing is:
• Health
• Family time
• Experiences
• Relationships
• Enjoying each day
& they realized money & working hard is not important…
Thankfully, I've realized this at 34.
Which is why I retired from my 9-5 at 30 & now spend my time:
• With my daughters & wife
• Prioritizing health
• Traveling
My biggest fear is having regrets at 70-100 years old.
I'm living my life now so that won't be a problem.
What are you scared of regretting when you're older?
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Follow me @MrPassive_
Check out part 1 here:
& S/o to @YairBrachiyahu for these amazing interviews!
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