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Building a tribe of Vendingpreneurs 🚀 Replacing old school vending machines with Unattended-Retail 1-at-a-time 📍 GirlDad 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Free Guide 👇
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Sep 18 11 tweets 3 min read
A vending machine business will set you financially free.

Here are the 8 best machines to place right now:

1. Micromarket. 2. Combination Machine.
Sep 16 13 tweets 3 min read
No one believes me when I tell them this:

You can make a deal with a location, place a vending machine for $0, & profit $1000+/month from it.

I've done it 50x.

Here's my exact process each time:
The #1 rule of the vending biz:

Don’t buy a machine until you have a location secured.

You don’t want to have a machine taking up space in your garage for months/years.

Especially if you financed it.

Remember that!

Ok, now, onto your vending biz blueprint:
Sep 13 18 tweets 6 min read
Lionel Messi turned down a $1,600,000,000 deal from Saudi club Al Hilal.

But that’s because Messi had bigger moves on his mind.

Whether he’s your G.O.A.T or not…

Messi’s income portfolio will blow your mind:

Everyone was shocked when Messi turned down a billion-dollar contract from the Al Hilal soccer club in Saudi Arabia.

But since then, it’s become apparent that Messi had plans to make even MORE with Inter Miami.

These income streams are going to make $1.6 billion look small: Image
Sep 11 14 tweets 4 min read
After years of working with all-stars like:

• Kevin Durant
• Lebron James
• Denzel Washington

Eric Thomas broke down the secrets to success into 8 key principles.

If you want to unlock your true potential, read this thread: Image Thomas’s message revolves around resilience, hard work, and owning your journey.

He challenges you to:

• Take control of your life
• Stay hungry for success
• Push through the hardest moments

Here are 8 key principles you can implement today:
Sep 9 13 tweets 3 min read
If you want to place your first vending machine…

Here are 7 tricks to make sure it generates $1000+ every month:

(Don’t place your first machine without reading this)
7. Pricing.

It’s not only about pricing your products properly.

You also need to use pricing psychology to make people spend more money more frequently.


I offer a high-ticket Monster at $4.00 (67% rtn)

Right next to it, I offer a Rockstar at $3.50 (65% rtn)
Aug 27 14 tweets 5 min read
Everyone thought David Beckham was insane…

When he left Real Madrid to join MLS in 2007.

But the details of his contract would include life-changing passive income & investments.

Here’s how David Beckham turned a $32M contract into billions:
1. The Move.

David Beckham's connection to MLS began when he joined the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007.

His move to the Galaxy from all-star team Real Madrid was a shocking signing & a massive deal for the league.

It would change the MLS forever. Image
Aug 20 10 tweets 4 min read
The least stressed country in the world:


They're ranked #1 out of 195 countries worldwide for the lowest stress levels.

I wanted to find out the secrets they've discovered that the rest of the world hasn't...

Here's what I found:

🧵 Image If you're unfamiliar with Luxembourg...

It's a small country in Europe.

Right between Germany & Belgium.

Their stress levels are significantly lower than other European countries & America.

Here's why: Image
Aug 6 14 tweets 3 min read
I found a guy who goes around the US asking 70 to 100-year-olds their:

• Biggest Regrets
• Biggest Lessons
• Advice to their younger self

Oddly enough, most of their answers are the same…

Here are my top 7 (Part 2):
Aug 5 17 tweets 3 min read
I’ve grown my vending business from 0 to 50 machines in 4 years.

Here’s every tip I can think of to help you do the same:

1. Finance machines for $0 down & pay them off using the sales your machine makes.

Here’s how:
• Secure your location
• Buy a machine from a site/company that allows financing (Evending & Vendingconnection)
• Pay $0 for a machine
• Pay off the machine monthly using profits

I still do this today even at 50 machines.

Eliminates any “risk” there might be.
Aug 2 16 tweets 4 min read
The future of vending machines:

Smart Coolers.

I have 5 that each make $2,000+/month.

Here's a full breakdown of everything you need to know (& how to place your own): Image Instead of only holding drinks & snacks…

Smart Coolers have a cooling system that allows you to place items like:

• Salads
• Cold drinks
• Sandwiches

More options = more money.

Here’s a cool video of how they work:

(Scroll down for how to place your own)
Jul 30 14 tweets 3 min read
The best business model for 2024:

Vending machines.

They’ve completely changed my life in < 4 years.

10 reasons you need to start your own vending business: Image These reasons come from the Vendingpreneurs community.

We just passed 400 members.

All different types of people:

• Parents
• Teachers
• NFL & NCAA coaches
• Government employees
• Tech engineers, attorneys & accountants

Here’s why they all started their own vending biz: Image
Jul 29 10 tweets 3 min read
The biggest lie I hear:

"Vending machines aren't profitable"

But that's not true...

Here are 6 tricks I use to get 50-70% profit margins for my 50 vending machines:
6. Price products to have a 2-4x return.

The best part about placing a vending machine:

You get to set the prices.

& little to no competition allows for premium pricing.

Not to mention, customers are always willing to pay more for convenience.
Jul 22 14 tweets 3 min read
I’ve never done this before…

I documented the first 30 days after placing a new vending machine.

I revealed everything:

• The tricks I use
• How much it costs
• How much money it's made

Here are the top 10 videos: Image 1.
Jul 17 14 tweets 4 min read
The future of passive income:


• 0 employees
• High profit margins
• Unlimited earning potential

One of mine made $13,000 in the last 30 days.

Here's a full breakdown of everything you need to know (& how to place your own): Image I have 4 Micromarkets.

They’re basically a larger vending machine.

Instead of 1 regular machine...

They have multiple shelves & coolers.

This means instead of just chips & soda, you can stock:

• Salads
• Smoothies
• Sandwiches

& make a lot more money.

Here’s how:
Jul 15 18 tweets 5 min read
I’ve grown my vending business to 50 locations in 2024.

If I had to start over from 0 & wanted to do it again…

Here’s exactly what I’d do (Bookmark this):
1. Find a location in my city.

I’d google the following locations within 30 minutes of me:

• Apartment complexes
• College/University campuses
• Businesses with 100+ employees

& make a list of each one's email/phone numbers.

After I make my list, I’d move on to step 2:
Jul 10 11 tweets 4 min read
This "Vending Machine" made $10,025 in the last 25 days.

10x what an average machine makes.

Here's what it is, how I secured the location & how it's making so much money:

(+ how I'm placing 6 more in 2024)
1. What it is.

It's called a MicroMarket.

It's basically a larger version of a vending machine.

Instead of 1 basic machine...

You have multiple shelves & coolers.

This means:

• 0 employees
• More products
• Hot + Cold food storage

A lot more options for customers.
Jul 3 13 tweets 3 min read
I found a guy who goes around asking millionaires:

• How they got rich
• Their best financial advice
• How to succeed in business

To no surprise… they all have amazing answers.

Here are my top 8:
Jun 26 12 tweets 3 min read
I make $350,000+ in passive income every year.

If I had to start over & only had $500 to invest…

I’d start one of these 8 budget-friendly streams: Image 8. ATMs

You can finance these using a 0% interest credit card & pay the loan with your profits.
Jun 19 16 tweets 5 min read
Bryan Johnson is spending $2,000,000/year to live until 120.

So I spent a full day researching his entire longevity blueprint.

Here’s a full breakdown of his routine & how anyone can use it:

(without spending $2M/year)
The results from Bryan’s routine are impressive:

• Slowed pace of aging by equivalent of 31 years
• Reduced biological age by 21 yrs in 5 months (42 to 21)
• Acumulating aging damage slower than 88% of 18-year-olds

& since I'm a father who’s passionate about anti-aging…
Jun 11 17 tweets 4 min read
The World’s longest running study on Happiness:

The Harvard Study of Adult Development (1938 - Present).

What these researchers found may surprise you…

5 things that have the biggest impact on our health & happiness: Image 5. Relationships & Professional Success.

Personal relationships have a more significant impact on happiness than professional success.

"Good relationships don’t just protect our bodies; they protect our brains" Study director Robert Waldinger explains.

& this is proven a lot: Image
Jun 5 19 tweets 4 min read
Wanna know how much 1 vending machine REALLY makes?

I placed a new machine last month.

Here’s how much it made in the first 2 weeks:

(Full behind-the-scenes look: products + transaction screenshots)
Day 1.