🧵🚨I wanted to do another thread on the account @EuropeInvasionn. It's been one of the most widely viewed anti-immigrant & anti-muslim disinfluencers on X since the #Southport murders. Read more to learn about its shocking reach, disinformation, & hate speech #UKRiots
2/ Reminder. @Europeinvasionn is engaged in deception. We can tell this because it's a hijacked account. The account was created in 2010, but hacked/sold & scrubbed & has only tweeted since Feb 24. It's previous handle was makcanerkripto. Note the 'crypto' red flag...
3/ First up. Impressions. Since 27th July, the account has racked up over 133,475,023 impressions. To put that in words, that's one hundred thirty-three million four hundred seventy-five thousand and twenty-three. That is phenomenal.
4/ Here I plotted the tweets over time. They are colour coded as to whether the tweets were negative neutral or positive towards Muslims or immigrants. Out of 230 tweets, 66% were negative, and 34% neutral (Many of the neutral ones contextually were also negative).
5/ Over the past 10 days, the account has spread numerous high profile pieces of disinformation. I have highlighted the demonstrably and egregiously false information in yellow. Of course all these lies are directed at Arab, Muslims or immigrants. There's even a 'civil war' tweet
6/ Some close ups of the disinformation. Note when referring to the graph that many of the posts with the most impressions were false. Disinformation is often sensationalist, and sensationalism gets clicks. Most of the disinfo falsely blames Muslims for crimes #UKriots
7/ The fact that this account remains on the platform exemplifies the indifference X has to disinfo, hate speech, and fake accounts. Not only that, @elonmusk, aka the disinfluencer-in-chief, has even boosted this account with his replies. Shocking state of affairs
8/ Oh, and as an added 'bonus', it also posts super creepy, racist AI imagery. #UkRiots
9/ Oh and as an added bonus you can view the tables and charts here, and hover over the bubbles to look at the tweet text: public.tableau.com/shared/YZQYQJR…
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