Marc Owen Jones Profile picture
Asc Prof @HBKU | Author:Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East & Political Repression in Bahrain | PhD @durham_uni | NR Sen Fellow @dawnmenaorg @ME_Council
LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture eDo Profile picture Annette Profile picture no Profile picture 39 subscribed
May 27 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ There is some confusion going on around the strike in Rafah. This is largely due to awful IDF instructions. In a video on 22nd May IDF spokesman @AvichayAdraee told people that Zones 2371, 2373, 2360 were safe. I have highlighted this below.
Image 2/ The source of the confusion lies in the fact that the image of the highlighted map in @AvichayAdraee's video DOES NOT match the text. The image initially does not include zones 2371, 2373, 2360 yet the text explicitly states they are safe. Image
May 20 11 tweets 4 min read
1) Telegraph subtly trying to align pro-Palestinian voices with Chinese and Russian disinformation. No actual evidence is provided here of Chinese and Russian interference, simply a note that some pro-Palestinian accounts have fake followers. Image 2) (It should be noted that you can't control who follows you). From my point of view there are a LOT of fake accounts on X promoting various points of view. However, there is more evidence for Israel using fake accounts on FB, Insta and X to smear UNRWA…
May 15 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ Israel are attempting to muddy the waters around the killing of an international UN worker in a clearly marked vehicle. They have released a video claiming that "terrorists" are roaming and shooting at a UNRWA compound. There's no evidence that indicates they are Image 2/ terrorists. The video shows armed men mingling with what are probably UN workers. There is no sense of coercion or animosity in those shots. Crucially, there is no caveat that these people might not be factions or Hamas police protecting aid convoys.
May 13 15 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/ I am somewhat dismayed (though sadly unsurprised) by this extremely disingenuous and callous reporting about Palestinian death figures. Claims that the UN have revised down its death toll are absolutely untrue but have been repeated by right wing outlets but also the CFR 🤔

2/ These media are focusing on these two infographics by the @ochaopt . The one on the left, published 6th May, the one on the right published 8th May. As you can see, total fatalities INCREASE, as opposed to decrease. What the propaganda is seaking to do is barely sophistry
May 8 7 tweets 3 min read
1🧵Lots of lessons on how unreliable information spreads. Here, Hen Mazzig makes an unsubstantiated claim about pro-Palestinian protesters 'combing' the street for Israelis in Athens. Someone asks him for a source. Mazzig provides a source that does not support his own claim. Image 2/ Another subtle aspect of this the hotel. One widely shared tweet stated that 'rioters' were trying to break into an Israeli-owned hotel. In fact, the crowd are outside the Tiare hotel. The event is filmed FROM an Israeli owned hotel (Brown Acropol). This proximity to the Image
May 6 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ 🧵I just did a quick corpus analysis of 100 New York Times articles published between 1st April - 5th May on US Campus Protests. Findings indicate that the NYT reporting of the campus protests place a large emphasis on equating protests with antisemitism. Image 2/ A notable finding was that the terms 'antisemitism' & 'antisemitic' appeared around 296 times, while terms such as Islamophobia/c only appeared 9 times. This is a large discrepancy. Image
Apr 14 21 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/ Thread on the Islamophobic and antisemitic disinformation about the #SydneyAttack . I downloaded X posts that wrongly stated that the attacker, Joel Cauchi, was either a Muslim or Jewish terrorist Image 2/ The size of the network was at least 140,000 posts (from X). This time series graph shows that initially, most of the disinformation (red bars) accused the attacker of being a Muslim or Islamist. At about 1700 UTC we see more and more disinfo about the attacker Image
Apr 12 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ Just want to point out a few disturbing elements regarding misinformation in this article - "What's I've Heard From Gaza" published in the @TheAtlantic . I will focus on two specific references that are quite crucial in framing a broader argument about Hamas's actions #Gaza Image 2/ The article asserts with no equivocation that Hamas killed fleeing civilians on the Al Rashid coastal road in Nov 23. Not only is there no evidence for this, but the link is to an article in the Jerusalem Post, that relies on a tweet from known disinfluencer, @amjadt25 Image
Feb 27 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵It is increasingly clear that ISGAP are operating in a capacity that has nothing to do with antisemitism, but rather malicious disinformation and a war on education. Their latest report is akin to saying ppl in Qatar shouldn't study *anything*, anywhere, lest they nuke us all 2) The highlight is perhaps how they use the third party aggregate edurank to "prove" that @tamuq and @QatarUniversity have "nuclear engineering programs". I don't even think a first year uni student would be this stupid. Neither uni has a nuclear engineering program, but I love Image
Feb 11 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵This is nuts. The IDF have started dropping propaganda 'newspapers' over #Gaza. You can see some of the screenshots here. They even have a link to their shitty Twitter @alwakagaza. Read for some 'highlights'...
these pics via @sabrifarra24

2/ Firstly, it's called 'Reality', and says in red 'In this paper you will read only the truth, nothing else'. 😭😂

It includes a shot at Hamas leadership in Qatar - accusing them of watching the AFC and buying jewelry while Palestinians suffer (ongoing trope used by IDF) Image
Feb 9 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Although there is more pressure on right-wing and pro-Israel lobbies, most of the reporting on Texas A&M's recent decision to close its Qatar campus in four years cites a report by ISGAP - a pro -Israel think tank, which launched a disinformation campaign about nuclear secrets Image It goes back to this press release on 4th Jan 2024, when ISGAP claimed absurdly that Qatar could exert control over nuclear weapons research. Make no mistake, it's a disinformation campaign. It is also evident that the only people who took it 'seriously' were right wing Image
Feb 2 24 tweets 8 min read
🧵🚨Discovered hundreds of sock puppets promoting Israeli propaganda on X, Threads, FB & Insta. It also includes 'fake' websites. Recently, it has been spreading anti-UNRWA #disinformation, & trying to undermine solidarity between Palestinians & Black people. #Gaza

Analysis 👉 Image 2/ A few people noticed that influential accounts writing about Gaza were getting replies with people linking a @WSJ article about an Israeli 'intelligence' report claiming 10% of UNRWA staff have links to Hamas. One of the authors of the WSJ was a former IDF soldier. Image
Feb 1 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ Analysis of why Israel's UNRWA 'dossier' smearing UNRWA is misleading propaganda.

Indeed, Israel's own statistics actually show that the alleged Hamas presence in UNRWA is significantly LOWER than elsewhere in #Gaza.

Read on for more >
2/ A number of outlets, including Reuters, Sky News, CNN and Forbes (to name but a few) have run stories about an intelligence dossier provided by Israel (solid source!) attempting to smear UNRWA. @EylonALevy even called UNRWA a 'front' for Hamas'

Jan 10 5 tweets 2 min read
Google "ICJ HEARING" and "Israel" you'll see the Israeli government have paid Google for another ad putting their propaganda at the top of the search engine. They've done this numerous times, including when Amnesty International called Israel an Apartheid State Image Here's the link to the ad from Google ads transparency. From the Israeli Government Advertising Agency…
Dec 10, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ Several people have pointed out that this video posted of 'Hamas surrendering' has been staged, with several takes. The photo on the left shows a man holding a gun in his right hand. Another video shows the same man holding the gun in his left hand. #disinformation #gaza
2/ @ramabdu points out here that the man in the photo is being told by an IDF soldier, ' “Khabibi, grab the gun I gave you, but don’t shoot it, we don’t want trouble and march slowly carrying it and put it on the other side on the ground” #disinformation
Dec 8, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
🚨🧵1/ I have identified around 1900 Twitter/X bots #greenwashing COP28. They are part of a much larger bot network, likely connected to the UAE or a UAE-aligned entity. They post on issues ranging from Sudan to Mauritania. I will focus on #COP28 here though >
#disinformation Image 2/ Firstly. There is a clear division of labour. In other words, the network is split into 'minions' and 'generals'. The minions exist just to like and therefore boost a number of 'generals'. The generals post original content. This visual shows the hierarchy Image
Nov 27, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
1) OK something very strange has happened here. The BBC took down a video of released prisoner Sara Al Suwaisa due to an incorrect translation that falsely claim she expressed gratitude to Hamas. You can see they say there was an error in the "editing process" #Palestine
Image 2) This translation shown by @RespondCrisis shows a difference in what was said and what was translated. It is a huge difference that points to a really serious "mistranslation" Image
Nov 23, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
#Gaza. This is interesting. An edited video of an Israeli soldier going into what she claims is a Hamas tunnel near Al Shifa. What's interesting is she mentions Qatar 3 times, and specifically that the tunnel goes under the 'Qatari Compound'. This could be an attempt to either legitimise the Israeli attacks on Qatar's reconstruction HQ, or perhaps more likely, to try and delegitimise Qatar in the eyes of the international community. Qatar are key in mediating the release of hostages but some in Israel wish to discredit Qatar as the mediator, preferring
Nov 3, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
🚨🧵1/ A few people have asked me about this video, and this account, @Amjadt25. Amjad Taha is a known disinfluencer (someone who routinely spreads disinformation). I will post some examples #GazaGenocide #disinformation Image 2/ Before the Qatar World cup, he was responsible for a viral and false story that claimed Qatar bribed Ecuador to lose their opening game. and…

Oct 30, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
🧵There is no evidence that Shani Louk was beheaded and her entire skull found. However, numerous outlets like @BILD and @newsweek have gone with headlines like, 'These animals chopped off her head', but this is a direct quote from Israel's president @Isaac_Herzog #GazaWar
2/ who is basing his statement off his recollection of German media reporting - either he is making an assumption or deliberate misrepresentation. His comments about beheading come after he discusses referring to German 'news reels'. Watch his interview

Oct 25, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ This tweet from the IDF claims Hamas are hoarding 500,000 litres of fuel. There is no reason for anyone to believe this is true, but let's just assume it is! How much fuel is 500,000 litres? Sounds like a lot, but it's not enough to power #Gaza for 6 hours... #Gazabombing Image 2/ The Gaza Strip needs approx 550MW of electricity, but even before the war only 250MW was available, representing a 55% shortage. Power cuts are part of daily life. Only 44% of this 250MW comes from Gaza's Power Plant, 8% is from Egypt, & 48% from Israeli Electric Company Image