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a mind forever voyaging

Aug 8, 10 tweets


American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms "Quiet Skies" Nightmare Placed on a terror list __ tailed by Air Marshals and bomb dogs. "Unconstitutional on every level," she says. "And I'm not the only one."



American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms "Quiet Skies" Nightmare

Placed on a terror watch list, the former Hawaii congresswoman and her husband were tailed by Air Marshals and bomb dogs.


The original story broke out at 04AUG24m

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was added to a terror watchlist.

According to a whistleblower, Gabbard is now on the "quiet skies program."


Must Read on the Deep State putting our ACLJ colleague TulsiGabbard on a terrorist list - we aren’t just talking about It, we are working on taking legal action



EMPOWR_us has confirmed from whistleblowers that TulsiGabbard was under Quiet Skies surveillance __ Air Marshals there to monitor her on EIGHT FLIGHTS since her July 23 interview with IngrahamAngle.


Wow Tulsi Gabbard’s surveillance has been confirmed! __ Tulsi under Quiet Skies surveillance __ 8 flights monitored by Air Marshals since her July 23 interview with Laura Ingraham.

interview video 👇🏻



Also all in today's column by wmahoney5 for uncoverdc. Read summary here ! 'Murica!!



Empower Oversight: Homeland Security Has Done Nothing to Stop Abuse of Quiet Skies Surveillance Program


TSA Administrator Pekoske we are unafraid of you sending your army of investigators to attempt to silence our whistleblowers. We will continue to expose the corruption within TSA/FAMS.



The media (letter) from FAMS_AMNC's post above

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