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Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. William Faulkner

Aug 12, 2024, 10 tweets

Why do they PREFER US to USE "ENDEMIC" instead of "PANDEMIC"?

After an interesting discussion with @brownecfm and @DavidJoffe64 considering the term "endemic" as a linguistic code, I wanted to respond for once, in a lighter way with some cartoons.

2) From the start of the pandemic, governments did not want that 👇

3) Vaccines were initially introduced as the key solution to transition, from an uncontrollable "pandemic" to a more manageable "endemic" and localized situation.

4) With variants such as Delta and particularly Omicron, and their ability to evade immunity, their game despite all their efforts was disrupted.

5) Given the massive and global surges of Omicron, it's was difficult to dare to speak of COVID-19 as ... an endemic disease

6) Because the economy could not afford to wait, for the conclusion of a disease, that seems never-ending.

7)... they announced the end of all protection measures

8) ... and aims to eliminate as much data on the disease as possible

9) But as all this was not enough !

10) All that remained for them was the magic, and with a flick of the wand, turning the word "pandemic" into "endemic."

I repeat it. We must condemn the framing of this unacceptable prank, that employs the deceptive language of impostors.

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