Luke Johnson 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Grateful American. 🇺🇸 Calling out liars, grifters & scammers to warn innocent marks. Exec Producer. Legal journalist. Thanks #LukeCrew! #RandomActsOfKindness

Aug 12, 40 tweets

🚨⚖️ 8/12/24 Day 9 🧵of #TinaPetersTrial JUDGMENT! CLOSING ARGUMENTS & JURY INSTRUCTIONS. Jury deliberating. How long until the VERDICT? Ex-@MesaElections Clerk Tina Peters faces 10 charges, including 7 FELONIES.

@MesaElections #LukeCrew, this is the thread we'll use for #TinaPetersTrial jury deliberations and the VERDICT.

@MesaElections 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 #LukeCrew always wins, although that's not difficult: We have reality on our side.

If you're in Colorado, Jimmy Sengenberger has been on @RyanSchuiling on @630KHOW since 3:15 MT to discuss #TinaPetersTrial!

Count on @LisbethMA for an excellent perspective. #TinaPetersTrial

⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial “The defendant was a fox guarding the henhouse". 🦊 "Jurors deliberating in case of Colorado clerk Tina Peters in election computer system breach" Associated Press via 9news:…

🚨 ⚖️ #LukeCrew hero @BDogBBarker reports from the #TinaPetersTrial courtroom counsel is headed back into the courtroom. Unclear: Verdict or questions? (I'd imagine questions or some other matter.)

#TinaPetersTrial Jury question: Can we leave any charges blank if we can't agree?
Judge: Keep working.

⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial After Tina Peters' defense attorney Dan Hartman (who also represents Stefanie Lambert) went off on a 40-minute wild, conspiracy-fueled rant (not with the jury), Judge Matthew Barrett smacked him down and specifically mentioned JURY NULLIFICATION twice. Ruling:

#TinaPetersTrial Here are my quotes from Jimmy Sengenberger's @SengCenter must-read article: "Tina's wild, bonkers, utterly tangled trial". Jimmy's an investigative journalist, public speaker & talk-radio host. It's been great getting to know him.…

🤮 As the #TinaPetersTrial jury deliberates, Mike Lindell shamelessly grifts, asking marks to say: "Yes, I will contribute $1000 a month!" "Tina and all those brave enough to stand up to this tyranny need your continued help." "We must stand strong and continue doing God’s work."

⚖️ "Tina Peters’ case was the 1st instance amid the 2020 conspiracy theories in which a local election official was charged with a suspected security breach of voting systems." Jurors deliberating in case of Tina Peters in election computer system breach:…

From @BDogBBarker in the #TinaPetersTrial courtroom:

🚨⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial VERDICT WATCH!

🚨 ⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial VERDICT WATCH! Trying to reach @KREX for cameras to be rolling for the verdict. Looks like it's happening -- fast!

🚨⚖️CAMERAS ON! 🚨 #TinaPetersTrial

From #LukeCrew hero Brad Barker @BDogBBarker 2m: Replying to @SengCenter and @Orly_licious
Clerk just said camera will be five minutes

As Dave Letterman used to say, Wake the kids and phone the neighbors!

🚨 ⚖️ JURY HAS REACHED A VERDICT! #TinaPetersTrial Judge Matthew Barrett is on the bench, discussing the process and cautioning no disruptions, outbursts, shaking of heads, regardless of the verdict. Law enforcement is present.

🚨 ⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial: BRING IN THE JURY!

🚨⚖️BREAKING BREAKING #TINAPETERSTRIAL VERDICT: Ms. Peters, please stand & face the jury:
Count 1 GUILTY
8 GUILTY (Selected ALL proven)
9 GUILTY (Selected ALL)
10 GUILTY (Selected ALL)
Edminister asks for Jury Poll

🚨 ⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial VERDICT BREAKDOWN 🚨
Now, Attorneys are asking for PSI (Pre Sentence Investigative Report) prepared by probation department. Each side needs an hour to present. Judge explains its to know how to sentence Tina Peters.

🚨⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial Working on a date everyone can be present for the sentencing phase. October? September?
DATE SET: OCTOBER 3rd 2024 9:30am-NOON Mountain Time

🚨 ⚖️ 🔥Judge Matthew Barrett looks at Tina Peters and says:
"I don't know if your other sentencing in the misdemeanor case is complete. You must comply with PSI. October 3rd, 9:30am for your sentencing. We are adjourned." Judge leaves the bench.

Let's get some REACTIONS to Tina Peters' GUILTY verdict in #TinaPetersTrial!
Thank you everyone, & huge hug for supporting my work here! 💙

Rusty - America’s Favorite Squirrel just supported orly_licious on @buymeacoffee! 🎉 You can Luke a coffee here —…

🚨 ⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial AUG 12, 2024: TINA PETERS GUILTY OF 4 FELONIES, SENTENCING OCT 3, 2024
@MesaElections Colorado elections clerk guilty on most charges over @dominionvoting voting machine data leak:…

#LukeCrew knew it first: Suspended AZ lawyer & Ozempic victim Rachel Alexander "knew" Tina Peters would be found GUILTY of felonies. Meanwhile, her low-info readers, like most right-wing media watchers, were blindsided by happy talk bullsh*t they were fed during #TinaPetersTrial.

My pleasure, @QOrigins. #TinaPetersTrial was important for democracy. Election deniers need to be held accountable for their lying and threats to our massively decentralized election system.

⚖️ #TinaPetersTrial #TinaPetersGUILTY It's being reported that Tina Peters' Counts 1, 2, and 4 have a sentencing range of 2-6 years each. Count 6: 12-18 months.
Counts 8, 9 & 10: 90-364 days each.
The total range appears to be: 7.75-22.5 years. #TinaPetersTrial #copolitics

⚖️ Colorado's Attorney General @COAttnyGeneral warns others thinking of crimes like Tina Peters: Illegally tampering with voting processes or election systems will be prosecuted. #2024Election #TinaPetersTrial #TinaPeters #TinaPetersGuilty


⚖️ Mike Lindell just emailed more disinformation: "This was a HIT JOB!" He’s clueless about the charges that were in #TinaPetersTrial and the pre-trial agreement BOTH SIDES made. But SEND MONEY!

PS: Tina Peters isn’t "taking a day off." She had to report to probation today.

⚖️ THAT'S A WRAP on the #TinaPetersTrial! Tina Peters was found GUILTY of FOUR FELONIES by a jury in @MesaElections. As @MarioNicolaiEsq said, "Mesa County is one of the reddest counties in Colorado. If anything, they are more prone toward Republican bias." SENTENCING 10/3/24.

#LukeCrew & friends, it’s a joy being with you. Thank you @SengCenter @MarioNicolaiEsq & all. #TinaPetersTrial was crucial. Exposing charlatans is vital for democracy with the #2024Election ahead.
🌞 Thank you for supporting me at .
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