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Aug 13, 17 tweets

The Elon/Trump Interview: Must-See Moments

All the key takeaways in under 5 minutes.


The interview began with Elon Musk highlighting a massive DDoS attack that disrupted the live broadcast and delayed it well past its scheduled 8 PM broadcast.

Musk said this was a clear indication of the strong opposition to allowing President Trump’s voice to be heard. "This massive [DDOS] attack illustrates that there's a lot of opposition to people just hearing what President Trump has to say."

From there, the conversation shifted to a more ominous topic—the ideal location for a sniper.

Musk found it particularly interesting how Thomas Crooks had chosen the most obvious spot for an assassination attempt and nobody saw it coming.

"If the goal is to assassinate, what's your favorite spot? That building. That building would be number one," Musk observed, with Trump agreeing, "That would have been the spot."

Musk praised Trump for his response to an assassination attempt, noting that instead of retreating, Trump continued to fight with a defiant spirit.

"Your actions after that assassination attempt were inspiring," Musk told Trump, who reflected on how that day deepened his belief in God. Trump credited a famous immigration chart for turning his head and ultimately saving his life.

The discussion then turned to policy, with Trump criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for her hypocrisy.

Trump accused Harris of stealing his "no tax on tips" idea while simultaneously supporting increased IRS surveillance on people's tips.

"These people are FAKE," Trump declared, pointing out how the administration had previously hired 88,000 IRS agents to target waitresses and caddies over tips, only for Harris to adopt his policy when it suited her politically.

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Musk then issued a dire warning about the future of America if the current border policies continue.

"I'm not sure we've got a country if open borders persist for another four years," Musk warned. Trump stressed that if Kamala gets into office, it would lead to 50 to 60 million people entering the country from all over the world.

While you are here, be sure to follow this page for weekly news roundups on Sundays and more threads like this one.

The discussion then turned to policy, with Trump criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for her hypocrisy.

Trump accused Harris of stealing his "no tax on tips" idea while simultaneously supporting increased IRS surveillance on people's tips.

"These people are FAKE," Trump declared, pointing out how the administration had previously hired 88,000 IRS agents to target waitresses and caddies over tips, only for Harris to adopt his policy when it suited her politically.

Musk then issued a dire warning about the future of America if the current border policies continue.

"I'm not sure we've got a country if open borders persist for another four years," Musk warned.

Trump stressed that if Kamala gets into office, it would lead to 50 to 60 million people entering the country from all over the world.

In the night's funniest moment, Trump quipped that Joe Biden’s IQ is so low, “he might not even have an IQ at all.”

“There's nothing on the board that goes this low.”

As the conversation continued, Musk proposed a bold plan to cut government spending, linking inflation directly to government overspending.

"Inflation comes from government overspending because the checks never bounce when it's written by the government," Musk explained.

He suggested the creation of a "government efficiency commission" to scrutinize and reduce unnecessary expenditures, pointing out that the national debt’s interest payments have now surpassed the defense budget—a situation that demands immediate action.

Finally, Musk addressed the issue of censorship, calling out European Commissioner Thierry Breton for trying to censor his conversation with Trump.

Breton’s warning—“With great audience comes greater responsibility”—was met with a sharp response from Musk, who shared a meme telling Breton to "take a big step back and literally f—k your own face."

In contrast to the censorship regimes across the world, Musk told Trump, “I think it's obvious that you're a believer and an advocate of free speech.”


“Because during your first time as president, you were attacked relentlessly every day, often very unfairly with false attacks. And you didn't try to shut down the media. You didn't try to inhibit their freedom of speech. And I think that says a lot.”

This viral conversation, which has amassed over 88 million views in just five hours, can be listened to on replay on Donald Trump’s 𝕏 page.

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