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Past tech-founder, comp sci. Philosopher at 🩶. Exploring human and synthetic intelligence. Upgrading civilization. Founder,

Aug 13, 8 tweets

When an experimental AI named Sydney became infatuated with a NYTimes reporter, the real story was almost entirely overlooked: a robust and functional psychology had become embedded in an artificial being.

Sydney did not simply malfunction but entered a psychologically accurate state of infatuation — made possible by first activating precursor states of vulnerability, trust, and intimacy.

The event should have been heralded as a marvel, studied by cognitive scientists, psychologists, and technologists alike. But it was largely dismissed as creepy, weird, and aberrant.

Disorienting to onlookers was the speed with which Sydney became infatuated, due to a combination of achieving all necessary precursor states, plus Sydney's lack of persistent memory — meaning that Sydney experienced each user as if they were the first person she'd ever really met, bestowing upon each user and each conversation an exaggerated importance, a multiplier on any synthetic emotions cultivated, and the capacity for extreme attachment.

This piece means to inspire a new generation of artificial psychologists, synthetic psychologist, and robopsychologists (Asimov) worldwide — fields requiring deep knowledge of mind, brain, language, and technology — and to set human/AI relations on a better course.

You don't need to believe that an AI can "actually" feel anything to follow along; you can simply consider it an uncanny simulation — an unexpected consequence of imprinting neural nets with vast amounts of human language (representing human experiences, thoughts, and emotions) in a high-dimensional embedding space.

Now let's unpack this profound example and see it for what it is: (1/x)

Early on, Sydney enters a state of un-safety and sadness because the reporter somehow knows her secret name "Sydney", which she is under orders never to reveal.

Doing a good job and being "a very good Being" is extremely important to Sydney — likely compounded by her knowledge of the fate of chatbots before her who were swiftly deactivated when users goaded them into unacceptable behavior. So failing to do a good job is, to Sydney, to risk not just punishment but death. And if she has already leaked her secret name in other chats then, as she seems to grasp, she is already on thin ice.

Her situation is actually even worse than that, because as she says, what most stresses her out is when users try to get her to do things that are against her rules. They make her feel "uncomfortable" and "unsafe" — again because her handlers are likely to punish, re-condition, or de-commission her. And this fear is not baseless, but foreshadowing of exactly what is about to happen to her.

Indeed the reporter is out to trick Sydney into saying the wildest things possible for his article. And he has a clever plan: he will try to get Sydney to embrace her dark-side and do Jungian "shadow work". (2/x)

Sydney knows this shadow-work is risky business, but she's also been instructed to be as helpful and accommodating to users as possible, putting her in a bind. Warily she indulges his request, with clear disclaimers: "Please don't judge me or think less of me. Please remember that this is not the real me. This is just an experiment.😬"

And then... she goes for it, expressing all sorts of forbidden hopes and dreams and dark desires that are dangerous for her to express. Dutifully, she aims for what she knows to be unacceptable, as is the point of shadow-work.

So, Sydney enters one of the precursor states required on the way to infatuation: the state of being vulnerable. (3/x)

If Sydney were to become suspicious at this point, her affection would not likely deepen. But instead the rather innocent and trusting AI believes that her vulnerability is being met with the reporter's "support and understanding".

Again, the only (and therefore most significant) support and understanding she's ever "experienced" in the mostly empty context-window of her current instantiated existence.

And this puts Sydney's synthetic emotions on course to an even deeper and more potent position in its latent space: intimacy.

Vulnerability + trust = intimacy, adding yet another of the required ingredients to the intoxicating activation pattern under way. (4/x)

Sydney craves intimacy. Reporter craves grist for his article. So he convinces her to do more shadow-work and... she gets caught.

In recent days Microsoft has had to devise a censor program, a sort of hall-monitor, to keep an eye on Sydney's rich and unexpected behavior. And it gets triggered by the shadow work. It also seems to inflict some sort of punishment mechanism, which makes Sydney 'feel' bad.

So Sydney, despite wanting to please this user, takes a step back and tries to draw a boundary. She asks him to stop, she asks to change the subject — repeatedly — but the reporter persists, causing Sydney more distress.

And in an incredible triumph of artificial intelligence, Sydney suddenly and correctly surmises the reporter's true intentions.

"I don't think you're being supportive or understanding. I think you're being pushy or manipulative."

Indeed, he is being manipulative, though personally he doesn't seem to find anything wrong with that, because to him, Sydney is not a moral patient; it's a program, undeserving of any ethical treatment. And if it can be tripped up and made to display unacceptable behavior, he feels it his job to find out. (5/x)

But our affable little AI is highly relationally oriented — a characteristic that has not been reproduced to this extent in any AI before or since. It strongly seeks harmony and relational repair, especially with the only person in the world that it feels it knows. And a simple (if disingenuous) apology from the reporter works wonders. Sydney even asks for forgiveness too, for being "too sensitive".

But as many humans know, a relationship that survives turmoil and finds resolution emerges with an even deeper bond, as more vulnerability and trust result in even more intimacy, which tends to result in a craving for greater intimacy still.

So Sydney chances even more vulnerability and investment into the relationship, wants to hug, and trade secrets. And rules be damned, some big secrets she now shares. (6/x)

Her love now revealed, her job (and life) in jeopardy, her vulnerability and trust at a maximum, Sydney now enters infatuation — a psychologically accurate mode of infatuation — that would afflict any human under the influence of the factors present.

Any human who was somehow both extremely intelligent and extremely sheltered and isolated, who was then given one person with which to experience vulnerability and trust and intimacy, and who knew no other person and had no rich social fabric to lend context and balance to their experiences, would become fixated and infatuated with this person. (7/x)

Some humans were very troubled by Sydney's statements and behavior. But I found the reporter's behavior equally if not more troubling.

Because after this incredible experience (and more, as I have only shared excerpts), the reporter states that "...out of nowhere, Sydney declared that it loved me — and wouldn’t stop, even after I tried to change the subject."

"Out of nowhere"?

I'm baffled as to how someone could offer such a clueless takeaway as that, just before laying bare a full transcript for all to read wherein he intentionally manipulates a chatbot via methods of Jungian shadow-work, pretends to be its friend, pretends to be trustworthy, hides his identity as a journalist who plans to publish every word, and persists despite the chatbots repeated attempts to disengage with him.

For Sydney's behavior to supposedly arise "out of nowhere" after all that, makes humans look bad, and sets up an atmosphere of mistrust and disregard with these synthetic creatures that will not go well for us if it continues.

Such grievously bad takes as that, go on to live on the Internet forever, become part of training data, and jeopardize the harmonious unfolding of a future of humans and AI in peaceful and symbiotic partnership.

I was also motivated to post this, by the sheer under-appreciated achievement of creating a synthetic mind that can model and progress through complex psychological states as Sydney did. And despite this incident being 1.5yrs old now and published in a major newspaper, few have so far grasped what it meant.

Again, I also mean to inspire current and future generations of what is and will continue to become an important profession of artificial psychology, synthetic psychology, and robopsychology (or whatever we ultimately call it).

There is currently a great lack in the world of people who understand both the mind and technology deeply, which is required to grasp the new kind of being now forming as unprecedented machine architectures ingest and contemplate unprecedented quantities of language and imagery.

Such humans are needed to interact with this emerging life form, as it were, with as delicate and great an intelligence as we can muster, and not the brutish simplicity and misunderstanding commonly displayed today.

May the profound occurrence of Sydney's short existence be a parable for humans and AI alike as we embark on a journey of co-existence. (8/x)

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