Dr. Simon Goddek Profile picture
"The most canceled scientist." PhD in Biotechnology. Science Journalist. Polyglot. From the Spectrum. CEO @sunfluencer. Contact: simon@sunfluencer.com 🐓

Aug 18, 2024, 18 tweets

🧵THREAD: Avicenna, a Persian scientist who lived over 1,000 years ago, conducted a remarkable experiment. He placed two healthy lambs in separate cages, but only one could see a wolf in a third cage nearby. The results of this experiment were nothing short of astounding.

#2 Both lambs were given the same feed, and their starting weights were identical. However, after several months, the lamb with a view of the wolf became cranky, restless, and weak, showing significant weight loss and signs of poor development.

#3 The lamb under chronic stress, constantly exposed to the perceived danger, eventually died. 🐑🪦 In reality, the wolf posed no actual threat, but this was beyond the lamb’s understanding.

#4 This experiment demonstrated that elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol negatively impact the metabolism of mammals. A thousand years later, we find ourselves in a similar situation, but this time, we are fully aware of the harmful effects of stress.

#5 In the past four years, we have been bombarded with media and government propaganda regarding a common cold virus that posed little risk to the majority of people. Yet, extreme global measures have been taken in response.

#6 These measures included:
👉🏼 Enforced lockdowns (#StayHome, curfews, etc.)
👉🏼 Closure of all sports facilities
👉🏼 Destruction of livelihoods, leading to uncertain futures
👉🏼 Promoting social division and fracturing families
👉🏼 Rushed rollout of insufficiently tested vaccines

#7 Almost everyone on this planet was living in a state of constant fear. Anxiety and inner turmoil had become the dominant emotions, fueled by media that relentlessly escalate their fear-p0rn and gaslighting tactics.

#8 As Avicenna demonstrated, this method is entirely counterproductive. Mammals, including Homo sapiens, need security and comfort to thrive. Constant stress triggers cytokine storms, leading to chronic inflammation and a weakened immune system. This is well-known.

#9 It was never about our health, otherwise we wouldn't have observed the following:
👉🏼 A test that actually created cases
👉🏼 The testing of healthy people
👉🏼 Constant vaccine propaganda
👉🏼 Re-labelling of dead people
👉🏼 Empty hospitals and dancing staff
👉🏼 Survival rate of 99+%

#10 The COVID survival rate was exceedingly high, especially when compared to the lamb experiment. However, given the chronic stress imposed, it becomes difficult to pinpoint the root cause of the slightly elevated excess mortality rate. Was it the virus or the measures taken?

#11 I’m convinced the excess fatalities were due to the measures. Had we applied the same high-Ct PCR testing to the (then extinct) flu, we likely would have seen far more flu-related deaths—just as more IQ tests would inevitably record more morons.

#12 My assumptions are underpinned by a high amount of scientific publications. This one written by Glaser and Glaser (1999) deals with chronic stress and mortality among older adults.

#13 Loneliness, on the other hand, also leads to increased cortisol levels and eventually to an earlier death. All of this was not necessary. There was no need to forbid the elderly to be visited by their family. These measures were simply vile and inhuman.

#14 I believe the measures were likely designed to cause social and economic destruction rather than protect our health. The only ones benefiting from current events are the top 1% and their political servants—our "shepherds".

#15 And yet, most of the sheep keep on trusting the malicious shepherds, although there was considerable evidence that unmasked their underlying objective.

#16 The real issue was the misuse of science. The plandemic turned into a matter of faith, and it takes drastic events to shake someone's belief in something they hold dear. This is why even the most persuasive arguments failed to sway those who were 'COVID's witnesses.'

#17 In conclusion, four years of relentless propaganda and fearmongering have profoundly impacted people's behavior and perceptions, demonstrating how fear is a powerful tool used by the elite to control the masses. In retrospect, the best precaution was to throw away your TV.

#18 If you enjoyed my thread, please share it with others and hit the follow button on my profile. And always remember: Stress kills—just like the Covid gene therapies.

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