Rob Law Profile picture
fmr USCIS policy chief || @a1policy Director, Center for Homeland Security & Immigration #AmericaFirst

Aug 19, 2024, 5 tweets

Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse.

Read on for the horrifying details…

Amnesty for all illegal aliens who have invaded our country, including those who impermissibly used taxpayer funded welfare & unlawfully voted in US elections.

Waivers to amnesty convicted illegal alien criminals, vile human traffickers, & other public safety threats. Waivers for nearly all grounds of inadmissibility.

If that’s not bad enough, it immediately issues SSN to all illegal aliens. There will be no vetting & this gets them drivers licenses & voter registration.

And the bill even requires taxpayers to pay for PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED illegal aliens to be brought back to get amnesty.

This radical bill rewards illegal aliens & traffickers while putting Americans last.

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