Rob Law Profile picture
fmr USCIS policy chief || @a1policy Director, Center for Homeland Security & Immigration #AmericaFirst
Aug 20 4 tweets 2 min read
The day after the DNC endorsed amnesty for human traffickers, the DHS Inspector General confirms that Biden-Harris handed over ~320k unaccompanied alien children back to the traffickers. This is FAR WORSE than the 85k lost UAC previously reported by NYT Image The Inspector General confirms that these migrant children Biden-Harris facilitated being trafficked to the US are now trapped in sex trafficking & forced labor. There is NO plan to locate them & return to home country.
Aug 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Kamala Harris’ DNC platform pledges to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act. What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse.

Read on for the horrifying details… Image Amnesty for all illegal aliens who have invaded our country, including those who impermissibly used taxpayer funded welfare & unlawfully voted in US elections. Image