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Reporter @FreeBeacon. Co-host of "Institutionalized" with @CharlesFLehman. DMs open. sibarium @ freebeacon dot com. “A kind of genius”—Jason Stanley

Aug 20, 6 tweets

How bad are hate speech laws in the UK? Saying "it's OK to be white" can result in a harsher sentence than child pornography.

@abigailandwords found numerous cases in which UK judges jailed thought criminals while letting actual criminals off the hook.

The list is shocking.🧵

Judge Benedict Kelleher sentenced a man to 18 months in prison for chanting "who the fuck is Allah?" He gave a lighter sentence to a man who physically assaulted a police officer.

Judge John Temperley gave a man 12 weeks in prison for a racist Facebook post. He did not impose any prison time on a man with 46 indecent images of children.

An incendiary Facebook comment earned a man 20 months in prison, in part because his lack of privacy setting was taken as evidence of incitement.

But 8,000 images of child porn? That will only get you a six month sentence from Judge Kearl.

Judge Rupert Lowe sentenced a man to nine months in jail for shouting racist comments at a football player. Lowe gave no jail time to a doctor who ejaculated into a cup of coffee and gave the cup to a woman.

Read @abigailandwords's entire piece here: nationalreview.com/2024/08/in-bri…

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