Trump’s Truth from today sent me digging down a hole that opened my eyes to potential reasons we have not seen anybody arrested for Treason…
Here’s what I discovered: 🧵
1) First, I did a Q search for the Timestamp in Trump’s Truth (7:55)
and came to Q669, which points out a recorded phone call between Valerie Jarret & Adam ‘Schifty’ Schiff.
It highlights Article 3, Section 3 which is the Constitutional frame of Treason. What it is, how it’s prosecuted and punishment.
2) One thing I never realized, is that the ONLY way someone can be tried for Treason is by the Testimony of TWO Witnesses OR by the person being tried confessing to the crime.
Another IMPORTANT stipulation is that in order for someone to commit treason, the country has to be at war. We do not technically have “an enemy” unless we are at war.
Therefore war must be declared in order for another entity to be considered an enemy and treason is considered committed when someone with allegiance to our country “aids an enemy”.
3) Now, we have to consider that even though we were in a war in Afghanistan at the time, Trump knew crimes of treason were committed and he even called it out on his Twitter.
4) According to law, if the President finds a member of Congress guilty of treason, he has to forward that information and evidence to the Attorney General who will then bring charges to the house to vote if charges should move to senate, etc.
Good luck getting that to move forward.
5) This is why Trump has spent his first term “DRAINING THE SWAMP”.
And it’s even more important why his endorsements had to win this election AND why he MUST win this election.
We MUST vote for Trump if we want people arrested for Treason and we MUST vote for Trump if we want 2020 to be fixed. It WILL NOT HAPPEN BEFORE HAND! Stop stomping your feet about 2020 and Learn the laws of the Constitution!
6) This is also why I immediately thought of Jeff Sessions coming back as AG once Trump is re-elected in November.
Read this Truth he put out the other day about “many people” wanting to return.
Jeff Sessions has been working behind the scenes getting all of the indictments prepared for their unsealing. It will happen quick and all at once if I’m correct in this.
7) Another halt in the crimes of treason and war, is that many crimes occurred BEFORE Trump was in office.
However, many crimes were committed while he was in office AND those crimes were committed with a declared enemy, “CHY-NA”.
8) So when Trump declared that Covid was a threat to the American people, that it came from China and that he was “A War Time President”,
Congress enacted the CARES act based on those declarations. It put us into a war with Congress having to say they “declare war”.
Article I, Sec 11 of the constitution does not state that Congress has to declare war by using those specific terms. Congress can declare war by acting upon the threat of the American people by enacting tools to combat the threat!
9) Any crimes committed with the enemy (China) can be brought to the attorney general for prosecution.
Biden could have brought charges but he didn’t, so now Trump will have to this time around and the swamp has been drained to do so.
Please, please, please vote in November!
This should say “WITHOUT” Congress having to use the term “declare war”.
*This should say Article I, Section 8”
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