Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Aug 22, 17 tweets


Is this the image of Jesus of Nazareth?

New X-ray analysis just revealed the Shroud of Turin, Christ's alleged burial cloth, to be 2,000 years old.



The wounds are consistent with Roman crucifixion and the specifics of the Bible account: marks from the crown of thorns, stab wound in the side, lacerations on the back and bruises on the shoulders.



In crucifixion the wrists were pierced (as accurately reflected in the shroud) not the middle of the palms which is commonly supposed.


Correct, according to the Jesuits.



"I was an atheist who set out to prove Shroud of Turin was fake – but probing it turned me CHRISTIAN & I know it’s REAL."

"I cannot possibly understand anything else that could have produced that image."

- David Rolfe



This is yet another excellent piece of evidence that the Shroud of Turin is indeed real.

This 3D model of Jesus was created using the shroud



Shroud of Turin Used to Create 3D Copy of Jesus

The statue is the three-dimensional representation, in actual size, of the Man of the Shroud, created following the precise measurements taken from the cloth.


Professor Creates 3D Image of Christ from Shroud of Turin [29MAR18]


And because of the "3D" properties of the image, we've even been able to produce 3D, life-size models from it...



Behind ‘The Mystery Man’ and the Shroud of Turin [17OCT22]


Here is another painting depicting this.


[Burial of Jesus > Giovanni Battista della Rovere]


In the words of JPII:

“For the believer, what counts above all is that the shroud is a mirror of the Gospel. ... Whoever approaches it is also aware that the shroud does not hold people’s hearts to itself, but turns them to him.”



Shroud of Turin is 'powerful image of God's love,' says exhibit curator [14APR22]


A new study done on the Shroud of Turin has found that the purported burial cloth of Jesus is 2,000 years old rather than several hundred years old. This is scandalous, even for some religious people who want religion to be an abstract thing. [21AUG24]

New Italian X-Ray study of Shroud of Turin CONFIRMS it dates to 2000 years ago

This debunks previous flawed carbon dating

The shroud was scientifically matched to a piece of linen known to date from the siege of Masada in 72 AD



Turin Shroud Study Claims Controversial Cloth Does Date to Time of Jesus


X-ray Dating of a Turin Shroud’s Linen Sample…

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