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Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire | Co-Founder of @TAmTrib | WASP

Aug 23, 12 tweets

At this point, we all know that they're doing this

Britain's locking up protesters for speaking against immigration, and American prosecutors won't lock up felons

But why do they do it?

It's the time-tested way tyrants like them win power 🧵👇

First, there are various people and interests behind this, of course

George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation are a good example: that's where woke American AGs and prosecutors who won't lock up felons get their campaign cash from

Similarly, you can bet a whole host of NGOs fund those who are letting criminals out of jail to make room for normal people who will be locked up

But it's bigger than that. It's not just that insane woke people are causing chaos

It's also that this is a repeated tactic communists, and tyrants generally, use to gain power: create chaos and then exploit stopping it to become popular and have an excuse for solidifying power and crack down on dissent

The communists, for example, opened up the prisons and let all manner of violent thugs out of jail, letting them prey on the populace

It's one of the more shocking parts of "Always with Honor" by General Wrangel, for example: as the Revolution began, the prison population of the Crimea was suddenly out on the streets and causing chaos, often when garbed in the insignia of the communists and with their support

Similarly, much the same thing began the French Revolution: the mob stormed the Bastille, killed the guards, and freed the (couple remaining) prisoners, including the Marquis de Sade

Anarchy then followed, which the worst of the revolutionaries were quick to exploit

In both cases, it ought be remembered, it wasn't that those taking power were against locking people up in prison

Both were known for covering their hands with blood in the years that followed, with many a poor soul sent to a prison camp and killed

So, it's not that they were against prison, whatever their rhetoric surrounding it might have been

Rather, it's that they knew criminals were their allies in the war against the old order

Whether the scum of Russia locked up during the Great War for stealing, murdering, draft dodging, and so on, or the enemies of the enemies of the French state, rotting in the symbol of the king's power, those locked up by the sane state were beloved by its demented attackers

The old orders in France and Russia weren't prison camp states in the Soviet mold, after all. Yes, both had prisoners and the Russian czars had the exile camps in
Siberia. But their hands were hardly stained with blood. They weren't wiping out an entire order like France or murdering millions like the Soviets

But it wasn't just that the bloodthirsty revolutionaries were ideologically allied with the sorts who would steal and murder

It was also that they knew letting such people out of prison would help them gain power

Thousands of criminals running loose during the revolution would cause chaos, reduce the existing state's legitimacy, distract people from paying attention politically, and, most importantly, tire them out and make them crave order, no matter who provided it

Countless tyrants have done this. The Nazis were well known for it with the street fights against the communists, the Soviets did it during the Revolution, and the blood-soaked tyrants of the French Revolution used the preceding chaos to justify their rule

Augustus, similarly, was accepted by Rome in part because of the decades of chaos and bloodshed that preceded him. He was less of a tyrant, but it was a similar justification

To return to Britain, and the rest of the West as well, particularly crime-wracked and illegal migrant-saturated countries like the United States, that's why they're doing this

Think, for example, of all they want to do. The Great Reset. Civilian disarmament (gun control). Outlawing beef. 15-minute cities. Getting rid of gas-powered cars

All of that will be highly unpopular. No one wants to eat cockroaches and not be allowed to leave a small radius, like some medieval peasant

But they might be willing to accept all of it, to accept the outcome @Babygravy9 wrote about in The Eggs Benedict Option, if there's enough chaos to make them accept it. If the Great Reset seems worth it in comparison to the chaos of rampaging, crime-causing foreigners

So, their whole goal is to make The Great Reset seem worth it, just as earlier their goal was to make Marat seem worth it or Lenin and the Reds seem worth it

So, when normal people are locked up for speaking their mind and some illegal immigrant gets away with murder, that's why. They want you to accept their tyranny

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