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Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire | Co-Founder of @TAmTrib | WASP
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Sep 7 13 tweets 6 min read
What does DEI lead to? What is affirmative action policies' desired end effect?

South Africa shows. Impoverishment at the bottom, a hammering of the wealth of Europeans, and corrupt enrichment the hierarchy ladder's top

🧵👇 on the destruction of South Africa through DEI Image South Africa used to be a thriving land. Much like Rhodesia to its north, it had a modern, industrial economy that took great advantage of its natural resource wealth, from the wealth of its fertile soil to the immense resources deep underground

Then things started to change as the world went woke

First, inflation ripped through the economy as sanctions and embargoes meant it couldn't import needed resources it was without, such as oil. While that might not have immiserated the populace in the way Zimbabwean inflation did, it was a problem and the economy wasn't as strong as it could have beenImage
Sep 6 10 tweets 6 min read
One of the other cool things about Rhodesia is that looking at it, and what people were like in it, is that it was still a land of adventure in a world growing ever more bureaucratic and HR-dominated

Not only is that like the Old World in a good way, but it's what we need

🧵👇 Image Pictures and stories from Rhodesia hint at that aspect of it

A few Selous Scouts out on patrol, them against a near-infinite number of enemies. Stories about drunken excursions, practical jokes in the jungle, and run-ins with megafauna

Everywhere is regulated to some degree, but fun was still possible, even despite a bloody and long-running warImage
Sep 5 16 tweets 8 min read
One thing I haven't yet managed to articulate in my 🧵s is why Rhodesia is relevant to America, other than that America was involved in its destruction

So, time for a new 🧵: The Mugabification of the World and Why Rhodesia Matters

🧵👇Image First, as a brief review of what happened (though there's a longer 🧵 on this linked at the bottom):

When Mugabe came to power in 1980, he was the head of a country that had long been the breadbasket of Africa and was quickly industrializing, at least until the Bush War kicked into high gear

He destroyed all that. He solidified power by genociding the Ndebele tribe (loyal to his rival, Nkomo) in the Gurukhundi and confiscated all privately owned weapons. Then, he seized the farms of white farmers and handed them to his followers

That was a big issue, as none of them really knew how to farm. So, the formerly thriving farms laid fallow for want of effort and knowledge. Not only did the country starve from famine, but now it had no exports with which it could earn foreign exchange and so it couldn't pay its debts or import food. Thus came the hyperinflation for which Zimbabwe is famous, and the continent no longer had its breadbasketImage
Sep 5 7 tweets 4 min read
This might be my most unpopular take, but whatever

The West works FAR BETTER when guys are drinking more

Time for a very short 🧵

Image Pretty much all of the Agricultural Revolution and the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, and the military improvements that made the West and undefeatable behemoth for a century came during the Georgian Era and Regency

During the Regency the gentlemen were sneered at if they couldn’t make it through 4 to 6 bottles of port and claret (red wine) during dinner. “Just” two was seen as shameful

Meanwhile workers were drinking cider and beer all dayImage
Sep 5 12 tweets 6 min read
This is one of those things that people say, but by what metric is it true?

Churchill’s writing was excellent, but he failed at nearly everything he attempted to do

Its time for a 🧵 on Churchill’s leadership and accomplishments, for better and worse

🧵👇 Image First, in this I will try to focus not on moralizing, but on describing what Churchill did and how it impacted Britain’s national interests and fate, not if it did the moral thing or helped others who weren’t British

So, to begin Churchill’s writing generally was quite good. His Marlborough biography is superb, as is the River War. The History of the English Speaking People is quite good as well

Then there are his histories of WWI and II, both of which are reasonably good and widely read. Since he wrote them and portrayed himself favorably in them, he’s seen on a better light in part thanks to his own writingImage
Sep 4 9 tweets 5 min read
"A man"

There's so much going on in this post that it's gonna need a 🧵 to examine, namely how everywhere in America is turning into South Africa and Americans are too worried about "optics" nad "political correctness" to properly keep themselves and their families safe

🧵👇Image First there's the mere description of the guy as "a man" despite the fact that the "man" was apparently screeching about white hatred

That vague description was probably required by the reddit rules, instead of saying a "homeless black guy" or "crackhead'

A sane society would be comfortable describing criminals, black, white, or otherwise, so that 1) future potential passers by could avoid such a murderous lunatic, 2) to help with identification or bringing out other victims, and 3) because it's the truth and so it shouldn't matter if people are offendedImage
Sep 3 12 tweets 6 min read
It's really hard to grace a word Barry, the community organizer, says with a response, but this is important: the same leftists who screech about the working class are destroying that same class with mass migration.

It's true in Europe, true in Canada, and true in the US

🧵👇Image First, what is mass migration from a political point of view?

I think that @martyrmade put it extremely well in his interview with @TuckerCarlson

Mass migration is the idea from the current crop of "leaders" that they have no responsibility to the past generations or future generations, and, I would add, thus can import infinite amounts of incompetent, third world biomass to temporarily help pension plans keep a nostril above waterImage
Sep 3 10 tweets 7 min read
You were told the Cold War was about "fighting communism."

That's not really true. Though "we" were sometimes aligned against the communists, the period was much more about replacing old world systems with "liberal democracy," whatever the cost, than stopping the Reds

By that, I mean that the United States saw both colonialism/imperialism and old-style aristocratic rule as abominable and needing to be destroyed, often by empowering the non-communist left

That meant that, while the Soviets were sometimes an enemy, they were treated as a world partner to negotiate with, but the old colonial powers were treated as satraps that had to follow our orders and give up their imperial possessions. Meanwhile, the aristocracies of those colonial lands were ground under the dust despite being the one group that might be able to organize resistance to the left

Sometimes the Soviets/Red Chinese and their allies were fought to make that happen, as in Vietnam. But, that came second, in terms of what America ensured happened, to destroying the old order

In any case, the Soviets were able to make many of their gains, at least early in the conflict, thanks to secrets, material, and American innovations freely given to them by FDR the pinko and the communists in his administration. Those like McCarthy who tried to root out such subversion were treated as the enemy for doing soImage
Sep 2 10 tweets 5 min read
A problem with democracy is that if a problem's answer is intolerable to the masses, then the answer is ignored

A great example is the military's recruiting crisis

The reason for it's obvious, as is the solution, but's intolerable to "our democracy" and so won't be used
🧵👇 Image The obvious problem is that it's only really ever been straight white men, namely Anglo and Scots-Irish men, who volunteer for the front-line units in any appreciable numbers

Non-whites and other white ethnics are underrepresented in combat arms units, and women/gays/trannies aren't there in appreciable numbers and when they are it's a major problemImage
Sep 2 14 tweets 7 min read
If you celebrate Labor Day, you celebrate an anti-American Spirit holiday

The concept of "labor" as an organized force in America, and still less a "good" as an organized force, is wholly foreign and inimical to the mindset and attitude that made America great

A short 🧵👇
First, America, until the changes wrought by the Gilded Age, never really had "labor" as a large body of people who were in that condition for life

There were indentured servants, but they either died after a few years in the tough conditions or eventually completed their contract and set out on their own.

There were slaves until 1865, but that's not really "labor," as they're someone's property rather than working for someone. Their overseers were technically employees, but few were in that position for life and if they were then that was treated as a bad thing

There were often employees on farms and in shops and ships, along with other small parts of the economy like banks, but that was treated as a temporary condition necessary for gaining the capital needed to buy and/or start a farm or business, not as a life conditionImage
Sep 1 10 tweets 6 min read
One of the most pervasive and insane lies of the past few decades is that the American Indians were living in peace and harmony until those nasty Europeans showed up and killed them while “stealing” their land

It’s nearly totally false, and is rooted in Cultural Marxism 🧵👇 Image First, as to the peace loving part, it’s probably the most idiotic myth

While an occasional tribe here or there might have been less violent than others, on the whole they were quite violent

And that’s not just in conquering and subjugating other tribes, though they did that too. Its also in the bloody, sickening tortures they carried out as a matter of course

Burning people alive, raping and torturing to death peaceful European women and children, hacking apart prisoners with sea shells, bit by bit, flaying them alive, etc

And that was widespread. As @njhochman pointed out in a recent tweet, while death by homicides was the cause of 2% of deaths across Europe at the time (17th century), in some native tribes it was 50%. And that often meant being tortured to death, not just stabbedImage
Aug 31 9 tweets 4 min read
They’re waging a war on smoking and drinkingbecause they want you alone and atomized

It’s not really a health thing, as shown by what else the same sorts of people allow and promote

A very short 🧵👇 Image First, yes there are of course health aspects to smoking. It’s awful for you (though it tends to keep you skinny and nicotine itself is a nootropic)

But these same anti-smoking activists promote marijuana, which is the green about as bad for the lungs and can lead to schizophrenia issues

Further, they promote needle issuance to drug addicts, trans surgeries including for minors, claim exercise is bad for you, and promote all manner of similarly anti-health adviceImage
Aug 30 13 tweets 7 min read
The constant refrain when you question the current state of things is that “the world is improving” and “poverty is decreasing”

That’s true, but civilization is obviously falling apart. From the perspective of human progress and flourishing, things have gotten far worse

🧵👇 First, it is true that poverty, in many respects, has decreased noticeably

The slums are still around and awful, but rarely in the way that was once common

Similarly, famine is less of a blight than it used to be and more often a result of local gangsterism and fighting than natural disaster or chanceImage
Aug 29 11 tweets 6 min read
PM Meloni of Italy now says she wants to take on the migrant crisis: "We risk becoming Europe's refugee camp . . . We need a naval blockade in Libya and to start sinking NGO ships"

NATO made the invasion happen...Gaddafi was killed to ensure migrants flow into Europe. A 🧵👇 For one, her whole rant is just absurd. The Italians have a modern air force and navy with 184 vessels, as @Babygravy9 immediately pointed out

If she really wanted to blockade Libya and sink NGO ships, 1) she could and 2) she'd have the Mandate of Heaven and eternal love from her people, who want the migrant crisis to stop

It's that she just doesn't want to do it or is to scared to do it...if she had a spine and the intent, she could just stop the migrant invasion in like a week, if that, and begin remigrationImage
Aug 29 11 tweets 5 min read
Ok, and now for why the media hates Bukele, as this absurd TIME cover shows it absolutely does

The reason is somewhat different than why the regime itself hates Bukele, though it's quite related

Time for a new 🧵👇
Image First, as a reminder for those who didn't read the previous 🧵, the reason the governing regimes of the West despise @nayibbukele is that he shows citizens and subjects of such nations that the reason their countries are crime-infested hellholes is government policy, not some inexorable force of crime turning them into that despite government attempts to rectify the situation
Aug 28 15 tweets 7 min read
How did Mugabe destroy Rhodesia, turning the breadbasket of Africa into a starving hellhole wracked by hyperinflation and famine?

It's a pretty simple story, as things went just how you'd expect, but it holds a good number of important lessons for America

So, a 🧵👇 on thisImage Mugabe, for those who don't know, was Zimbabwe's "One Man, One Rule, One Time" dictator who came to power shortly after Rhodesia fell and then ruled for decades

He "served" as Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987, and then changed titles and ruled as President from 1987 to 2017 Image
Aug 27 10 tweets 6 min read
Why Does the Regime Hate Bukele?

It's an important question, as only he has solved the crime problem in this century

In short, it's because he used the power of the state to crush the bloodthirsty, Satan-worshipping MS-13 gang instead of tolerating it

I'll explain in 🧵👇 First, yes, the gang really is Satanic. This is what @nayibbukele told Tucker:

"They are Satanic.... They started killing more people..but as the organization grew, they became Satanic. They started doing Satanic rituals...When you interview gang members in prison...when you ask them why they aren't in the gang anymore....

"The guy asked how many people have you killed? He didn't remember how many. They asked him what is your position? He explained how he went up in position but he left the gang.

"He explains, 'I was used to kill people. I killed for territory, extortion...but I came to this house; they were about to kill a baby.' He said, 'why are we going to kill that baby?' They told him, 'because "the beast" asked for a baby, so we have to give him a baby.'

"He left the gang so he couldn't tolerate what he was seeing... So human sacrifice was a part.... There's a spiritual war and there's a physical war. If you win the spiritual war, it will reflect into the physical war. Our impressive victory was because we won the spiritual war... You said I have a three point plan..And you said the first part of my plan is to seek God's wisdom."Image
Aug 27 17 tweets 10 min read
While I've been positive about Rhodesia and its war effort against the whole world, it went lost because it had no strategy for winning and ending the war on its terms

Rhodesia Shows You Can't Count on Western Commies to Become Sane or "Conservatives" to Suppor the Right

🧵👇Image This thread was sparked by a funny interaction with @DonShift3 that led me to think, "well, what were the Rhodesians actually doing to try to win the war?"

So, here's my attempt to describe why Western ideology meant their strategy failed and what should have been done differently, at the 50,000-foot level

There's not much other than hoping for sanity from other governments, unfortunately, and that's probably why they lost, as there was no strategy in place to turn a grinding war into victory. Its strategy was essentially just to hold on and fend off the communists in the hope the Western governments remained sane and stopped helping communists destroy itImage
Aug 26 14 tweets 7 min read
One of the more interesting world projects is a thriving, private town in the desert of South Africa called Orania

A beacon of safety and prosperity in declining South Africa, it holds many lessons for America

Here's a 🧵 on its history and the lessons it provides

🧵👇 Image First, they have a media arm headed by @StrydomJoost, who talks much about the town, so I'm not giving anything away

It does no good to hide a lamp under a bushel basket, so they promote the town and discussing it isn't risking destroying it Image
Aug 25 13 tweets 6 min read
It’s sickening watching ISIS destroy these statues, some of which date back thousands of years before the Romans

But that’s more or less what the left wants to do to America as it destroys
statues and history

It’s also my pet conspiracy theory for why Obama aided them

🧵👇 First, this is mainly just idle speculation based on what similarities I see between the woke left and history hating Islamists, namely their willingness to destroy artifacts of history they now see as heretical. There’s no hard evidence Obama supported them for that reason

But remember, under the Timber Sycamore program, Obama did have the COA provide weapons to Islamist groups including ISIS

Relatedly, there’s a 2012 DIA report that indicates Obama and allied countries provided aid to the groups that became ISIS, one about which @GenFlynn was damned for speaking

He also nixed at least one operation that would have destroyed them early onImage
Aug 24 9 tweets 6 min read
South Africa is even more violent and crime-ridden than Somalia, so, how do South Africans defend themselves?

As the West, America, faces South Africanization and violent crime skyrocketing, we must learn how to fight it off

Here's a 🧵 on how South Africans do so

🧵👇Image First, a bit of background on why it's important: we all know (or at least people who pay attention to the real world know) that basic self-defense things, like learning how to use a concealed pistol, how to fight, and staying alert for potential bad actors, is critical. There are a ton of great accounts on here, @DolioJ is the first that comes to mind, that know a great deal more about the traditional equipment and training side of preparation, even for extreme circumstances

But, sometimes, that's not enough. A G19 is great for if there's a mugger or two, but what if there are large gangs of people using signal jammers to break into homes and murder the inhabitants while preventing them from calling for help? What if car-jackings aren't just endemic to your city, as in DC and Atlanta, but a near certainty if you're stopped on the road, as is the case in some areas in South Africa? What if rampaging criminals of the sort @k9_reaper draws attention to are the norm rather than a shocking rarity?

That's when more intense, more creative solutions are necessary. So, that's what will discuss todayImage